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The Doings 
of the 
August 94 
to March 9  S 

The Doings of the 
Fifieenth Infantry Brigade 
August  9 4 to March  9  5 

The Doings of the 
Fifteenth Infantry Brigade 

August 19 I4 to March 1915 


(now Major-General LORD I,DWARD GL,ICldEN), 
K.C.V.O.» C.].» C.M.t.;. D.S.O. 

William Blackwood & Sons 
Edinburgh and London 


THE following pages--not in the first in- 
stance intended for publication--contain an 
expanded version of the very scrappy Diary 
which I kept in France from day to day. 
The version was intended for private 
home consumption only, and has necessarily 
had tobe pruned of certain personal matters 
before being alloved to make its bow to 
the public. I have purposely refrained from 
adding toit in the light of subsequent 
I trust that the reader will consequently 
bear in mind the essentially individual and 
impressionist aspects of this little work, 
and will hot expect to find either rigidly 
historical, professional, or critical marrer 

14th August 1917. 



22 - 38 
39 - 43 
44 - 56 
57 - 86 
87 - 93 






The Doings of the 
Fifteenth Infantry Brigade. 

August i9i 4 to March 1915. 

IN accordance with the order received at 
Belfast at 5.30 P.M. on the 4th, the 15th 
Brigade started mobilizing on the 5th 
August 1914, and by the 10h was complete 
in ail respects. We were practically ready 
by the 9th, but a machine-gun or two and 
some harness were a bit late arriving from 
Dublin--not our fault. Everything had 
already been rehearsed at mobilization in- 
spections, held as usual in the early summer, 
and all went like clock-work. On the 8th 
we got our final orders to embark on the 
14th, and on the llth the embarkation 
orders arrived in detail. 
Brigade Headquarters consisted of myself, 
Captain Weatherby (Oxford L.I.) as Brigade 


Major, Captain Moulton-Barrett (Dorsets), 
Staff Captain, Captain Roe (Dorsets), Brigade 
Machine-Gun Officer, Lieutenant Cadell, 
R.E., Signalling Officer, and Lieutenant 
Beilby, Brigade Veterinary Officer. Military 
Police, A.S.C. drivers, postmen, and all sorts 
of odds and ends arrived from apparently 
nowhere in particular, and fitted together 
with extraordinary little effort. The bat- 
talions grew fo unheard-of sizes, and by the 
rime that all was complete the Brigade 
numbered 127 officers, 3958 men, 258 horses, 
and 74 vehicles. 

A ug. 14th. 
The Cheshires 1 and Bedfords e arrived by 
train in the early morning of the 14th from 
'Derry and Mullingar and went straight on 
board their ships -- Brigade Headquarters, 
Dorsets, 3 and half the Norfolks 4 being in 
one, Cheshires and the other hall of the 
Norfolks in another, and the Bedfords in a 
Great waving of handkerchiefs and cheer- 

1 1st ]att. (Lieut.-Col. D. C. toger). 
2 1st Batt. (Lieut.-Col. C. R. Grifiith, D.S.O.). 
 1st ]att. (Lieut.-Col. L. J. ]ols, D.S.O.). 
 1st Batt. (Lieut.-Col. C. R. Ballard). 


ing as we warped slowly out of Belfast 
docks af 3 P.M. and moved slowly down the 

A ug. 16th. 
The weather was beautifully fine on the 
passage, and on the 16th we all arrived af 
our destination. 
The Bedfords had arrived on the previous 
ride to ourselves, and were already fast 
alongside the quay. Orders were received 
from the Disembarking Officer, and we dis- 
embarked and formed up independently and 
marched off fo Rest Camp No. 8, six toiles 
off on the hills above Havre. 
If had been pouring heavily on shore for 
two days, though if was quite fine when we 
landed; so the ground where we were fo 
encamp was mostly sopping. It was hot 
easy fo find in the dark, especially as the 
sketch-maps with which we were provided 
most distinctly acted up fo their names. 
Added to these difficulties, a motor-lorry 
had stuck on the way up and blocked out 
transport for the nght. I rode ahead alone, 
but had immense difficulty in finding the 
Brigade tteadquarters Camp, which was 
quite a long way from the other battaHon 


calnps. These were dotted on he open 
fields at some distance from each other, 
and pitched in no particular order, so that 
by the time I had got my bearings and 
brought in the battalions, if was about 
11 I.M. There was of course no baggage, 
nor anything fo sleep on except the bare 
ground under the tents, with our saddles 
for pillows; and as a pleasant excitement 
nearly ail our horses stampeded about 2 A.i., 
tore up their picketing-pegs from the soft 
ground, and disappeared into the darkness 
in different directions. 

Aug. 17th. 
Daylight, however, brought relief, and a 
certain amount of our transport; and all the 
horses were discovered in course of rime 
and brought back. Most of the morning 
was spent, unsuccessfully, in trying fo bring 
up the remaining transport up a steep and 
narrov road which was the only alternative 
to the blocked one. But some of the horses 
jibbed, and we had eventually fo give it up 
and bring up supplies by hand. 
The battalions were comfortably settled 
down under the expectation of another 
night there; but at 2.15 I.M. we got orders 
to move off by train at night. This we did 


from three different stations, at rimes vary- 
ing from 12 midnight to 5.45 A.., having 
arrived according fo order at the stations 
four hours previously. This is the French 
system, allowing four hours for the entrain- 
ing of a unit. Although a lot of man- 
handling had fo be done, and the trucks 
vere hot what we had been accustomed fo, 
we all entrained in about forty minutes, so 
had any amount of rime fo spare. 
Silver (my first charger) was very bobbery 
as usual, and it took a good half-hour to 
persuade him fo enter his truck. Once in, 
he slept like a lamb. 

Aug. 18th. 
We were comfortable enough, though 
packed like sardines, and vith three-quarters 
of an hour's rest at Rouen for coffee, and 
another rest at Amiens--where we heard 
that poor General Grierson, our Corps Com- 
mander, was dead--broke a blood-vessel 
in the train mwe arrived at Busigny af 
2.15 l.i. Here we found Captain Hyslop 1 
(Dorsets), who hd been sent ahead from 
Belfast, and who gave us orders to detrMn 
af Le Cateau, a few rniles farther on. I 

i IIyslop was vcry severely woundcd six days atterwtu'ds 
nd tken prisoner, but exchangcd lter on. 


must say that all these disembarking and 
training arrangements were extraordinarily 
well done, and reflected great credit on the 
Allied staffs combined. No hitch, no fuss, 
no worry, everybody got their orders in 
time, and all necessary arrangements had 
been carefully thought out beforehand. 
We arrived at Le Cateau at 3.10 P.M., and 
detrained in hall an hour, baggage and ail. 
The battalions marched off fo their billets,-- 
Dorsets and Headquarters fo Ors, the other 
three battalions to Pommereuil: nice clean 
little villages both of them. 
When about halfway out to Ors--I was 
riding on ahead of the Brigade with only 
Weatherby--we were met by a motor bikist 
with a cypher telegram for me. This stumped 
us completely, as, hot yet having reported 
fo the Division, we had hOt yet received the 
local field cypher-word; so, seeing a car 
approaching with some " brass hats" in it, 
I rode across the road and stopped it, with 
a view to getting the key. To my horror, 
Sir John French and Sir A. Murray de- 
scended from the car and demanded fo know 
why I had stopped them. I explained and 
apologised, and they were very pleasant 
about it; but on looking ai the wire they 


said that I could disregard it, as they knew 
what it was about, and it was of no par- 
ticular importance by this rime; so we pur- 
sued our way in peace. 
The billeting had already been done for 
us by our (5th) Divisional Staff, and we 
round no difficulty in shaking down. 
I was billeted on a small elderly lady of 
the name of Madame W----, who was kind- 
ness itself, and placed herself and her house 
at our disposal; but I regret to say that 
when our men, in search of firewood, picked 
up some old bits of plank lying about in 
the garden, she af first ruade a shocking 
fuss, tried to make out that it was a whole 
tituber stack of new wood, and demanded 
fifty francs compensation. She eventually 
took two francs and was quite content. 
Here it was that Saint André joined us, 
having been cast off by the 5th Divisional 
Staff at Landrecies as a superfluous inter- 
preter. Looking like an ordinary French 
subaltern with a pince-nez, he was in fact 
 Protestant pastor from Tours, son of the 
Vicomte de Saint André, very intelligent and 
"cultured," with a great sense of humour 
and extremely keen. I really cannot speak 
too highly of him, for he was a most use- 


fui addition to the Staff. In billeting and 
requisitioning, and in all matters requiring 
tact in connection with the inhabitants or 
the French Army, he was invaluable. I used 
him later as A.D.C. in action, and as Ocier 
de liaison with the French troops. I don't 
know what his knowledge of divinity may 
have been, but if if was anything like 
equal to his military knowledge if must 
have been considereoble. He had studied 
theology af Edinburgh, and his English 
was very fluent, luckily untouched by a 
Scottish accent. He was always bubbling 
over with vitality and go, and plunged 
into English with the recklessness of his 
race; when he couldn't express himself 
clearly he invented words which were the 
joy of the Mess,--" pilliate," "whizzle," "con- 
temporative," and dozens of others that I 
can't remember; and what used fo charm 
us particularly was that he so often went 
out of his way to put the accent on the 
wrong syllable, such as in bilyétting, bri- 
gade, ttack, ambassddor, &c. He was, 
indeed, a great acquisition to the Brigade. 1 
1 He was subsequently awarded the D.S.O. and Croix 
de Guerre (aux Palmes) for excellent and gallant work 
achieved under tire. 


Aug. 19th. 
Next morning I rode across fo have a 
look ai the other b,ttalions. The trans- 
port horses of the Cheshires were perhaps 
hOt all they might bave been, but if was 
the particular stamp of Derry horse that 
was ai fault, and hOt the battalior arrange- 
ments. Otherwise we vere ready for the 

A ug. 20th. 
We had arrived on the Tuesday (18th), 
and on the Thursday Sir C. Fergusson 
(commanding 5th Division) paraded the 
Brigade by battalions and ruade them a 
short speech, telling us we were fo rnove 
on the morrow, and giving us a few tech- 
nical tips about the Germans and how fo 
meet their various viles, largely about 
machine-guns and their methods of attack 
in large numbers. The Bedfords were the 
most interested audience, and interrupted 
him every now and then with " 'Ear, 'ear,' 
and a little handclapping ai important 
points. I think the General was a little 
nonplussed aL this .attention: I know I 
was. Whether if was due or hOt fo the 
audience being accustomed fo attending 


political meetings at home, or to the air of 
Bedfordshire being extremely vitalising I 
don't know, but once or twice afterwards 
when the battalion was addressed by General 
Smith Dorrien, 1 and even by Sir J. French, 
they showed their approbation in the 
manner above set forth--somewhat to my 


Aug. 21st. 
Next day we moved off early. I already 
found myself overburdened with kit- al- 
though I had hOt even as much as the 
regulation 150 lb.--and I left a camp-bed 
and a thick waistcoat and various odds 
and ends behind in Madame W's cup- 
board, under the firm belief that I might 
at some future period send for it if I 
wanted if. Alas! the Germans have now 
been af Ors for close on three years. 
A hot march of about fifteen toiles brought 
us to Gommignies. Stragglers, I regret to 
say, were already many--all of them re- 
servists, who had not carried a pack for 
years. They had every intention of keep- 
ing up, of course, but simply could not. 
I talked to several of them and urged 
 Commanding of course the 2nd Corps (composed of the 
3rd and 5th Divisions). 


them along, but the answer was always 
the saine--" Oh, l'Il get along ai1 right, sir, 
after a bit of rest; but I ain't accustomed 
fo carrying a big weight like this on a 
hot day," and their scarlet streaming faces 
certainly bore out their views. To do them 
justice, they practically all did turn up. 
I was afraid that, in spire of great care 
and the numerous orders I had issued 
about the fitting and greaslng of new 
boots, it was the boots which were at 
fault; but if was not so, except in a very 
few cases. 
Our billeting parties had, of course, been 
sent ahead and started on their work. If 
was naturally quite new work fo thern, 
and it took a lot of rime at first--two and 
three hours--before the men were settled. 
Nowadays if takes half an hour, or at most 
an hour, as everybody knows his job, and 
also takes what is given him af once, 
squash or no squash. After a little cam- 
paigning men very quickly find out that if 
is better fo shake down a.t once, even in 
uncomfortable billets, than to hang about 
and try to get better ones. Here we got 
first touch, though very indirectly, with 
the enemy, in the shape of a French 
patrol of Chasseurs à Cheval (in extra- 


ordinarily voyant light-blue tunics and 
shakos), who had corne in from somewhere 
north after having seen some "Uhlans" 
and hunted them off. I sent the news, 
such as if was, on to the Division. 
And here I must lay stress on the fact 
that throughout the campaign we did hot 
know in the least what was happening 
elsewhere. Beyond the fact that the 3rd 
Division was somewhere on out right, and 
that the French cavalry was believed fo 
be covering out left front, we dld hOt 
know af this period what the movement 
was about or where the Germans were 
supposed fo be. We trusted fo out 
superiors fo do what was necessary, and 
plunged blindly into the "fog of war." 
The usual proceedings on the ordinary 
line of march were that, on receiving 
"Divisional Orders," which arrived af 8.ny 
tire in the afternoon, or offert af night, 
we compiled "Brigade Orders" on them. 
Divisional Orders give one first of all any 
information about the enemy which if is 
advisable fo impart, then the intention of 
the Divisional General--whether he means 
fo fight on the morrow, or march, or stay 
where he is, &c., &c.; and if he means to 


march he gives the direction in which the 
Division is fo proceed, the order of march, 
by brigades, artillery, divisional troops such 
as R.E., heavy batteries, divisional cavalry, 
&c., &c., and generally says where and 
how the transport is fo march, whether 
with ifs own troops or some way behind, 
and if so, where; and gives directions as 
fo the supplies, where the refilling-point, 
rendezvous for supply carts, and railhead 
are, and many other odds and ends, es- 
pecially as to which brigade is fo provide 
the advanced- or rear-guard, who is fo 
command if, af what rime the head of the 
column and the heads of ail the forma- 
tions are fo pass a given point, and so on. 
On receiving these orders we bave fo make 
out and issue similarly composed Brigade 
Orders in detail, giving the order of match 
of the battalions and Brigade tteadquarters, 
how much rations are fo be carried on the 
men and in the cook-waggons, what is fo 
happen fo the supply and baggage waggons, 
whether B transport (vehicles not absolutely 
necessary in the fighting line) are fo be 
with the A transport in rear of their re- 
spective battalions, or fo be bunched up 
by themselves behind the Brigade, with 


similar detailed orders about the advanced- 
guard or rear-guard, and the rime fo a 
minute as fo when each detail is fo pass 
a given point, the position of the Brigadier 
in the column, the point fo which reports 
are fo be sent, &c., &c. These orders might 
be written in anything from fifteen to ilfty 
minutes according fo the movement re- 
quired, and then had fo be quadruplicated 
and sent out fo the battalions by their 
respective orderlies, or by wire. By the 
rime the battalions had written out and 
transmitted their own orders to their com- 
panies if was sometimes very late indeed; 
but as the campaign went on, orders got 
more and more simplified somehow, and 
things got done quicker than af the be- 
ginning of the prenier pas. 
The country through which we were 
passing was that technically described by 
novelists as "smiling." That is to say, it 
was pretty, in a mild sort of way, clean, 
green, with tidy farmhouses and cottages, 
and fields about ripe for the harvest. Plenty 
of orchards there were too, with lots of 
fruit-trees alongside the roads, and the 
people were most kind in offering us fruit 
and milk and water and coffee and even 


wine as we went along. But this could not 
be allowed on the march, as it would have 
led to men falling out without permission, 
and also to drinking more than was good 
for them whilst marching. Except, therefore, 
occasionally, and then only during the ten 
minutes' halt that we had in each hour, I 
did hot allow these luxuries to be accepted. 
Gommignies was a nice shady little town, 
and the Notaire gave me an excellent bed- 
room in his big house; whilst I remember 
that I ruade acquaintance there with the 
excellent penny cigar of the country. 

A ug. 22nd. 
Off at cock-crow next day, the country 
got uglier, blacker, more industrial, and 
more thickly populated as we pushed on 
through the heat, and by the rime we 
crossed the Belgian frontier we felt indeed 
that we were in another land. 
The beastly paved road with cobbles, just 
broad enough for one vehicle and extremely 
painful to the feet, whilst the remainder of 
the road on both sides was deep in dust or 
caked mud, was a most offensive feature; 
the people staring and croxvding round the 
troops were quite a different type from the 


courteous French peasants; and whilst in 
France not a single able-bodied civilian had 
been visible--ail having joined the Army-- 
in Belgium the streets were crowded with 
men who, we felt most strongly, ought 
to have been fighting in the ranks. 
There was a great block in Dour, which 
we reached after a fourteen-mlle march, 
and in spire of all attempts at keeping the 
streets clear it was some rime before we 
could get through. Part of the Division 
was halting there for the night, and the 
municipal authorities were extremely slow 
in allotting billets and keeping their civilian 
waggons in order. 
From Dour onwards it was a big straggling 
sort of suburban town--tramways down the 
side, dirty little houses lining the street, 
great chimneys belching (I believe that is 
the correct term)volumes of black smoke, 
huge mountains of slag in all directions, 
rusty brickfields littered with empty tins, 
old paper, and bits of iron, and other 
similarly unlovely views. The only thing 
to be said in favour of this industrial scrap- 
heap was that the smoke was not quite 
so sooty as it looked, and things one touched 
did not "corne off" quite so black as might 


have been expected. Otherwise there was 
no attraction. 
Half a mlle on or more was Bois de 
Boussu, and here we were halted fo allow 
of a cavalry brigade moving down the street. 
We waited some rime, and eventually if 
arrived, hOt coming down the street but 
across if from east fo west. I am ashamed 
fo say that I have forgotten which it was, 
but the 4th Dragoon Guards, I think, were in 
if. They crossed af a trot, men and horses 
both looking very fit and workmanlike, and 
disappeared westwards through the haze 
of the factories; any more impossible 
country for cavalry--except perhaps the 
London Docks--I have never seen. 
We shortly afterwards got orders fo billet 
in Bois de Boussu and Dour, the real Boussu 
being another half toile on. But where 
the whole countryside was one vast strag- 
gling town, if was impossible fo say where 
one town ended and the other began. Even 
the inhabitants didn't know. 
Moulton-Barrett and Saint André had 
already got fo work on the billeting, and 
the Norfolks and Cheshires were shortly 
accommodated in some factories up the 
road, whilst the Bedfords and Dorsets were 


moved back nearly into Dour, into a brew- 
ery and some mine-offices respectively, if I 
remember rightly. Brigade Headquarters 
was installed in an ultra-modern Belgian 
house and garden belonging fo one M. Durez, 
a very civil little man, head of some local 
mining concern. There was a Madame 
Durez too, plump and good-natured, and 
a girl and a boy, and they were profuse in 
their hospitality. The only drawback about 
the meals, excellent as they were, was the 
appalling length of rime occupied in their 
preparation and consumption ; if was almost 
impossible fo get away from them, even 
though there was so much fo do. 
So much was there fo be done that I feel 
now as though we had been there a weel, 
or af least three days; but on looking at 
my diary I find we arrived there at midday 
on Saturday the 22nd, and left af midnight 
on Sunday the 23rd. 
On the Saturday afternoon there were 
rumours of the Germans being on the other 
side of the Mons-Condé Canal, hot far off. 
The 13th and 14th Brigades were in front 
of us, strung out and holding the Canal 
line, ourselves being in Divisional Reserve. 
Where the exact left of the 5th Division 


was I cannot remember af this moment, 
but I am sure that if vas hOt farther west 
than Pommeroeul bridge, with, I believe, 
French or English cavalry on its left. 
Saturday afternoon was spent in studying 
the ground in our front and looking to 
the approaches and the arrangements for 
the Brigade. Our front was of course well 
covered, but there were numerous little 
matters to be seen to and a certain amount 
of confabulation with the Divisional Staff, 
which lived in the midst of a perpetual 
va-et-vient ai the railway station ai Dour. 
0ur horses were picketed out in M. Durez's 
garden and the grubby little fields close by, 
and the Signal section and all the vehicles 
were stowed away there as best could be 
arranged; but all was enclosed, cramped, 
and unhandy, and the difiiculty was fo get 
a clear space anywhere. I walked with 
M. Durez in the evening fo a tiny mound in 
his garden, from which he assured me a 
good view could be got; but although the 
sunset and colouring through the haze 
was rather picturesque, one couldn't sec 
much. Durez was very apprehensive about 
his fmily and himself, and vas most urgent 
in his inquiries as to what was going to 


happen. I could not tell him much beyond 
the rumour that the German force in front 
was reported not to be very big, and I 
advised him to stick it out as long as he 
could ; but he was restless, with good reason 
as it turned out, and settled next day to 
take himself and his family away whilst 
there was yet rime. 

A ug. 23rd. 
Next morning I got orders to go with 
Lieut.-Col. Tulloch, the Divisional Com- 
manding Royal Engineer, to select a defen- 
sive position and entrench it. We got into 
a car, and went buzzing about in front of 
Boussu and round to the right as far as 
Wasmes; but I never saw such a hopeless 
place. There was no field of tire anywhere 
except to the left, just where the rail»vay 
crossed the Boussu road, where, strange fo 
say, the country opened out on fo a "glacis- 
like" slope of stubble. Going was bad, up 
broken little roads over ground composed 
of a bewildering variety of slag-heaps 40 to 
150 feet high, intersected with railway lines, 
mine heads, chimneys, industrial buildings, 
furnaces, and usines of all sorts, and thicken- 
ing into suburbs consisting of narrow wind- 


ing little streets and grubby little work- 
men's houses. Here and there were open 
spaces and even green fields, but nowhere 
could a continuous field of tire be obtained. 
The only thing was fo select various points 
d'appui with some sort of command, and 
try and connect them up by patches of 
entrenchments; but even this was very 
difficult, as the line was so long and broken 
that no unity of command was possible, and 
the different patches were so separated and 
so uneven, some having to be in front of 
the general line and some in rear, that 
they often could not flank or even see each 
Af about midday several cyclists came 
riding back in a great hurry from the 
Canal, saying they had been attacked by a 
big force of cavalry and been badly cut up; 
that they had lost all their officers and 
20 or 30 men killed, and the test taken 
prisoners. This was hardly a good begin- 
ning, but it eventually turned out that the 
grand total losses were 1 officer (Corah of 
the Bedfords) slightly wounded, 2 men 
killed, and 3 missing. 
Shortly after this the first German gun 
was heard--at 12.40 e.a. I timed if--and 


for the rest of the afternoon there was 
intermittent bombardment and numerous 
shell-bursts in the direction of the Canal, 
some of if our own Horse Artillery, but 
mostly German. 
When we had roughly settled on our line, 
I shouted fo a crowd of curious natives who 
had corne out fo watch us, and did hOt seem 
particularly friendly--as they were not af 
ail sure that we were not Germans--to get 
all their frlends together with pickaxes and 
shovels and start digging entrenchments 
where we showed them. If was Sunday 
afternoon, and all the miners were loafing 
about with nothing fo do. The idea rapidly 
caught on, and soon they were hurrying off 
home for their tools, whilst we got hold 
of the best-dressed and most authoritative- 
looking men and showed them what we 
wanted done. If was scratch work, in more 
senses than one, as we had no rime to lose 
and could not superintend, but had fo tear 
from one point fo another, raising men and 
showing them where the lines were fo go, 
how deep the trenches were fo be nmde, 
which way the earth was fo be thrown, 
and all the rest of if. 
On our way round we came also upon some 


batteries of field artillery, disconsolately 
wending their way through the narrow 
streets, and with their reconnoitring officers 
out in all directions looking for positions; 
but they round none, and the Artillery did 
but little in the way of shooting that night. 
With their present experience I expect they 
would have done a good deal more. 
Then we iore back, and I goi ihe bai- 
talions out, or rather two companies of each 
battalion, set them fo work, and sent out 
their other two companies to support them. 
The Norfolks were on the left, at the station, 
and eastwards down the line. Then came 
the Cheshires, a bit thrown back, in beasily 
enclosed country for ihe most part. One 
of the big slag-heaps had seemed fo offer a 
good command, but to our disgust it was so 
hot that we could hardly stand on if, so that 
had fo be given up. Other heaps again 
seemed fo give a good position, and they 
were fairly cool; but when ve scrambled 
up there was always something wrong-- 
either there were more slag-heaps in front 
which blocked the view, or the heap tan 
fo a point and there was hOt room for more 
than two men, or the slag-ridge faced the 
wrong way--it was a nightmare of a place. 


Beyond the Cheshires came the Dorsets 
and Bedfords, pretty well together, and 
occupying some trenches on a high railway 
embankment, &c., but the position was hOt 
really satisfactory, and if attacked in force 
at night it would be very difficult to see or 
guard against the approach of the enemy. 
Nor, as I heard afterwards, had the in- 
habitants dug the trenches anything like 
deep enough, so that they formed but poor 
protection against the rain of shells that 
began fo pour on them at nightfall. 
Ail pointed fo an attack by the enemy 
during the night or next day, but even 
then we had not the smallest idea of the 
enormous forces arrayed against us. Ve 
were told af first that there was perhaps 
a corps in front of us, but as a marrer of 
fact there were three, if hOt four corps. 
Having distributed the battalions as or- 
dered--I had no Brigade Reserve in hand, 
having fo cover such a broad front (nearly 
three toiles, when my normal front, accord- 
ing to the text-books, should have been 
about 1000 yards)--myself and Brigade 
Headquarters were left rather "by our 
lone." M. and Madame Durez were packing 
up hard ail, and disappeared with their 


friends and family before dinner in a big 
motor-car, making in the direction of Bavai 
St Waast, fo the south, where they had 
friends; as, however, we retired through 
there next day I don't expect they stayed 
long, but continued their journey ito 
France. I don't know what became of 
them. They had been most hospitable, 
and placed the house and everything in if, 
even a iïnal dinner, af out disposal; but the 
poor people were, of course, in a great state 
of perturbation, and there was hOt much 
except the house itself that we could make 
use of. 
As we were finishing dinner further orders 
arrived from the Division. Weatherby and 
I cantered down to the Divisional Staff fo 
learn details, and we got them shortly, to 
the effect that the Cheshires and Norfolks 
were fo be left under direct command of the 
"Divisional Commander, vhilst Brigade Head- 
quarters was fo be af Pâturages by sunrise 
on the morrow, and fo hold that with out 
other two battalions on the right. 
We "fell in" the Brigade Headquarters 
about midnight and, after some trouble in 
securing guides, moved off through a laby- 
rinth of streets in the warm dark. Out 


guides were local men, and we did not take 
long fo get fo Warquignies, in the main 
street of which we met the tteadquarters of 
the 13th Brigade, minus their Brigadier. 
Here also were the K.O.S.B.'s in bivouac, 
acting as Brigade Reserve fo their (13th) 
Brigade. The night was peaceful, and we 
pushed on after a short rest, getting af 
dawn fo a steep hill which led down into 

A ug. 24th. 
The latter was a fine big town with paved 
streets and prosperous-looking houses, very 
different from the grubby streets of Boussu ; 
but I was troubled about the hill street, as 
it was very steep and bad and narrow. How 
we should get the transport up if again in 
a hurry if it had fo retire I did not know, 
and two eminently respectable inhabitants 
assured me that there was no other way 
back unless I went right up fo Wasmes-- 
from which direction firing was already 
beginning -- and returned vie the north. 
That didn't look healthy for the transport, 
so I left most of the Brigade transport af 
the top of the hill and only brought down 
the Signal section. 


Af the entrance into P&turages we found 
Currie, Cuthbert's (13th Brigade) Brigade 
Major, but Cuthbert was not there, so if 
was a little difficult fo combine any action. 
However, we learnt that the other three 
battalions of the 13th Brigade were dis- 
tributed in front of us on the north, and 
I received a message that the Dorsets and 
Bedfords had been obliged fo fall back 
during the night and were holding the 
railway station af Wasmes and a bit east 
of that. The 13th Brigade had been along 
the line of the Canal the previous day and 
had been driven back by superior numbers, 
but had blown up some of the bridges. I 
heard afterwards that young Pottinger, a 
subaltern of the 17th Co. R.E., had been 
entrusted with blowing up one bridge, and 
that the charge had failed fo explode. 
Whereupon he advanced under heavy tire 
close fo the charge and had gallantly fired 
his revolver at if, which of course, as he 
knew, would have blown him sky-high with 
the bridge had he hit it. But either he 
missed the shot altogether or he hit the 
wrong part, and the thing didn't explode. 
And then he found himself cut off by 
Germans who had crossed elsewhere, and 


he had fo leg it. So, unfortunately, that 
bridge was left intact. 
I trotted ahead alone to try and find the 
Dorsets or the Bedfords, leaving Weatherby 
with other instructions. If was a long way 
to the station (P£turages by naine, but 


really in Wasmes), but I eventually found 
Griffith (O.C. Bedfords) and most of hîs 
men thereabouts. The Germans had ap- 
parently got round fo the east, but we were 
holding them. The Dorsets were a bit 
further fo the south-east, and I round them 
after a good many wrong turnings; and 
then there was little fo do but pick up 


connection vith whoever I could. By this 
rime my staff had corne up, and Weatherby 
and I cantered off fo find General Haking, 
who, I understood, had brought up his 5th 
Brigade from the 2nd Division (lst Corps), 
and was somewhere towards Frameries. 
Him we found after some trouble, with 
only one battalion in action in farly open 
country. It appeared that a message had 
been sent the night before from the 3rd 
Division that the Germans were threaten- 
ing P£turages and going fo attack in 
force, and help was most urgently re- 
quired; so General Haig had despatched 
Haking in a great hurry. The 5th Brigade 
ruade a forced march and arrived at P'£tu- 
rages af 2 A.., perspiring profusely. Not a 
sound. Fearing an ambush, they walked 
delicately, with scouts well out in front 
and to both flnks, bot a sgn either of 
the British or the Germans,--empty streets, 
no one about, all quiet as death. So they 
bivouacked in the streets and were now 
thinking of falling back on their own 
corps, as there were only a few Germans 
in front of them and these wouldn't 
Where the 3rd Division exactly were I 


could not at first find out, though I tried; 
but I knew that they were holding the 
country in the direction of Mons. Any- 
way, except for a good many shells flying 
about, there was very little of the enemy 
to see or hear, and Pâturages was safe at 
all events for the present. 
The Dorsets and Bedfords, however, had 
had a pretty bad rime on the previous 
evening, and had lost a number of nlen, 
though they had given the Germans a 
good deal more than they got. The Ger- 
man shelling had been fairly accurate, and 
their infantry had pushed on between the 
slag-heaps and got their machine-guns fo 
work under cover in a horribly efficient 
manner. Eventually our battalions had fo 
evacuate their trenches as their right flank 
was being turned, and they fell back on 
Wasmes and Pâturages, leaving most of 
their packs behind them in the trenches. 
They had taken them off to dig, and, being 
hot, had fought without them, and then 
this sudden outflanking movement had 
necessitated a rapid falling back, so their 
packs and most of their shovels had been 
left behind. This was awkward, more es- 
pecially hereafter, as, although the loss of 


the greatcoat did not marrer much in 
this hot weather, and certainly added fo 
their marching power, still, the loss of the 
pack meant loss of spare socks and spare 
shirt--besides other things. 
We snatched a little breakfast and coffee 
af an inn where the patronne was still in 
possession, and then things began to gct 
more lively. Shells began to knock corners 
off the houses close by, and reports kept 
coming in that the enemy appeared fo be 
advancing, though the bulk of his infantry 
was still some way off to the east. The 
Dorsets were rearranging their line so as 
not fo be cut off, and I was standing with 
Bols (commanding Dorsets) and a few of 
his officers by the estaminet when  shrapnel 
burst with a tremendous crack close over 
our heads, bringing down branches and 
leaves in showers. Yet not  man or a 
horse was hit. The shrapnel bullets whizzed 
along the pavement in all directions, right 
among our feet, like hail if seemed; yet 
the only result was a lot of bad language 
from Saunders, who had got a nasty jar 
on the heel from one of the bullets: but 
if did not even cut the leather. 
If now became rime to get the Dorset 


transport away, as things were geting 
rather hot, and the crackling of rifles was 
getting distinctly nearer. I thought of that 
horrible hill and I looked af rny rnap. 
Yes--there certainly was a way round 
back by the south-east, viâ the road along 
which Weatherby and I had just corne 
back from interviewing ttaking. So I 
directed the transport fo move that way 
--there was a road branching off to the 
right only 400 yards on and quite safe, as 
I thought, for the firing was up north and 
north-east, and this road lay south-south- 
Roe covered the withdrawal with his 
cornpany and was very anxious fo lay an 
arnbush for the enerny. But they did not 
seem inclined fo oblige hirn, but kept head- 
ing off in a more southerly direction. There 
was no sign from the 3rd Division who, I 
knew, were on our right; so, as my scouts 
could not find them, I could only corne fo 
the conclusion that the enerny had got in 
between us, and if we didn't clear out soon 
we should be in a bad way. 
Suddenly there was a crackle of rifles 
down the road along which the Dorset 
transport had gone, and then nearly thc 


whole of the transport came galloping back, 
a dcad horse bciug draggcd a]ong in thc 
shafts of one of thc waggons. Margotts, 
the transport officcr, rode past, revolver in 
hand, and streaming with blood from thc 
shouldcr, and ono or two of the men and 
horses had obviously becn hit. What had 
happ«md was that a few Germans 
pcnetratcd on to thc road whcrc Weathcrby 
and I had passed in perfcct safoty only 
a short rime beforc and ambushed the 
Margctts had very gallantly riddcn direct 
ai thc ambush with lais revolver, shot down 
ont or two and bewildcred thc rest, end 
thus given rime for the transport fo turn 
round on the (luckily) broad road and 
gallop back. Thc Pionecr Scrgeant of thc 
Dorsets was killcd, and so vas a Brigade 
Policeman who happcncd to be with thc 
transport. Otherwise almost thc only loss 
was an ammunition-cart with two horses 
killcd, and some damage was done fo a pole 
and whccl or two of the other vehicles. 
Poor Nicholson (my servant), who should, 
strictly speaking, havc rcmained with the 
Brigade transport and hOt corne up af all, 
had attached himself fo the Dorset trans- 



port wtthout orders--wishing, I suppose, 
fo be handy in case he was required -- and 
had been shot down with the two or 
three others. I believe he was killcd; any- 
way, I never saw him again, poor fellow. 
Margetts was nearly falling off his horse 
with pain, so he dismounted and »vas 
bandaged by the Medical Officer. But by 
that rime the transport vehicles had dis- 
appeared, and as he was fainting and was 
hot in a fit state fo be carried, he had fo be 
left in the house of a Belgian doctor md 
was taken prisoner shortly afterwards. We 
heard of him later, and I ara glad fo say 
lais gallant action gained him a D.S.O. 
Bols strung out half a company fo defend 
tlle place where we thought the Gernmns 
would appear, but aïter waiting for ten 
milmtes we found we were practically "in 
the air," as large forces of the enemy wcre 
reported coming round our right flank, and 
the firing on out lef$ front got more and 
more fo the left, thus proving that the 
Bedfords had been pushed back and were 
retiring viâ Wasmes--as they had been told 
to do if overwhelmed. Weatherby, who 
had cantered off fo get touch with them, 
confirmed this; and as if was getting ex- 


tremely "hot" (shclls)where we were, I 
gave the order fo withdraw--only just in 
rime as if turned out. 
The Dorsets formed a proper rear-guŒErd 
and held off the enemy, who were by this 
rime trickling in large numbers into thc 
town; but by good luck the Germans seemcd 
to funk coming on in formation, and by thc 
rime we had got back fo the foot of the stecp 
hill they didn't bother us any more except by 
occasional shells. To my extreme annoyance 
(in one way) we round another track lead- 
ing round the hill, towards Warquignies, hot 
marked on the map; so those two wretched. 
inhabitants had told us quite wrong, and we 
could have retired the transport this way 
after all. Of course we took advantage of 
it, and fell back slowly viâ Warquignies on 
Blangies, where we arrived, with very few 
casualties, about two. 
Here we got orders at first fo bivouac 
for the night, but hardly had the men had 
rime fo cook a meal and eat if than we 
were ordered fo continue the retirement 
on Bavai Sf Waast, vid Athis. As we got 
on fo the main road here we found a large 
column of our own troops moving down 
if, and there were German mounted patrols 


at  respcctful distance on both sidcs. Wc 
fircd af thcm occasiontlly, and they dis- 
appeared and thon turned up again in twos 
and thrces on the skylinc, evidently kccp- 
ing touch wîth us. 
Just beyond Athis we round file Nor- 
folks, who had bccn fighting af Élouges all 
the morning, nd thon we came across thc 
s«Ld little remainder of the Cheshires-- 
only about 200 lcft out of 891 who had 
gonc into Lction that ruorning ne,r Élougcs. 
It was horrible to hear of this appalling 
loss. Shore wa, s the only captain left, and 
he was in command, with two or thrce 
subalterns only. His story was that his 
company had been in reserve to the other 
three and had gone to occupy a farm- 
house as told, that he had seen the three 
companies extending fo his right, and then 
lost touch with them as they advanced 
rapidly over the brow of the low rolling 
ground. There was very heavy firing 11 
along the line, and eventually a staff officer 
told him fo fall back to his right rear and 
rejoin his battalion. This he tried fo do, 
but he only came across a few wounded 
and stragglers of his regiment, who told 
him that he three companies had lost very 


heavily, including Bogcr (commanding) and 
ail their officers, and that there was practi- 
cally nobody left. Shore did his best to 
find out and help, but a gencral retircnmnt 
took place, and he and his men werc svept 
back with the test. Tahourdin, Sçapylton. 
Dyer, Dugmore, and lots of others werc 
reported killcd, and poor Shore was in a 
terrible state of mind. (If turncd out 
afterwards that all these officers were alive 
and prisoners, with , great number of 
their nen, but af the tine I could hot find 
out exactly how if happencd that the 
battalion got so cut up and lost such , 
desperate unber.) 
The Norfolks had lost poor Cresswell, 
their Adjurant-- such a good fcllow-- and 
one or two other offlcers. But although 
their losses had been serious they were 
nothing like so bad as the Cheshires. It 
appears that our left about Elouges and to 
the west rear of Dour was heavily attackcd 
by the enemy; that we were on the defen- 
sive with the 14th Brigade (Rolt), and these 
two battalions of the 15th, and the 2nd 
Cavalry Brigade (De Lisle); and that Sir 
C. F. callcd on the Cavalry fo assist af a 
certain moment. De Lisle thereupon very 


gallantly charged the German guns, but he 
started from some distance off, and hOt 
only were the horses blown belote they 
got there, but there was a lot of wire 
between them and the Germans which 
they couldn't get through. So, after 
losng heavily, they wheelcd fo thc right 
fo get out of the way. What happened 
in detail to the 14th Brigade I fr,unkly 
don't know, but I fear the guns of the 5th 
Division lost pretty heavily af this period. 
Two companies of the Bedfords had joined 
us by this rime, but I was rather nervous 
about the rest, including Griffith, for I had 
had no word of him since Pâturages. How- 
ever, as we passed through Houdain he 
turned up from a side road with the test 
of his battalion, having had a pretty rough 
rime in getting out of Wasmes. 
By dusk we had got on fo the open 
country near St Waast, and here we 
round that the Division was bivouacking. 
Although if was nearly dark, and the 
Brigade had been scattered, with ifs trans- 
port, over a lot of country during the day, 
if ail came together again, including ifs 
empty supply waggons, in a marvellous 
way, and managed to find ifs way through 


ail the other troops in the dark fo ifs 
rightful bivouac space--some fields covered 
with standing crops. Water was of course 
the difficulty, but some was discovered in 
the shape of a small stream half a mlle off, 
over hedges and ditches; and after the 
Norfolks had been put out on outpost fo 
cover our rear, and we had had some food, 
we slept the sleep of the dog-tired. 
I remember Cadell came out as cook that 
evening, for he fried a lugubrious mess of 
biscuits, jam, and sardines together in a 
mess-tin, and insisted on all of us having 
some. Up fo this point our messing had 
not been entirely happy, for an old soldier 
whom I had taken on in Belfast, on his 
own" statement that he had been second 
cook in his officers' mess, turned out an 
absolute fraud. He could hardly even poach 
an egg, and hadn't the smallest idea of 
cooking. I am sure he had never been 
inside an officers' mess either, for when he 
was deposed from the office of cook to that 
of mess waiter, he knew nothing about 
that eithcr, and could not even wash up. 
Private Broxn, who was supposed at first 
only t.o cook for the men of the Brigade 
Hcadquartcrs, was thcrefore elevated fo the 


proud status of Oflïcers' cook. and ruade a 
thundering good one (till he was woundcd 
af Ypres); and the Belfast man was given 
the sack af the earliest opportunity and 
sent home, monly fo appear later in the 
field as a corporal of the Irish Rifles! 

A ug. 25th. 
Next morning the Brigade was on the 
move before daylight, and was told off as 
part of the main body of the Division, the 
14th Brigade forming the rear-guard. We 
had hot had much to est the night before, 
or in fact the whole day, and as the rations 
had not corne up during the night, the men 
had devilish little breakfast--nor we either. 
We were told fo requisition what we 
could from the country, but though St 
André and myself did our best, and rode 
on ahead of the Brigade, routing out the 
dwellers of the farmhouses and buying 
chickens and cheese and oats wherever pos- 
sible, there was very little to be had. 
There were already a great many inhab- 
itants on the road fleeing south-westwards, 
pitiful crowds of women and old men and 
children, carrying bundles on their backs, or 
wheeling babies and more bundles in wheel- 


barrows, or perambulators, or broken-down 
carts. Some of the peasant women were 
wearing their best Sunday gowns of black 
bombazine and looked very hot and uncom- 
fortable; children with their dolls or pet 
dogs, old women and men hobbling along, 
already very tired though the sun had hot 
been up more t]mn an hour or two, and sturdy 
young mothers carrying an extraordinary 
quantity of household stuff, trooped along, 
all of them anxiously asking how far off the 
Germans were, and whether we could hold 
them off, or whether they would all be 
killed by them, mit was a piteous sight. 
We warned all the people who were still 
in their cottages to stay there and not to 
run away, as their bouses would only be 
pillaged if they were not there, but I fear 
that few took our advice. 
It seemed a very long march that day, 
down the perfectly straight road skirting 
the Mormal forest and on to Le Cateau. 
It was, as a marrer of fact, only a little, 
over twenty toiles, but the hot day, with 
very little food, was most trying for the 
men. We had one good rest at Engle- 
fontaine, where we bought a lot of food-- 
bread and cheese, and pples and plums, 


and a little meat--but if was hot much. 
The rest of the road was bare and hot, 
leading over down-like country past the 
town of Le Cateau, and on to the heights 
fo the west of if. Many aeroplanes, British, 
Frencb, and German, were skimming about, 
and numerous bodics of French cavalry 
cotld be seen moving about the downs and 
the roads in the rear. 
We had received orders on the road to 
occupy part of an entrenched position to 
the west of Le Cateau, and Weatberby and 
I rode ahead fo look at if and apportion 
if off as the battalions came up. The 
trenches, we considered, were quite well 
sited. They were about 3 feet deep, and 
had been dug by the inhabitants under, I 
think, French supervision; but, judging by 
our subsequent experience, they were nothing 
like deep enough and placed on much too 
exposed ground; and the artillery pits were 
far too close up--though correct according 
fo the then text-books. 
I put a few men into the trenches as an 
observing line, and sent the commanding 
ofiïcers round fo study them in case we 
had to hold them in force on the morrow, 
and bivouacked the rest of tlle Brigade 


half a toile behind them. Although we 
seemed to have done a good day's work 
already, it was then only about 3 P.M., for 
we had started about 3.30 A.M. We got a 
good deal more food--bully beef and bis- 
cuits- here, besicles a cart- load of veT 
smelly checses and some haros and vege- 
tables and fresh bread, and the men got 
their stomachs fairly full by sundown. 
The 13th Brigade came in a bit lter 
and formed up on out right, but the 14th 
Brigade, who had been doing rear-guard, 
did hot get in till nightfall, and wcre ranch 
The enemy, however, bar cavalry, had hot 
pressed on in any strength, and we were left 
fairly well alone during the night. 
If began fo tain heavily in the evening, 
and we had a wet dinner in the open. 
There were various disturbances in the 
night, especially when some men in the 
trenches began firing at some probably 
imaginary Germans ; but otherwise ail 
ranks got a fair amount of sleep. 

A ug. 26th. 
Thc orders overnight wcre that we were 
fo continue the retiremcnt first thing in 


the morning; but when morning came the 
Germans were so close that it was decided 
that it would be impossible to do so, and 
fresh orders were issued to hold the position 
we were in. 
Accordingly we took up our positions as 
we had settled overnight, and started 
necessary preparations--dcepening trenches, 
arranging telephone wires and communica- 
tions, and putting the village of Troisvil]es, 
on our lcft, in a state of defence. 
The Dorsets were fo hold this village and 
several hundred yards of trenches fo the 
east of it. On their right came the Bedfords 
in trenches, with of course a proportion 
support, and the Cheshires were put in a 
dip of the ground in rear of them. The 
13th Brigade was on the right of the 
Bedfords, with the K.O.S.B.'s touching them. 
The Norfolks I put in a second line, in rear 
of the right of the Bedfords and the left of 
the K.O.S.B.'s, mostly along a sunken road 
where they dug themselves well into thc 
banks. The 27th Brigade of Artillery, undcr 
Onslow, was put under my orders; two 
batteries of it were in our right rear, and 
the third was taken aw,y by Sir C. F., to 
strengthen the right I believe. A battery 


of thc 15th Artillcry Brigade xvas also put 
in close behind the Bcdfords, in the dip of 
ground fore-mentioned, whence they did 
excellent cxccution without being scen by 
the cnemy. Divisional Hetdquarters were 
af Rcumont, a mlle behind us, with a wood 
in between; but we were, of cotll'Se, con- 
nccted up by tclcphonc with thcm, as wcll 
as with our battalions altd out îrrtillcry. 
We--i.e., the Brigade Hcadquartel'S--S«rt in 
thc continmttion of the hollow sandy l'oad, 
in rear of the Bedfords and on thc lcft of 
thc Norfolks. 
The morning was distinctly cool af ter the 
rain, and I remember that I wore my woolly 
till about ll o'clock. Out horses wcre stowcd 
away a fcw hundrcd yards fo out" lcft, in a 
hollow; and the extraordinary thing was 
that neither thcy nor oursclvcs got shelled 
as long as we werc thcre, though sonm 
shrapnel burst occasionally only a hundred 
yards off or so in diffcrent directions. 
We werc in position by 7 o'clock, as far as 
I can remember; but unless one keeps a 
record the whole rime ont is very liable 
to err--and I won't swear that if was hot 
8 o'clock. Some sbells began to arrive about 
then, but did no harm. On our left was the 


9th Brigade (3rd Division), and the shclling 
began fo develop pretty heavily in their 
direction. Our guns were of course in action 
by this rime, and for the first two or three 
hours the air was full of shells and very littlc 
Infantry tire was heard. The 4th Division 
had arrived only that morning, I believe by 
train, and was guarding the left flank of the 
line, assisted by our Cavalry. Bchind thc 
town of Le Cateau, on the extreme right, 
was the 19th Brigade. Thon came the 14th 
Brigade, then the 13th, then ourselves, and 
then the 3rd Division ; so we were about the 
right centre. 
The Dorsets were hard at work putting 
Troisvilles into a strong state of dcfence, 
and were helped by some of our Divisional 
Sappers, I believe the 59th Co. R.E. (but it 
might have been the 17th). 
There was a local French ambulance-- 
civilian I think--in Troisvilles, and several 
of out own R.A.M.C. personnel there; but 
the Divisional ambulances were farther to 
the rear, and as the vounded began fo corne 
in from the right front we sent them back 
towards Reumont. St André was very useful 
in galloping backwards and forwards be- 
tween Troisvilles and Brigade Headquarters 


--I kept him for that, as I vanted my proper 
staff for oher saff work; but ail of them 
paid a visit or two there once or twice. The 
enemy's shells were now falling fast on out 
left about Inchy, but seemed to do extra- 
ordinarily little damage there; and during 
the first hours it was really more of a 
spectacular piece for us tSllan a bariole. How- 
over, we were of course kept busy scnding 
and receiving wires from all parts, and every 
now and then a few wounded came in from 
out front. We were also bucked up by 
hearing that a French Cavalry Division 
was coming to help us from Cambrai; but 
I don't know whether it ever materialised. 
As the day wore on, the Bedfords got 
engaged with infantry in their front, but 
neither they nor the Dorsets got anything 
very much to shoot at; and though a Gernmn 
maclline-gun or two pushed pluckily forward 
and did a certain amount of dtmage from 
hidden folds in the ground, I think we ac- 
counted for them--anyway we stopped their 
shooting after a short rime. 
Meanwhile the 13th Brigade and the 
guns on out right were catching it very 
hot. There seemed an enormous number 
of guns against us (I believe, as a nlatter 


of fact, thcre wcre nearer 700 than 600), 
and our batçeries were suffering ve,'y 
heavily. So were the 14th and 19th 
Brigades -- the latter I)cing a scratch one 
composed of units from the lines of com- 
munication under Laurence Drummond. 
Af one moment--it must have been about 
12 o'clock or later--I saw fo my horror the 
best part of a company of Bcdfords leave 
their trenches in our front and retire slowly 
and in excellent order across the open. So 
I got on my horse and galloped out fo sce 
what they were doing and fo send thcm 
back, as if seemed fo me thaç some of the 
K.O.S.B.'s were falling back too, in sy,n- 
pathy. I'm afraid that my language was 
strong; but I ruade the Bedfords turn about 
again, although their officer explained 
he was only withdrawing, by superior bat- 
talion orders, in order fo take up an 
vanccd position further on the right; and 
with some of the Cheshires, whom I picked 
up on the way, they advanced again in 
extended order. 
They got back again to their trenches 
without any casualties fo speak of, and I 
•vas much gratified by a message I received 
shortly afterwards from my right (I think 

Cuthbcrt or thc gunners) thanking me 
warmly for my most valuable counter- 
attack, which had considerably relieved the 
pressure in their front! 
On our immediate right the Norfolks 
wcre occupied for several hours in trying 
fo cut down a very big tree, which was 
tLbout the most conspicuous feature in the 
whole of our position, and formed an ex- 
collent object on which the enemy could 
range. If was ail very well; but as soon 
as they had eut if half through, so as fo 
fall fo the south, the south wind, which 
was blowing pretty strongly, hot only kept 
if upright but threatened to throw it over 
fo the north. This would have been a real 
disaster, as it would bave blocked com- 
pletely the sunken road along which the 
ammunition carts, fo say nothing of artil- 
lery and other waggons, would bave had fo 
corne. So iL had to be guyed up with 
ropes, with much difflculty; and even when 
teams hung on and hauled on the ropes, 
they could make little impression-- the 
wind was so strong. Eventually they did 
mariage fo get iL down, but even so it 
formed a fairly conspicuous mark. (If was 
so big that iL was marked on the map.) 



Inchy was now the centre of an appalling 
bombard, amnt. A crowd of Germans had 
got into if, if appeared, and the village 
was being heavily shclled by both sides-- 
British and German. Several houses and 
haystacks caught tire, and the poor devils 
inside must have had a terrible rime. The 
3rd Division was holding ifs own, but was 
being heavily attacked by the enemy's in- 
fantry. However, we eventually got the 
better of it, and the 9th and 10th Brigades 
drove the Germans away from their trenches 
and pursued them some distance, much 
assisted by the tire of the Dorsets and the 
advance of one or two of their companies. 
Things went on hammer-and-tongs for 
another hour or two; more and more 
wounded began coming in from the 13th 
Brigade, including a lot of K.O.S.B.'s. We 
turned Beilby, out veterinary oflàcer, on to 
"first aid" for many of them and sent 
them on; but some of the shrapnel wounds 
were appalling. One man I remember lying 
across a pony; I literally took him for a 
Frenchman, for his trousers were drenched 
red with blood, and no, t a patch of khaki 
showing. Another man had the whole of 
the back of his thigh torn away; yet, after 


• being bandagcd, ho hobbled gaily off, smok- 
ing a pipe. What struck me as curious 
was the large number of men hit in the 
face or below the knee,--there seemed fcw 
body wounds in comparison; but that may 
of course bave been because those badly 
hit in the body were killed or unmovablc. 
But one would sec men apparently at their 
last gasp, with gruesome wounds on them 
and no more stretchers available, and yet rive 
minutes afterwards they had disappeared. 
Time was getting on, and the thundcr 
and rain of German shells seemed unceas- 
ing; they appeared to corne now hot only 
from ail along the front and the right front, 
but from our right as well, and out guns 
were replying less and less. Reports began 
to corne in from the right of batteries wiped 
out (thc 28th R.F.A. Brigade lost nearly ail 
their guns here, for nearly ail the detach- 
ments and horses were killed), and of a 
crushing attaek on the 19th Brigade and 
penetration of our line thereabouts. And 
soon afterwards the movement itself be- 
came visible, for the 14th Brigade, and then 
the 13th, began fo give way, and one could 
see the trenches being evacuated on the 
right. The Norfolks stuck well to it on 


thc right, tnd covered the retiremcnt tht 
was bcgnning; but they were taken out 
of my hands by Sir C. F., and told off fo 
act as rear-guard for the brigades on their 
The 15th Brigade had rea]ly been very 
lucky, and had neither been shelled nor 
attackcd very heavily, and consequcntly 
we were pretty fresh and undamagcd. I 
forger if we got any dcfinite message fo 
retire, and if so, when, but if was fairly 
obvious that we couldn't stay where we 
were much longer. The Dorsets were quite 
happy n Trosvilles and thereabouts, but 
the .9h Brigade on their left had had a 
very bad rime, and were already begnning 
to withdraw, though in good order. 
Ths be]ng so, I sent orders to the battery 
of the 15th R.F.A. Brigade in my front to 
retire belote they got eut off; and they 
executed it grand]y, bringng up the horses 
af a gtllop, swnging round, hooking in, 
and starting off at a canter as if at an 
Aldcrshot field-day, though they were under 
heavy shell and rifle tire all the rime. 
Only two horses and about two men were 
hit altogether, and though all these were 
apparently killed, the men got up af ter a 


little and were brought safcly off with thc 
The K.O.S.B.'s were now falling back on 
us from the right, and they were strung 
out along the Norfolks' late position, and 
almost ai right angles fo out line, for the 
Germans were pressing us there, and heavy 
rifle tire was breaking out there and ncarly 
in out right rear. Then I ordered the 
Cheshires and after them thc Bedfords fo 
retire, which they did quite calmly and in 
good order; and lastly came the Dorsets, 
very well handled by Bols and forming a 
rear-guard to the test of the troops here- 
abouts. His machine-guns under Lieut. 
Wodehouse had been doing excellent work, 
and the shooting of both Bcdfords and 
Dorsets had had a great effect in keeping 
off the German attack hereabouts. 
By this rime units had become a bit mixcd, 
and lines of troops belonging to different 
battalions and even different b.rigades were 
retiring slowly over the open ground and 
under a heavy tire of shrapnel--which by 
the saine token seemed to do extraordinarily 
little damage. It was difficult to give a 
definite point for all these troops to move 
on, for we had been warncd against ret]rng 


through villages, as they were naturally 
ruade a cockshy of by the enemy's guns. 
Reumont was being already heavily bom- 
barded, and though we had instructions fo 
fall back s0uth-westwards along the road fo 
Estrées, this road passed through Reumont. 
I did hot know how to get comfortably on 
fo if without going through some village, 
so gave a general direction off the road, 
between if and Bertry, and struck across 
country, together with a number of troops 
on foot in various formations, all moving 
quite steadily and remarkably slowly. 
As the shrapnel were bursting in large 
numbers overhead, I got the men well 
extended, as best I could, but some of 
course were hit. Just as we left the road 
a man in charge of an ambulance-waggon 
full of wounded ran up and asked what 
he was fo do, as some infernal civilian 
had unhitched and gone off with the horses 
whilst he was attending fo the wounded. 
Stephenson, commanding K.O.S.B.'s, was 
lying wounded in the waggon, but this I 
did hOt hear till afterwards. Some of the 
K.O.S.B.'s thereupon very gallantly har- 
nessed themselves fo the waggon and towed 
if along the road. 


If was hard work making our way mounted 
across country, because of the numerous 
wire fences we came across, hOt fo men- 
tion ditches and hedges. We worked rather 
towards Bertry, avoiding woods and boggy 
bits, but the line wasn't easy fo keep. The 
Germans had an unpleasant habit of plug- 
ging bursts of four fo a dozen shrapnel at 
one range, then another lot .fifty yards on, 
and so on, so if was no good hurrying on, 
as you only came in for the next-lot. 
Then they very nearly got us just when 
we had got fo a hopeless-looking place-- 
the railway, with thick fence and ditch on 
each side" of the track and a barbed-wire 
fence as well, with signal wires knee high 
just where you expected fo be able fo jump 
down on fo the track. Luckily Catley, 
my groom, had some wire nippers; but 
just as he was cutting af the wire, and 
we of the Brigade Staff were ail standing 
round close by, trying fo get over or 
through, whack came four shrapnel, one 
close after the other, bursting just short of 
us and above us--a very good shot if in- 
tentional, but I don't think they could 
possibly have seen us. Horses of course 
flew all over the place; Cadell and his horse 


came down, and I thought he was hit, but 
he only lost his cap, and his horsc only 
got a nasty flesh wound from a bit of 
shrapnel in his hindquarters. Again. why 
nonc of these shrapnel hit us was most 
extraordinary: there we were, seven or 
cight of us mounted and close togethcr, 
and thc shells bursting beautifully with ter- 
rific and damnable cracks--yet not one of 
thc Brigade Staff touched. Beilby's horse, 
by the way, also got a bullet in the 
These saine shrapnel hit two or three 
infantry standing round us, and the next 
thing we saw was Dillon (of the Divisional 
Staff) dismounted and staggering along sup- 
porting two wounded privates and hoisting 
them over the obstacles on fo the rail track, 
one man hanging heavily from his neck on 
either side. He was streaming with sweat, 
and said afterwards if was the hardest job 
he'd ever had. Others of course helped him 
and his men, and we wandered along over 
the grass, and skirting the little woods and 
coppices till we got fo the main road again. 
As we proceeded along the road we did 
our best fo get the troops collected into 
their units, getting single men together into 


bunches and the bunches into groups and 
platoons, and so on. But nmny of thcm 
were wounded and dog-tired, and if was 
hard work. Ballard and his Norfolks joined 
us in bits, and we heard that they had had 
a hard rime falling back through Reumont 
and done very well as rear-guard. There 
were stories af first of their having suffered 
terribly and lost a lot of men; but if was 
not in the least true,- they had had com- 
paratively few casualties. 
The country gradually grew more and 
more open till by dusk--somewhere about 
7 o'clock--we were traversing a huge rolling 
plain with open fields and only occasional 
farmhouses visible. The troops on the 

road were terribly mixed, infantry and 
artillery and waggons and transport all 
jumbled up together, and belonging not 
only o different brigades but even to 

different divisions, the main ones being of 
course the 5th and 3rd Divisions. 
Darkness came on, and the night grew 
cooler and cooler, yet still we pushed on. 
As if got blacker, terrible blocks occurred 
and perpetual unintentional halts. In one 
place, somewhere near the Serains-Prémont 
road I think, we were halted for about three- 


quarters of an hour by a jam of waggons 
just ahead. I gave the Norfolks leave to 
worm their way through the press, but it 
was no use, for before they had got through 
the waggons moved on again and only divided 
the men more and more, so that they lost 
thcir formation again and were worse off 
than before. 
Companies or bits of companies of my 
battalions were pretty close together, and 
af one rime the Brigade was pretty well 
cohesive, but as the night wore on they got 
separated again and mixed up with the 
transport till it was quite impossible fo sort 
them out. If was a regular nightmare, and 
all one could look forward fo was the halt 
at Estrées. 
The German guns had long ceased fo tire, 
even before the sun went down, and there 
didn't seem fo be any pursuit af all, as far 
as we could gather. Out men moved quite 
steadily and without- the vestige of a sign 
of panic: in fact, they were much annoyed 
at having to fall back. But I expect the 
German infantry was even more tired than 
ours, for they had marched all through the 
previous night and certainly had frightfully 
heavy casualties during the day. Anyway 


they did no worry us, and we pursued our 
way in peace. But men and horses were 
desperately sleepy, and at these perpetual 
halts used to go to sleep and block up he 
rond again when we moved on. 
Luckily the road was as straight as a dic, 
and one could not possibly lose it; but it 
was difficult to know where we were, and 
occasional twinkling lights in houses and 
courages on the road only ruade our where- 
abouts still more deceptive. 
At last we entered something hat looked 
in the pitch darkness more like a town. I 
was Estrées right enough, but there were 
no signs of a halt, though it was 1 A.M. or 
so. We could hot find any staff officers here, 
even at the solitary local inn, to give us any 
information, and the only rumour was tha 
we were fo march on as far as we could go. 
We had had no direct orders, and we did 
hot know where the Divisional staff were, 
but as by his rime we had pushed on and 
were, as far as we knew, ahead of mos of 
the Brigade, Weatherby and I mo.ved aside 
into a field full of corn stooks, unsaddled 
out horses, gave hem a feed, and went 
fast asleep in the we corn. We had meant 
fo sleep only for hall an hour, but were so 


dead tired that it must have been more like 
an hour and a hall. And even then we were 
only awakened by a battalion (I think it 
was the Northumberland Fusiliers) irrupting 
into out field and pulling the stooks down 
for their own benefit. So we guiltily saddlcd 
up again, thinking that the wholc Brigade 
must have passed us in the dark. But, as 
a marrer of fact, it had hot. 

Aug. 27th. 
Daylight came at last through the damp 
grey mists, and we round ourselves still in 
open country, with the road thickly covered 
as belote with troops of all arms and, in 
places by the roadside, the remains of 
bivouac rires and empty boxes and bully- 
beef tins, and hunks of raw ment; for the 
A.S.C. finding that if was impossible fo 
supply the troops regularly, had wisely 
dumped down their stores af intervals 
alongside the road and let the men help 
This was all very well for the men in 
front, but by the rime we in rear had got 
fo the stores there was nothing left, and 
we had fo go hungry. 
Somexvhere about 4 A.. I came on ,qir 


C. F. standing af the cross-roads llear 
Nauroy. I naturally asked him where we 
were fo retire on; but he had hOt recently 
received any definite orders himself; so 
after talking if over we came fo the con- 
clusion that out best line would be on 
St Quentin, and we directed tbe men, as 
they came up--5th Division straight on, 
4th Division fo the right fo Bellicourt, and 
3rd fo the left fo Lehaucourt, for thus we 
sbould get the Divisions more or less in 
their right positions. Of course a vast 
quantity of troops had already preceded 
us, probably towards St Quentin, but that 
could liOt be helped. 
It was a long way yet fo St Quentin, 
about eight mlles, and on the road and off 
if were men, waggons, and stragglers in 
every direction. The jumble of the night 
lmd disintegrated most of the formed 
bodies, and the whole thing had the appear- 
ance of a vast débdcle. Men moving on 
singly but slowly, little bunches of three 
and four men together, sometimes of the 
same regiment, but oftener of odd ones; men 
lying ehausted or asleep by the roadside, 
or with their packs off and sitting on the 
grass, nibbling af a biscuit or looking hope- 


lessly before them. It was a deprcssing 
sight, and I wondered how on earth the 
formations would ever corne together again. 
Oftïcers of course were doing their best fo 
gct their own men together, but the results 
were small. Whenever we passed men of 
the 15th Brigade we collected them as far 
as possible into bodies; but if was very 
difiicult fo know what units men belonged fo 
without asking them, for very many of them 
had long ago, on arrival at ttavre and else- 
where, given their cap-badges and shoulder- 
names as souvenirs fo women and children, 
and they were most difficult fo identify. 
A toile or two before getting into St 
Quentin I passed Laurence Drummond, com- 
manding the 19th Brigade, hobbling along 
on foot, and offered him of course my second 
horse. He had got damaged somehow--by 
a fall, I think--and said he had his horse ail 
right, but if hurt him less to walk than fo 
As we approached the town the entrance 
had got rather blocked with troops. This 
was rather a good thing, as if enabled the 
stragglers behind fo close up and find other 
portions of their own regiments ; and, extra- 
ordinary as if seemed, whole companies had 


no»v got together and in somc cases had evcn 
coagulated into battalions. I found rnost of 
the Norfolks collectcd together in a ficld by 
the side of the road, and a stray Bedford 
cornpany or two looking quite fresh and 
happy. , 
As it was necessary fo get furthcr ordcrs, 
I lcft Weatllerby fo do sorne more collccting 
and pushed on by rnysclf into thc town, 
where I round Rolt and sorne of his Staff; 
but he kncw nothing. There was a hopelcss 
block at this moment, so I slipped off rny 
horse for ten minutes and had a bit of 
chocolate and biscuit, which were quite 
refreshing. Rolt was sornewhat depressed, 
for his Brigade had lost heavily, but they 
too were gradually corning together. At 
last, in the rniddle of the town, I managcd fo 
collect sorne instructions, and was told that 
the 5th Division was to forrn up in a field 
near tle railway station the other side of 
the town. There were also Staff officers at 
different points, calling out "5th Division 
this way, 3rd that," and so on; and as the 
rnen, now rnore or less in colurnns of fours, 
passed thern, they perkcd up and swung 
along quite happily. 
We were now outside the rcgion of out 


maps, so I asked my way fo a stationer's, 
which luckily happened fo be open, though 
if was barely 7.30 A.M., and bought all the 
local maps I could get hold of: they were 
only paper, hOt linen, but they proved ex- 
tremely useful. And then I bought some 
big rings of bread and some apples, and 
ruade Catley carry them strung on the little 
brigade flag that S. had embroidered, and 
we filled up our haversacks with as much 
food as we could buy and carry--for the 
benefit of the men. 
I found my way to the railway field ail 
right, but none of the Brigade had yet 
arrived, so I went back to look for them. 
On the way I found that a number of the 
13th Brigade had taken the wrong turning 
and were plodding right away from the 
town, so I had fo canter after them a 
toile or more and turn them back. There 
was a lot of transport further on, on the 
move; and fearing that they might belong 
fo us, whilst my horse was pretty tired, 
I begged a nice-looking Frenchman with a 
long beard--a doctor of sorts--in a motor- 
car, fo lend me his car fo catch them. 
This he willingly did, and drove me up 
fo them, but they turned out fo be field 


ambulances with orders of their own, so I 
came back fo the railway field, leaving a 
man af the railvay turning fo turn the 
others and show them the way. 
Gradually bits of the 15th Brigade arrived 
--a few Dorsets, hall the Bedfords, and a 
few Cheshires; and fo these I imparted the 
Staff instructions that we were to bivouac 
here for the night. The men had already 
done twenty-four toiles during the night, 
and lay about, thankful fo get a little rest. 
Supplies, we were told, would be issued 
shortly at the station, but before they came 
I got peremptory orders fo march off af 
2 o'clock, and withdraw further south fo a 
place called Ollizy, nine miles on. 
It was then 12.30 P.[., and the men had 
had no food since the previous morning; 
however, orders had to be obeyed. So I 
distributed my bread and apples, for which 
the men pressed round ravenously; and 
James, commanding the 2nd Manchesters, 
who had been in my Brigade two years 
prevlously, gave me a couple of most wel- 
corne big sandwiches and a drink. None of 
my staff had yet turned up; and though 
I was told that supplies were just going fo 
arrive, none did arrive belote we marched 


off. Five minutes before that rime the 
Norfolks, who had had a rest the other 
side of the town, turned up; and as the 
test of the Brigade marched off the test of 
the Dorsets marched up--rather disappointed 
af having fo go on af once without either 
rest or rations. 
Weatherby and the rest of Brigade ttead- 
quarters had trickled in by this rime, and we 
moved off in rear of the 13th Brigade. The 
day was fairly hot by this time--luckily it 
had been cool all the morning--and I ex- 
pected fo see whole heaps of the men fall 
out exhausted; but devil a bit, they moved 
on, well closed up, good match discipline, 
and even vhistling and singing; and for the 
test of the match I don't believe that more 
than hall a dozen fell out. 
We expected some more fighting near 
Ollizy, for a message had corne through for 
the 13th fo push on and collar a certain 
bridge before the Germans got it; but ai1 
was peaceful, and we got to Ollizy about rive 
o'clock. There I had fo tell off a battalion 
and some guns not belonging to me fo take 
up a line of outposts to guard out rear (I 
quite forger what the troops were, or why 
they were put under me), and the Brigade 


pushed on over the bridge, and through the 
swampy, marshy country beyond. 
No halt yet, and I began to wonder whether 
we were expected to do yet another night 
march, ttowever, after another tvo mlles 
I was told to put the Brigade in bivouac 
round a farm and little village called Eau- 
court, covering our rear with another line of 
There was some distant shelling during 
the evening; but we were too dog-tired to 
worry about it, though bursts of rite tire 
did occur during the night, necessitating our 
jumping up once or twice to see what it was. 
The farm was quite a good one of the 
usual formwi.e., the living-house forming one 
end of a big oblong courtyard, whilst barns 
and lofts and cowsheds filled up the other 
three sides. In the middle, of course, was a 
mass of dirty straw and manure, and pools 
of stinking water in which ducks and pigs 
and chickens disported themselves. The 
people were most friendly, and supp]ied us 
with eggs and straw and a kitchen tire; but 
it was rather a squash, as the headquarters 
of an artillery brigade were already feeding 
there, and we didn't get dinner till very late. 
The men lay about in the lofts and sheds 


among the farm implements and sheep, and 
I should have expected them after a march 
of over thirty-five toiles, and no food or sleep 
in the twenty-four hours, fo curl up and go 
fo sleep af once, but they didn't; they were 
quite happy and lively now that af last 
they'd got their rations, and ruade the nost 
of them. I had a bed fo lie on, and actually 
enjoyed a wash in a real basln, but the little 
bedroom was hot very sweet or clean, and 
I'd as soon have slepç with the others on 
str&w in the kitchen and living-room. 

A ug. 28th. 
Next morning we were off before the sun 
rose, with orders fo proceed towards Noyon. 
We were well up fo rime as regards out 
place in the column, but some of the test of 
the Division were very late--probably some 
counter-order had been given; anyway, we 
had fo wait a good extra half-hour by the 
roadside. I remember that I occupied the 
rime in shaving myself ; and as there was no 
water handy, I moistened the brush in the 
dew on the grass. If did fairly well-- 
though rem6ving two days' growth was 
rather painful, I allow. 
We plodded on through the heat of the 


day, in rear of the 14th Brigade, and kept 
our march discipline without trouble, though 
the number of apple- and pear-trees on the 
road was a great temptation. What had 
happened or where we were going fo was a 
complete mystery; all that we knew was 
that we had had fo leg it af Le Cateau, but 
that we were distinctly hot downhearted; 
nor did the Germans seem to be pursuing. 
So we thought that ve should probably soon 
get the order to turn and either take up a 
defensive position or advance again against 
the enemy--though we also knew that we 
must have lost a number of guns and a 
good many men. 
Soon after we started we were asked how 
many waggons we required to carry damaged 
and footsore men, and at a certain point 
there were some thirty or forty waggons 
drawn up for that purpose. I felt rather 
insulted, and said so, but eventually put my 
pride in my pocket and said I'd have one per 
battalion. The officer in charge at once 
offered ten, but I did hot accept them, and 
I don't think we filled even one waggon all 
Somewhere about ten o'clock the message 
was passed down from the front that Sir 


John French was on the rodside and 
wanted to see battalion commanders. I 
cantered on, and round him under a tree 
with a few of his staff. I saluted and 
asked for orders, but he said he only 
wanted to see the C.O.'s. Then he took 
me aside and said that he wanted to com- 
pliment and congratulate the men on their 
magnificent work; that we had saved the 
left flank of the French army, and that 
Joffre had begged him to tell the troops 
that they had saved France for the rime 
being, and more to the saine effect. I 
hastened, of course, to tell everybody; I 
think the men got their tails up well in 
consequence. But the British are an un- 
demonstrative lot, and Thomas never lets 
his feelings show on the surface. Anyway, 
we were all pleased that our sacrifices 
hadn't been for nothing, and hoped we'd 
soon stop and turn round. 
At Guiscard we turned into the main 
road to Noyon. It was very hot, and we 
had had no rest (except the regulation ten 
minutes per hour) since starting. So when 
we got to some nice shade on the left, and 
big spreading trees dotted over some fields, 
I turned the Brigade off the road, trans- 


port and all, and we halted for an hour 
and a half. We went fo sleep after 
luncheon, of course, and when if was rime 
to start I remember tllat Moulton-Barrett 
went up fo St André, who was lying fast 
asleep, and shouted out, "The Germans are 
on us!" Poor St André jumped to his feet 
witll a yell and seized his revolver; it was 
a wicked joke. 
The main road into Noyon was much 
crowded, not only with a lot of French 
cavalry going north, but a very large 
number of waggons full of our own men 
--of other brigades, mind you, for I don't 
think there were any 15th Brigade men 
there af all; but then the others had had 
a harder rime. 
The French cavalry were a dragoon 
brigade--horses looking very fit and well, 
and wonderfully light equipment on them; 
they do not go in for carrying half so much 
on the saddle as we do--for one thing, appar- 
ently they don't consider if necessary to carry 
cleaning material on the horse. 
There was again a considerable squash 
in Noyon, and here St André was delighted 
to meet some spick-and-span young friends 
of his vllom he affected fo treat with 


great contempt, as not yet having seen a 
shot fired. Having fo cross the railway 
line also delayed us still more, as a long 
supply-train was shunting and reshunting 
and keeping the gares shut. 
If was a lovely evening, and though 
progress was slow, we eventually reached 
Pontoise by about 7 1.. The country 
was thickly wooded and very pretty, and 
the quarters into which we got after our 
sixteen-mile march were most acceptable. 
Here we were told we should probably be 
for several days--to rest and recuperate; 
but we were beginning fo have doubts 
about these perpetually- promised rests 
which never came off. 
The Brigade Headquarters put up af a 
blacksmith's shop, and the old couple here 
received us with hospitality; but though 
there were beds and mattresses for most 
of us, there was very little fo be had in 
the way of vegetables or eggs or other 
luxuries such as milk or butter. 

A ug. 29th. 
, Next morning and afternoon were de- 
voted fo a little rest and cleaning up; 
but I had little leisure myself, for I had 


fo preside over a court of inquiry for 
several hot and weary hours. 
Af 6 l.i, we suddenly received orders 
fo more af once fo Carlepont, only three 
toiles back, and began fo more by the 
shortest and most unblocked way. Just 
when we were moving off I received orders 
to more the other way, but with the 
sanction of the Divisional Staff I pre- 
ferred going my own way, and went if. 
The detail of the map, however, turned 
out to be incorrect, and I found myself 
at the far, instead of the near, end of 
the village, with a lot of transport in 
the narrow street between ourselves and 
our billets. This was hopeless, and after 
a prolonged jam in the dark I gave it 
up, put the battalions on fo the pavement 
and down a side street, and told them to 
bivouac and feed where they were. 
Meanwhile St André had got a kind 
Frenchman fo give the staff some dinner, 
but I misunderstood the arrangement and 
could not find the place; so I insisted 
on digging out some food from our 
cook's waggon on the wet grass of a 
little park we found. And there we 
are it about midnight and went to sleep 


in the sopping herbage. I fear my staff were 
not much pleased with the arrangement. 

A ug. 30th. 
Off again at 2.20 A.M., we pushed on 
over pretty country viâ Attichy to Croûtoy, 
a marrer of eleven mlles. It developed 
into a roasting-hot day, and the last two 
toiles, up a very steep hill, were most 
trying for the transport. Ve were at 
the head of the column, and longed to 
stop in the shady little village of Croûtoy, 
but we had fo move on beyond to some 
open stubble fields, where the heat was 
terrific. And there we bivouacked till 
about midday, when we were told we 
might go back to Croûtoy, and did. If 
was a very pretty little village with a 
magnificent view northwards over the 
Aisne. We were very comfortably put 
up in General de France's château, and 
enjoyed there a real big bath with taps 
and hot water, the first genuine bath we 
had had since arriving af Havre. My 
only contretemps here was that, having 
when half-way fo Croûtoy dismounted 
Cat.ley and lent his horse fo a Staff officer, I 
never saw the horse or my kit on him again. 


The Staff officer had duly sent the horse 
back by a sergeant of gunners, but the 
latter never materialized, and, strangely 
enough, was never heard of afterwards. 
So I thus lost my bivouac tent, mack- 
intosh, lantern, and several other things, 
besides Catley's complete possessions, all 
of which vere on the animal. Luckily 
the horse was not my own, but a spare 
one, as my mare Squeaky had had a 
sore back, and Catley was not riding her. 

Au.q. 31st. 
Next day was awfully hot again. We 
were off by 7.30, and were by way of bil- 
leting at a place called Béthisy, on the 
south-west edge of the forest of Compiègne. 
Ve passed by the eastern edge, close by 
the extraordinary ch£teau of Pierrefonds, 
built by Viollet le Duc to the exact model 
of the old castle of the thirteenth century, 
a huge pile of turrets and battlements, like 
one of Gustave Doré's nightmares; and 
then struck across the open towards Morien- 
val. We were a long rime on the march, 
largely owing to the necessary habit that 
the Artillery bave of stopping to "feed 
and water" when they corne fo water, ir- 


respective of the hourly ten-minute halt. 
Then, having thus stopped the Infantry 
column in rear for twenty minutes, they 
trot on and catch up the rest of the column 
in front, leaving the Infantry toiling hope- 
lessly after them, tryin, fo fill the gap the 
guns leave behind them. It is bad, of 
course, but it is a cboice of evils, for one 
way the Artillery suffers, the other the 
Infantry; but they both arrive together in 
the end. 
I had trotted ahead fo Morienval, fo 
settle on the road, as there was a divergence 
of opinion on the subject, and there a kindly 
fariner asked me in fo dinner with his 
family--an excellent potage aux choux and 
a succulent stew, with big juicy pears fo 
follow, ail washed down by remarkably good 
red vin du pays, I remember. There were 
perpetual halts on the road, which we did hot 
understand, but soon after leaving Morien- 
val we were abruptly ordered fo turn sharp 
off fo the left and make for Crépy. The 
fact was, a force of German cavalry had 
turned up at Béthisy, just as our billeting 
parties were entering if, and the latter had 
only just rime fo clear out. 
Our own cavalry cleared the Germans out 


of Béthisy for the tilne being, but we con- 
tinued on fo Crépy-en-Valois, and arrived 
there, rather done, af six o'clock--nearly 
eleven hours fo go fifteen toiles, just the 
sort of thing fo tire troops on a very hot 
day,--and with numerous un- 
necessary halts. However, we had few if 
any stragglers, and we ruade our way fo 
some fields on the south-west of Crépy, 
St Agathe being the naine of the district. 
I selected the bivouac myself, as I did not 
get billeting orders in rime, and I pre- 
ferred open fields on a hot night for the 
troops instead of stuffy billets in the town. 
The Brigade Staff, however, occupied a 
little house and grounds in the suburbs, 
and I shall never forger arriving there 
with St André after seeing fo the bivouac 
of the Brigade. There were two wine- 
bottles and glasses on a table on the lawn, 
with comfortable chalrs alongside. Nearly 
speechless with thirst, we rushed af them. 
They were empty! 

Sept. 1st. 
The night was hot, and though I had an 
excellent bed I remember I could not get 
to sleep for ever so long. Ve were fo 


have moved off early, but the sound of 
the guns hOt far fo the north stopped us, 
and orders quickly arrived for the Brigade 
fo go and occupy Duvy, a village a toile or 
so fo the west, and give what help we could 
to General Pulteney's force of a Division 
and a brigade, who were being attacked on 
the north-west. 
So we moved out rapidly and pushed out 
two battalions fo assist. Cavalry was re- 
ported everywhere, but if was difficult fo 
know which was English and which German. 
The latter's patrols were fairly bold, and 
single horsemen got close ui fo us. Broad- 
wood, of the Norfolks, bowled over one of 
them af 700 yards--with a rifle, if was 
relorted, but if was irobably his machine- 
gun. Meanwhile our guns on the plateau 
north of Crépy supporting the 13th Brigade 
did good execution, three consecutive shells 
of theirs falling respectively into a squadron 
of Uhlans, killing a whole gun-team, and 
smashing up a gun by direct hit (27th 
Brigade R.F.A.) 
The two battalions working u i north-west 
from Duvy had just extended and were 
moving carefully across country, when I re- 
ceived word that a large force of the enemy's 


cavalry was moving on fo my left rear. 
did not like this, and pushed out another 
b,ttalion (Norfolks) fo guard my flank. But 
ve need not bave been worried, for shortly 
aftervards if appeared that the "hostile" 
cavalry was the North Irish Horse, turned 
up from goodness knows where. 
About the same rime we got a message 
from General Pulteney thanking us for the 
assisttnce rendered, and another one from 
Sir C. Fergusson telling us fo continue our 
retirement towards Ormoy Villers as flank- 
guard to the rest of the Division. This we 
did, across country and partly on the railway 
--very bad going this for horses, especially 
as we might any moment bave corne across 
a bridge or culvert with nothing but rails 
across it. If s true that, if we had, we 
might bave slipped dovn into the turnip 
fields on either side, but there were ditches 
and wire alongside which would have proved 
We halted about Ormoy Villers station-- 
in ruins almost, and with ts big water-tank 
blown up,--and I put two battalions to 
guard the flank whilst the rest of us had a 
meal. Saint André had as usual managed fo 
forage for us in the ruins, and produced a 


tin of sardines and some tomatoes and 
apples, which, with chocolate and biscuits 
and warm water--it was another roasting 
day--filled us well up. Then after a long 
and dusty walk through the woods we 
reached Nanteuil, where most of the Divi- 
sion had already arrived. 
We had to find outposts (Dorsets and 
Norfolks) that night, covering a huge bit of 
country. I borrowed a car in order to settle 
how they should be put out, and ran out 
much too far, nearly into the enemy. 
was not easy fo place them, as connection 
through the woods was most awkward. 
However, we were not attacked, the German 
cavalry and advanced guards not having 
apparently come up. 
I had sent Major Allason (of the Bedfords) 
out earlier in the day fo scout northwards 
with a couple of mounted men, and he came 
back af eventide, having collared a German 
officer and his servant, but not brought them 
in. They had just been falling back at a 
walk with the information they had gathered, 
when they heard a clatter of hoofs behind 
them, and beheld a German cavalry officer 
and his man trying fo gallop past them--not 
fo attack them,--apparently bolting from 


some of our own cavalry. Allason, who was 
in front, stuck spurs into his horse and 
galloped after the officer and shot his horse, 
bringing the German down, the latter also 
being put out of action. Then they bound 
up the German's wound and took all his 
papers from him, which proved tobe very 
useful, giving the location of the German 
cavalry and other troops. Meanwhile the 
officer's servant stood by, with his mouth 
open, doing nothing. As they couldn't carry 
the officer off, they left them both there and 
canle on. 
Amongst other stories, we heard here that 
a squadron of one of our cavalry brigades 
had stopped fo water in a wood. A lot of 
German cavalry bungled on top of thern, 
and then bolted as if the devil were after 
thern. The row stampeded out horses, and 
they dashed off through the wood in all 
directions, leving many of out men on foot. 
But their steeds were soon recovered. 

Sept. 2nd. 
Off again next morning af 4.15 A.M. We 
did rear-guard to the Division, but we had 
an easy rime of it, the Dorsets being in rear. 
I had also the 27th Brigade R.F.A., the N.I. 


Horse under Massereene, and 70 cyclists to 
help, but the Germans never pursued us or 
fired a shot. It was awfully hot again, but 
we had not far fo go--only eleven miles-- 
into Montgé. There we arrived at 10.45 A.i., 
and should have been there much sooner if 
if had not been for some of the Divisional 
Train halting to water on the way. 
Montgd is a nice little village on a hillside, 
almost within sight of Paris, which is only 
about twenty-five miles off; and on a clear 
day one can, I believe, see the Eiffel Tower 
and Montmartre. We could not make out 
why we were always thus retiring without 
fighting, and imagined it was some deep-laid 
plan of Joffre's that we perhaps were to 
garrison Paris whilst the French turned on 
the Germans. But no light was vouch- 
safed fo us. Meanwhile the retirement was 
morally rather bad for our men, and the 
stragglers increased in numbers. 
The Brigade Hea.dquarters billeted in a 
tiny house marked by two big poplars on the 
main road. The proprietor, a stout peasant 
--I think he was the Maire--received us 
very civilly, but his questions as to our 
retirement were difficult fo answer. How- 
ever, we didn't trouble bim long, and were 


off next morning by 5.30 acting as flank- 
guard again. 

Sept. 3rd. 
If was hotter than ever over those parched 
fields, and the march was complicated, for 
when we had reached Trilbardon down a 
narrow leafy path, past a bridge over the 
Marne which an R.E. officer was most 
anxious fo blow up af once, we were told fo 
act as rear-guard again. For this we had fo 
wait till all the troops had passed through 
the little streets, and then we followed. We 
overtook a good many stragglers, and these 
we hustled along, insisting on their getting 
over the other side of the Marne before the 
main bridges were blown up. We were 
responsible for leaving no one behind, but 
I'm afraid that several were left, as they had 
fallen out and gone to sleep under hedges 
and were not seen; and one K.O.S.B. man 
was suffering so violently from pains in his 
tummy that he af first refused fo stir, and 
said he didn't care if he was taken prisoner. 
There were a considerable number of these 
tummy cases on the way--hot sun and un- 
ripe apples had, I fancy, a good deal fo do 
with them. 


At Esbly we halted, gratefully, in the 
shade for an hour; it was a nice little town, 
but strangely empty, for nearly ail the in- 
habitants had fled. 
We put up for the night round Mont 
Pichet, a beastly little hamlet, with the 
Cheshires and one company Bedfords finding 
the outposts. The Brigade Headquarters 
billeted round a horrible little house, sur- 
rounded by hundreds of ducks and chickens, 
which ran in and out ail over the place till if 
stank most horribly. There was only one 
room which wasn't absolutely foul, and that 
I took. The others slept in the open. I 
wish I had. 
I went fo visit the outpostu by myself; 
and my wretched pony, Gay, refused fo cross 
a little stream about two feet broad and two 
inches deep. Nothing would induce her to 
cross if, so I had fo send ber back and doit 
ail on foot, beyond a village called Chevah'ue 
and back. By the rime I got back, late, hot, 
and hungry, I must have done four toiles on 

Sept. 4th. 
Having been told we should be here for 
at least a day to rest, we received orders, I 


need hardly say, af 7 next morning, fo be 
ready fo move immediately. However, it 
was rather a false alarm, as, except for a 
Divisional "pow-wow" on general subjects, 
af 10 A.M. af Bouleurs, we had little fo do all 
day, and did hOt more till 11.50 P.M. There 
had been an alarm in the afternoon, by the 
way, of German cavalry advancing, and I re- 
inforced the Bedfords with another company, 
and got two howitzers ready fo support, but 
the "Uhlans" did hOt materialize. 
I might here mention, by the way, that all 
German cavalry, whether Lancers or not, 
went by the generic naine of Uhlans. But 
if was perhaps hOt surprising, as all the 
hostile cavalry, even Hussars, had lances. 
They were, however, extraordinarily un- 
handy with them, and our own cavalry had 
a very poor opinion of their prowess and 

Sept. 5th. 
The Divisional Orders for the march 
were complicated, and comprised marching 
in two columns from different points and 
meeting about ten toiles off. Also, the 
collecting of my outposts and moving to 
a left flank was complicated. But it went 


off ail right, and we marched gaily along 
in the cool night and effected the junction 
af Villeneuve. Thence on through a big 
wood with a network of rides, where the 
two officers who were acting as guides in 
front ,vent hopelessly astray and took the 
wrong turning. The leading battalion was, 
however, very shortly extricated and put on 
the right road, and after passing Tournans 
we halted, after a sixteen-mile march, at 
a magnificent château near Gagny (Château 
de la Monture) af 7.30 A.. 
ttere we made ourselves extremely com- 
fortable in the best bedrooms of M. Boquet, 
of the Assurance Maritime, Havre, and sent 
him a letter expressing out best thanks. 
Up to 6 P.. we slept peacefully, with 
no orders fo disturb us, but then they 
arrived and gave us great joy, for we were 
to match af 5 A.., not southwards, but 
northwards again. 

Sept. 6th. 
What had happened, or why we were 
suddenly to turn against the enemy after 
ten days of retreat, we could not conceive; 
but the fact was there, and the difference 
in the spirits of the men was enormous. 


They marched twice as well, whistling and 
singing, back through Tournans and on fo 
Villeneuve. Here we had orders to halt 
and feed, but the halt did not last long, for 
a summons to the 5th Division Headquarters 
(in a hot and stuffy little pot-house)arrived 
ag 1 '.M., and by 2 we were marching on 
through the Forët de Crécy fo Mortcerf. 
If was frightfully hot and dusty, and the 
track through the forest was not easy to 
find. Although I had issued stringent 
orders about the rear of one unit always 
dropping a guide for the next unit (if hOt 
in sight) at any cross-roads we came to, 
something went astray this rime, and half 
the Brigade turned up at one end of the 
village of Mortcerf, whilst the other half 
came in at the other. We were on advanced 
guard at the rime, and so increasing the 
frontage like this did no harm; but it 
caused rather a complication in the billets 
we proceeded fo allot. 
A delightful little village it was, and the 
Maire, in whose house we put up, was 
extremely kind; but by the rime I had 
covered the front with outposts and ridden 
back, very hot and tired, General Smith 
Dorrien turned up, and announced that 


we were fo push on in an hour. He was, 
by the way, very complimentary about the 
way in which the 15th Brigade had behaved 
all through, and cast dewdrops upon us 
with both hands. If was very pleasan¢, 
but I was rather taken aback, for I 
genuinely did not think that we had doe 
anything particularly glorious in the retreat. 
However, if appeared that the authorities 
considered that the Brigade was extremely 
well discplined and well in hand--for which 
the praise was due to the C.O.'s and not to 
me--and were accordingly well pleased. 
So we ruade a hurried little meal at 
the Malre's house, and Madame threw us 
delicious pears from a first-floor window 
as we rode away. 
We had not far fo go in the dusk, only 
two or three toiles on fo the turning which 
led to La Celle. The Dorsets were pushed 
on into and beyond La Celle, in rather 
compHcated country--for there was a deep 
valley and a twisting road beyond; but 
the few Uhlans in the village bolted as 
they entered if, and no further disturb- 
ances occurred in our front. On our rght, 
however, there was heavy firng, for the 
3rd Division had corne across a good many 


of the enemy af Faremoutiers, and at 9.30, 
and again af 11.30, general actions seemed 
fo be developing. But they died away, and 
we slept more or less peacefully on a stubble 
field with a few sheaves of straw fo keep 
us warm. Perpetual messengers, however, 
kept on arriving with orders and queries 
all night long, and our sleep was a broken 

Sept. 7 th. 
We awoke with the sun, feeling--I speak 
for myself--rather touzled and chippy, and 
waited a long rime for the orders to proceed. 
The cooks' waggon turned up vith the 
Quartermaster - Sergeant and breakfast -- 
and still we didn't move. Eventually we 
fell in and moved off af noon--a hot day 
again--very hot, in fact, as we strung along 
on a narrow road in the deep and wooded 
valley. Yery pretty country it was; but 
what impressed itself still more on me was 
the gift of some most super-excellent 
"William" pears by a farmer's wife in a 
tiny village nestling in the depths--real 
joy on that thirsty day. 
There were still some Uhlans left in the 
woods, and I turned a couple of Norfolk 


companies off the road fo drive them out. 
Some of our artillery had also heard of 
them, and a Horse battery dropped a few 
shells into the wood fo expedite matters; 
but I regre fo say the only bag, as far as 
we could tell, was one of our own men 
killed and another wounded by them. 
Af Mouroux we halted for a rime, and 
then pushed on, rather late, fo Boissy le 
Châtel--the delay being caused by the 
motor-bikist carrying orders fo us miss- 
ing, by some mschance, our Headquarters 
altogether--though we were wthn a few 
hundred yards of Dvislonal ttcadquarters, 
and had reported our whereabouts -- and 
going on several mlles fo look for us. 
We were now again the advanced guard of 
the Division, and had fo find outposts for 
if a mlle beyond. If is always rather a 
grind having fo ride round the outposts 
after a long day, but one can't sleep in 
peace till one is satisfied that one's front 
is properly protected, so if bas fo be done; 
and as the Brigade Staff is limited, the 
Staff Captain allotting the billets, and the 
Brigade Major seeing that all the troops 
arrive safely, one generally has fo do these 
little excursions by oneself. On the road 


I came across Hubert Gough, commanding 
the 3rd Cavalry Brigade, in a motor, cheery 
as ever, with his cavalry somewhere on our 
right flank keeping touch with us. We 
put up in a little deserted château in Boissy 
le Châtel, but it was overcrowded with trees 
and bushes and very stuffy. 

Sept. 8th. 
Next morning we had, before starting, 
the unpleasant duty to perform of detailing 
a firing-party fo execute a deserter. I 
forger what regiment he belonged fo (not 
in our brigade), but he had had rotten luck 
from his point of view. He had cleared 
out and managed fo get hold of some civilian 
clothes, and, having lost himself, had asked 
the way of a gamekeeper he met. The 
gamekeeper happened fo be an Englishman, 
and what was more, an old soldier, and 
he promptly gave him up fo the authorities 
as a deserter. 
We left at 7.25 A.. as the last brigade 
in the Division. I might mention here that, 
for billeting, the ground for the Division 
was divided into "Brigade Areas," each 
area fo hold hOt only an Infantry Brigade 
but one or two Artillery Brigades, a Field 


Ambulance, and generally a company of 
R.E., and occasionally some other odds and 
ends, such as Divisional Ammunition Col- 
umn, Train, Irish Horse, Cyclists, &c., and 
for all these we had fo find billets. The 
troops billeted in these areas varied in com- 
position nearly every day. It was very 
hard work for the Staff Captain (Moulton- 
Barrett), whose proper job would normally 
have been limited fo the 15th Brigade; but 
he and Saint André, who both worked like 
niggers, somehow always nmnaged to do it 
satisfactorily. If would have turned my 
hair grey, I know, to stuff away a conflicting 
crowd of troops of different arms into an 
area which was always too small for them. 
But M.-B. would sit calmly on his horse 
amid the clamour of inexperienced sub- 
alterns and grasping N.C.O.'s, and "allot the 
farms and streets in such a way that they 
always managed to get in somehow--though 
occasionally I expect the conditions were 
not those of perfect comfort. We vere 
lucky in the weather, however, and many 
rimes troops bivouacked in the open in 
comparative ease when a rainy night would 
have caused them extreme discomfort. 
If was not always easy fo find billets even 


for our own Brigade Staff, for though we 
were a small unit, comparatively, we had 
a good number of horses and hall a dozen 
vehicles; and besides this, we had fo have 
a decent room or place for the Signal section, 
and rig up a wire for them to work in con- 
nection with the Divisional Headquarters 
or other troops. In this Cadell was excellent, 
and we rarely had a breakdown. Some- 
rimes, of course, we were too far off fo get 
a wire fixed in rime, and then we had 
recourse fo our Signal "push-bikists"--no 
motor cyclists being on our establishment. 
The Signal companies, by the way, had 
only been completely organized a month 
or two before the war, and what we should 
have done without them passes my imagin- 
ation, for they were quite invaluable, and 
rnost excellently organized and trained. 
And sometimes when, after ail this work, 
we had settled down into billets for the 
night, an order would corne to more on af 
once. Fresh orders had then hurriedly to 
be written, and despatched by the orderly 
of each unit (who was attached to out head- 
quarters) to his respective unit, giving the 
rime af which the head of the unit was to 
pass a given point on the road so as to 


dovetail into ifs place in the column in the 
dark, and all with reference fo what xve 
were going fo do, whether the artillery or 
part of if was fo be in front or in rear, 
what rations were fo be carried, arrange- 
ments for supply, position of the transport 
in the column, compositions of the advanced 
or rear-guard, &c., &c. It sounds very com- 
plicated, and still more so when you have 
fo fit in not only your own brigade but all 
the miscellaneous troops of your "Brigade 
Area." But Weatherby had reduced this fo 
 fine art, and, after all, we had had heaps 
of practice af if; so orders were short and 
fo the point, and issued in really an extra- 
ordinarily short rime. 
To return. Our march that day was 
through pretty country, with fighting always 
going on just ahead of us or on both flanks, 
but we were never actually engaged. At 
Doue we halted for an hour or so, and then 
received orders fo push out a b.attalion fo 
hold the high ground in front. But when we 
had got there we only found a panorama 
stretching out all round, dotted with troops, 
and our guns firing from all sorts of unseen 
hiding-places, with the enemy well on the 
run in front of us. Soon the order came 


for us to push on, and we moved forward 
through Mauroy, down a steep hill into 
St Cyr and St Ouen, pretty little villages 
in a cleft in the ground, across the Petit 
Morin river and up a beastly steep hill on 
the other side. 
Then came a "pow-wov" in a stiff showcr 
of rain, and on again slowly over the plateau, 
in a curious position, for there was a big fight 
going on amid some burning villages in the 
plain far on our left--I don't know what 
Division--probably the 4th--a.nd a smaller 
fight parallel fo us on the right, not two 
mlles off; and we were marching calmly 
along the road in column. 
Then a longer halt, whilst we got closer 
touch with the 14th Brigade on our right. It 
was a tangled fight there; for when we 
pushed forward some cyclists in that direc- 
tîon they were unintentionally fired on by 
the East Surrey; and the latter, who had 
rounded up and taken about 100 of the enemy 
prisoners, mostly cavalry, were just resting 
whilst they counted them, when some of our 
own guns lobbed some shells right into the 
crowd, and rive German officers and about 
fifty of the prisoners escaped in the confusion. 
A little farther on, near Charnesseuil, 


we got orders fo billet for the night there, 
and the Brigade Headquarters moved on to 
Montapeine cross-roads. Here there was a 
good deal of confusion, stray units of several 
divisions trying fo find their friends, and 
the cross-roads blocked by a small body of 
sixty-three German prisoners. We got the 
place cleared af last, and the Staff occupied an 
untidy, dirty, unfurnished house and grounds 
at the corner. If had been used by the enemy 
the night before, and they had luckily brought 
great masses of straw into the house. 
I stowed away the prisoners in the stables 
--great big, docile, sheepish-looking men 
of the Garde-Schiitzen-Bataillon (2nd and 
4th companies) and machine-gun battery 
attached. I talked fo several of them, and 
they said that the battalion had lost very 
heavily and there were hardly any oiicers 
left. One of the latter, Frltz Wrede by 
naine, I round wounded and lying on the 
straw in a dark room in the basement. 
Other wounded were being brought in here, 
and all complained of feeling very cold, 
although the evening was quite warm. I 
ruade some men heap straw on them, which 
was an improvement--but I believe that 
wounded always do feel cold. 


Wrede had a bullct through the shouldcr, 
but was not bad, so I got him to sign a paper 
fo say he would hOt try fo escape--other- 
wise he might have ruade trouble. Our 
men, as usual, were more than kind fo the 
prisoners, and insisted on giving them their 
own bread and jam--though the Germans 
had already becn given a lot of biscuit. I 
remember being struck with the extreme 
mild-scemingness of ail the prisoners, and 
wondcring how such men could have been 
capable of such frightful brutalities as they 
had been in Belgium--they looked and bc- 
haved as if they wouldn't have hurt a fly. 

Sept. 9th. 
Next morning we moved off af 7.30 and 
went vid Saacy across the Marne to Merz, 
and thence up an extremely steep and bad 
road through the woods. If was a very hot 
day, and as there was no prospect of getting 
the transport up I left it behind at Merz, 
meaning to send it round another vay when 
the road was clear. Firing was going on to 
the left front, and we halted for a council of 
war with the Divisional Staff, which ,vas 
immediately in front of us. 
The 14th Brigade was apparently hung up 


somewherc fo our left front and couldn't gct 
on, so we were sent on to help them take 
the high ground towards the Montreuil road. 
They were, we were told, already in posses- 
sion of Hill 189; but when we emergcd from 
the woods there was a Prussian battcry on 
the hill. There did not sccm to be any men 
with if, as far as wc could sec, and if was hOt 
firing. But we ruade a good target, and hOt 
more than a battalion had got clcar whcn 
the "deserted" battel'y opened tire and 
lobbcd a shcll or two into the Bedfords 
and Cheshires. 
Thcy only lost a man or two killcd and 
wounded; but a Howitzcr battcry with us, 
which was already on the look-out, came 
into action af once and speedily silenccd the 
German guns for the rime being. 
Bols, who was leading, reported that the 
hill was attackable--it was really only a fise 
in the ground,--and after a reconnaissance 
I gladly issued orders. So the Nofolks 
and Dorsets proceeded fo attack in proper 
form, whilst I sent the Bedfords round fo 
the right towards Bézu fo try and take 
the rise in flank. The 14th Brigade were 
meanwhile somewhere on the left, and we 
got touch with them after a rime; but thcy 


could hot get forward, as a number of big 
guns from much furthcr off kept up a 
heavy tire, and thcre was a body of 
infantry hidden somewhere as well, fo 
j udge from the number of bullets that 
came over and into us. 
That was rather a trying afternoon. 
Dorsets and Norfolks wet'e hcld up about 
hall a mlle ff'oto Hill 189, and I went f»rward 
to Bdzu with the Bedfords to try fo gct 
them on fo the flank. Thorpe and his 
company got forward into a wood, but lost 
a number of meu in getting there; .nd the 
lie of the ground did hot seem to justify 
my sending many more fo help him, as the 
space up to the wood was sxvept by a heavy 
tire. Just about this rime poor Roc of thc 
Dorsets, who had taken some of his com- 
pany into this wood, was shot through the 
head--as was also George, one of his 
Meanwhile those horrible big guns from 
somewhere near Sablonnières were giving 
us a lot of trouble, and knocked out also 
several of the Cheshires, who had been sent 
by thc Divisional Commander towards the 
left fo support the 14th Brigade. The 
latter--(I went to sec Rolt, the Brigadier, 


but thcre was little wc could coml}ine)-- 
sccmcd at one moment to ho a little un- 
happy, as they were enfiladcd fron Chanoust 
on their lef; but the Dorscts had worked 
carefully forward on their tummies, and 
with tlm 5Torfolks hcld a low ridge well o 
thc front, whencc, though they could hot 
gct forward themselves, they could do thc 
ccmy a good deal of damagc. So the 14th 
Ilrigade stuck if out, and wc kept up the 
gaine till dusk, whcn we dug oursclves in 
a littlc furthcr t)ck and postcd outposts. 
I might add that when Weatherby and I 
went forward to ste Bois and Ballard, 
Weatherby had bad luck, for his horse 
was shot in the body vhilst he was leading 
him, and died that night. 
Meanwhile the 9th Brigade of the 3rd 
Division was on out right, under Shaw, and 
although his Lincolns, or sorne of them, 
had got into the wood, and we tried a com- 
bined movement, they also got hung up 
there and we could not get on. 
The Germans certainly fought this rear- 
guard action remarkably well. We did hot 
know af the rime that if was a rear-guard 
action, for we thought a whole corps might 
be occupying a strong position here and 


intending to fight next day. But no more 
fighting took place that night, and by next 
morning they had cleared out. 
The Germans had evidently only just lett 
Bézu, for on my going fo see M'Cracken 
(commanding 7th Brigade) there, I found 
him in a house with the remains of an 
unfinished (German) meal, including many 
half-empty bottles, on the table. Then we 
managed to get some supper in another 
house, and were nearly turned out of it by 
a subaltern of General Hamilton's staff, who, 
seeing a light in the window, thought he 
would save himself the trouble of hunting 
for another house for his General, and 
announced that it was required for the 3rd 
Divisional Staff. I was inclined to demur 
at first and sit tight; but the ever-useful 
Saint André, fo save trouble, hurried out 
and secured another bouse for us; as a 
marrer of fact it was better and bigger than 
the flrst one, and would have suited the 
Divisional Staff much better. 
After issuing orders for to-morrow's 
attack or match we flung ourselves down 
dead tired, and were awakened ten minutes 
afterwards by a summons from General 
Hamilton fo corne and see him at once, as 


he was going to hold a pow-wow on the 
situation. I found him in a tiny, poky little 
attic, and there we waited for three-quarters 
of an hour whilst Rolt was being sent for. 
Two hours did this pow-wow last, and we 
had to write and issue fresh orders in con- 
sequence. Just as they had been sent out 
and we had flung ourselves down ag,in for 
a little sleep, an entirely new set of orders 
arrived from the 5th Division, and for the 
third rime we had to think out and write 
and distribute a fresh set of oiders. By 
that rime it was 12.30 A.M., and we were fo 
move at 3.45 A.M., which ment getting up 
at 2.30. Two hours broken slcep that night 
was all we got--and lucky to get ît. 

Sept. l Oth. 
Off at 3.45 n_.., we moved out in careful 
fashion towards Haloup, in the direction of 
Montreuil. But our scouts reported ail 
clear, and in vèry truth the Germans had 
left. What was more, they had left that 
field battery on Hill 189 behind them, sur- 
rounded by about twenty or more corpses 
and a quantity of ammunition. 
It was a dmp duy, and progress was 
slow, as it was hot at all certain where 


the enemy was. At Denizy, a small village 
on the way, we werc told that a German 
general, with his staff, had received a severe 
shock there the day before by an unexpected 
British shell dropping on his headquarters 
whilst he was af luncheon. He had jumped 
up with a yell and bolted up the hill, but 
was driven down ag,in by another shell 
which landed close by. He was reported 
fo have died almost at once, but whether 
from fright or hot was hot quite clear. 
When near Germigny we espied a German 
column in the distance, and shelled if heavily 
with the 61st howitzer battery attached fo 
us (Major Wilson), causng if fo bolt in all 
directions. The 3rd Cavalry Brigade now 
turncd up in our front (Hubert Gough's), 
and with the 5th (Chetwode's) hustled the 
enemy along. We were advanced guard 
again, and if was difficult to get on, for 
the Dvisional Commander kept sending 
messages from behind asking me why the 
deuce I wasn't going faster, whilst Gough 
was sending me protests from the front 
that I was treading on his heels, and not 
givng him rime fo clear up the situation! 
We halted for some timc the other side 
of Gcrmigny, and then pushed on to Gan- 


delu, a large village in a cleft of the hills, 
from the heights in front of which the 
German artillery might have ruade it ex- 
tremely unpleasant for us. But none were 
there, nor were there any af Chézy, which 
would have ruade a perfect defensive posi- 
tion for them, with a glacis-like slope in ail 
On the other side of Gandelu, in the wood, 
we came across the first signs of t.he German 
bolt. A broken motor-car was lying in the 
stream, and dead horses and men were lying 
about, whilst every now and then we passed 
two or three of our troopers with a dozen 
German prisoners in tow. 
As we moved up the steep hill towards 
Chézy, we came across packs, rifles, and 
kit of all sorts flung away, broken-down 
waggons, more dead Germans, and, at last, 
on a whole convoy of smashed waggons, 
their contents mostly littered over the fields 
and road, and groups of out horsemen beam- 
ing with joy. The 3rd Cavalry Brigade 
had rounded up this convoy with their 
Horse Artillery, scuppered or bolted most 
of the escort, and captured the rest. Besldes 
this, they had attacked a whole cavalry 
division and scattered if fo the winds. 


Their first lot of prisoncrs numbered 348, 
and their second 172. 
We halted near the convoy for our usual 
ten minutes, and examined iç with much 
satisfaction. There were all sorts of things 
in the waggons--food and corn, fo which 
I allowed our men to help themselves, for 
our horses were short of oats and our mon 
of rations, and some of the tinned meats, 
"gulasch" and "blutwurst," were quite 
excellent and savoury, much more so than 
our everlasing bully beef. Other waggons 
were full of all sorts of loot--cases of 
liqueur and wine, musical instruments, house- 
hold goods, clothing, bedding, &c., trinkets, 
clocks, ribbons, and an infinite variety of 
knick-knacks, many of which one would 
hardly have thought worh taking. But 
the German is a robber af heart, and takes 
everything he can lay his hands on. There 
was also a first-rate motor-car, damaged, 
by çhe side of the road, and in iç were a 
General's orders and decorations, and 100 
rifle cartridges (Mauser) with soft-nosed 
bullets. To make certain of this I kept 
one of the cartridges and gave if to Sir C. 
Fergusson. I think these were about the 
only things (besides food)which we took 


from the whole convoy, though many of 
the other things would have been well 
worth taking. The men were very good, 
and did not attempt even fo leave the 
ranks till allowed by me fo take the corn 
and food. 
A short way on was the dirty village of 
Ch5zy, and hcre we found a heap of cavalry 
and many of the 3rd Division. So we 
branched off to the left in a frightfully 
heavy ten minutes' shower, and marched 
away to St Quentin--marked as a village, 
but really only a farmhouse in a big wood. 
As we approached the wood Headlam's guns 
began fo shell it in order fo clear if of 
possible hostile troops, and continued until 
I sent back fo say that the shells were pre- 
venting us from going on ; then he eased off. 
We halted near St Quentin for half an 
hour, and then came a message fo say we 
were fo billet there. If was impossible fo 
billet a whole brigade in one farmhouse, 
and that none too large. So we told off 
different fields for the battalions fo bivouac 
in, and occupied the farm ourselves, first 
sending out cyclists fo clear the wood, as' 
there were rumoured fo be parties of Uhlans 
in if. 


It was a grubby farm with not much 
water, but we made the best of it, and 
settled do»vn for the night. A starved- 
looking priest was also sleeping there, and 
he told me his story. 
tte and a fellov-priest, an Aum5nier from 
Paris, had been on their way to join the 
French unit to which they had becn allottcd 
for ambulance purposes, when they fell into 
German hands and werc treated as prisoners. 
The priest was robbed by a sergeant of 1200 
francs, his sole possessions, and both he and 
the Aumônier were beaten black and bluc, 
forced to march carrying German knap- 
sacks, and kept practically without food or 
drink. After three days the Aumônier 
succumbcd fo ill usage and died, and the 
prest only managed to escape because his 
captors were themselves on the run. 
The priest also told us that there werc 
some British prisoners in the column, and 
that the Germans behaved perfectly brutally 
to them, kicking them, starving them, and 
forcing them to camîy German knapsacks. 

Sept. l l th. 
Next mornng we did not movc off till 
9.25, for the supplies to the Brigades did hot 


arrive as soon as we expected, and hence 
the column was late in starting. We 
dawdled along, forming the rear brigade, 
in cool weather, and nothing in particular 
happened beyond reports coming in from 
the front that the Germans were quite 
demoralised. If came on fo pour as we left 
Chouy, and af Billy we parked the transport 
and prepared fo billet there. But if was 
already chokeful of other troops, and more 
than half out brigade would have had fo 
bivouac in the sopping fields. So we pushed 
on fo St Remy, and, evacuating some 
cavalry and making them more on fo some 
fatras a bit ahead,--including Massereene 
and his North Irish Horse, who, I fear, 
were hot much pleased af having to turn out 
of their comfortable barns,--we billeted 
there, headquarters being taken up in the 
Curé's house. Even here his poor little 
rooms had been ransacked, drawers and 
tables upset and their contents littered over 
the floor, and everything of the smallest 
value stolen by the Germans. 

Sept. 12th. 
Off at 5 A.Vi., we did only a short march 
as far as the Ferme de l'Epitaphe, a huge 


f«rrm sçtnding by itself in a vasç alld drcary 
plSn of ploughcd fields. IIcre we haltcd in 
1)ouring rain all dry, expecçing ordcrs to 
go on. But we evençually had ço billet 
there, wiçh çhe Divisional Headquarçers, and 
çhough we could only put up çhe Bcdfords 
and the Chcshires there was a terrific squash. 
The Dorscts and Norfolks wcrc sent back fo 
billet af Nampteuil, a village a toile or so 
back, but cvcn here there was somc confu- 
sion, as the 14th Brigade had meanwhile 
arrivcd and begun fo billet thcre. They 
wcrc, however, sent back likewise fo Chrisy, 
and thc whole Division prssed a most un- 
comfortablc night. The rain nevcr ceascd 
from pouring, and a gale sprang up, which 
ruade matters worse. We slept in a loft with 
a numbcr of Cheshire and Bedford officers, 
and didn't get dinner till past nine. Some 
gunner officers turned up, with no food ai 
all, and we fed them ; but there wasn't much 
af the best of rimes, for we had no rations 
and had to depend on the contents of out 
Mess basket, which consisted only of H«rvey 
sauce, knives and forks, an old ham-bonc, 
sweet biscuits, and jam. 


Sept. 13th. 
If was fine in the morning, but the far,n- 
ynrd was ankle-deep in water and slush, and 
the sky was leaden with lurid clouds in thc 
east, when we started af 4.10 We 
pushcd on slowly in column for tllc few 
mlles fo Serches, and there we halted at flic 
cross-ronds on the top of thc plateau and 
pnrkcd thc brigade whilst the situation was 
cleared up by troops in front. Shclls began 
fo drop unplcnsantly near us, and n couple 
of ficld btrtteries which got into action just in 
front of us, togethcr with a " cow-gun"  
(60 lb.)battcry, only drew thc hostile tire 
still more. Thcy wcre pretty big sbells, 
Black Marins mostly, and the heavy battery 
bcillg right out in thc open suffered some- 
what severely, losing eight horses and a few 
lnen killed and wounded by one shell 
So we prudently scattered the battalions 
a bit, and the field battcries liml)ered up and 
walked slowly bnck under cover of a slope. 
But the cow-guns had one gun disabled, and 
thougll they also moved back and got again 

' So cllod becuuse similar guns in the South Aïrican 
war had becn drawn by oxen. 


into action thcy wcre evidently spottcd and 
had rather a poor finie. 
Just about then, too, the transport of the 
13th Brigade, which was nccessarily follow- 
ing the infantry over the crest towards 
Sernloise, wcre noticed by the enenly, and a 
few shells over them killed and disablc(l a 
number of waggon-horses and nmn, nlaking 
a very nasty nless in thc road. 
Thcre we sat ail day whilst the sun canle 
out and dried us a bit. But we werc hot 
very happy at luncheon ; for though hungry 
and with plenty fo eat now, those beastly 
shclls canle ncarcr and ncarcr us, till out 
bully and biscuiç lost thcir charm entircly. 
At last we got up, plates in hand, and nlovcd 
with dignity out of range, or, rather, nlore 
under cover. 
The Cheshires had nlcanwhilc discovcrcd a 
curious cave in the hillside which shcltercd 
the whole battalion (though, in truth, thc 
latter was hot large, only 450 nlen or so), 
whilst the other battalions were well out 
of sight in the folds of the ground. 
The shadows grew longer and longer, and 
we rigged up sonle conlfortable little shelters 
in the coppice for the night, thinking we 
should bivouac where we were. But af 6 I 


was scnç for ço Divisional Headqu,rtcrs 
Serches, and çold ço reconnoitrc the road 
çoxvards the Aisne- on]y a toile or 
ahcad. This I did in a motor-car, and 
returned in rime for dinner; butwe had 
1)arcly got through it, about 8, whcn march- 
ing orders came ço çhe effect that we wcre 
fo push on and cross the Aisne by rafçs 
night, and the sooner te better. 
So we moved off with some difl]culty in 
thc dark, for there were no connecting roads 
with the halting-places of the battalions, and 
got on fo the main road, whence ail was 
plain sailing, down fo the Moulin des Roches, 
an imaginary mill on the river bank. Over 
some sloppy pasture fields in dead silence, 
and we round ourselves on the bank, with 
a darker shadow p]ashing backwards and 
forwards over the river in out front, and 
some R.E. oificers talking in whispers. 
The actual crossing of the Brigade was a 
long job, and had fo be carefully worked 
out. The raft held sixty men af a tinle, 
or thirty men and three horses; but as 
horses on a raff in the dead of night were 
likely fo cause a fuss, we left them behind, 
fo follow on in the morning, and crossed 
without them, -- four and a half hours it 


took; and whilst the men were crossing 
we tried fo get a bit of sleep on the wet 
bank. It was hot very successful, as it 
was horribly cold and we had no blankets. 
Thc staff crossed last of all, and we landcd 
in a wood on the far side, in a bog but 
thinly covercd with cut brushwood, and 
full of irritating, sharp, and painful tree- 

Sept. 14th. 
When we were across if was difficult fo 
discover the battalions aslecp in the ficlds, 
and when we had round them and it was 
rime to start it was difficult to wake 
them. However, we moved off just as it 
was getting light; but it was hot easy to 
find the way, for there was no path af 
first. We had orders fo go vid Bucy-le- 
Long to Sainte Marguerite, and round the 
villages right enough, for they were close 
together. But as we moved into Sainte 
Marguerite, with a good many other troops 
in front of us, we became aware that there 
was an unnecessary number of bullets fly- 
ing about, and that out fellows in front 
were being held up. 
The village was held by the 12th Brigade 


(4th Division), and the 14th Brigade was 
somewhere on our right. The Dorsets were 
out leading battalion, and they werc pushed 
on fo help the 12th, and filled a gap in 
their line on thc hill above the village front 
af the eastern end. But there we stuck 
for a long rime. The enemy's artillery had 
meanwhile opened on us, and shells began 
fo crash overhead and played the devil with 
thc files and the houses. But they did hOt 
do us much harm. 
We now received orders to move on to 
Missy (hot a mîle off to the right) and clear 
the Chivres ridge of the enemy and push on 
fo Conde and take that if possible--rather 
a "large order." The difficulty was fo get 
fo Missy, for the road thither was spattered 
with bullets, and shells were bursting ail 
along if. However, by dint of careful work 
we moved out bit by bit, cutting through 
the gardens and avoiding the road, and 
taking advantage of a slight slope in the 
ground by which we could sneak to the 
far side of the little railway embankment 
which led fo Missy Station. 
If took a long rime, and I ruade what 
proved to be the serious mistake of stay- 
ing fo the end in order fo see the whole 


Brigade clcar of Sainte Ma,rguerite. I ought 
really to have gonc ahead with thc first 
l)arty to reconnoitre; for just as we were 
starting aftcr the rear company I stopped 
to write a message to the Division in answer 
fo one which had just arrived, and af that 
moment a hellish shrapnel, machine-gun, and 
rifle tire was opened, hot only on the village 
but on ail the exits therefrom, and this tire 
lasted for nearly two hours. Ont simply 
could hot make the attempt; if would 
have been certain death. And so we had 
fo sit in the tiny courtyard of one of the 
houses, with our backs against the wall, 
and listen to the inferno overhead, whilst 
the proprietor's wife plied us with most 
acceptable roast potatoes and milk. 
I wrote a lot of messages during those 
two hours, but whether they ail got through 
or hot I do hot know: some of the mcs- 
sengers never came back. Colonel Seely 
turned up at one moment -- from Gencral 
Headquarters, I thinkmdemanding informa- 
tion. This I supplied, and ruade use of him 
to take some of my orders back; if really 
was quite a new sensation giving orders to 
a recent Secretary of State for War. 
Af one rime two or three artillery waggons 


appeared in the little main street and re- 
mained thcrc quietly for a bit under a 
heavy tire, but only losing a man or two 
slightly wounded. Then suddenly there was 
a loud crack overhead, and half a dozen 
horses were lying struggling and kicking 
on the ground, with great pools of blood 
forming in the road and four or rive pros- 
trate men in them. If was a horrible sight 
for us, for the shell had burst just opposite 
the gare of our courtyard. But the gunners 
behaved magnificently, and a farrier sergeant 
gave out his orders as quietly and uncon- 
cerncdly as if he had been on parade. I 
took his naine with a view fo recommenda- 
tion, but regret that I have forgotten if 
by now. 
We also had some very unpleasant shaves 
af this rime in out own courtyard. Twice 
did a shell burst just above the house and 
drive holes in the roof, bringing down 
showers of files; the second rime practlcally 
ail the files fell on me and nearly knocked 
me down. I do not know why they did 
hot hurt me more--luckily the house was a 
low one; but they merely bruised my back. 
Af last, in a lull, we managcd to get away, 
and sneaked out af a run--through a yard 


and back garden, behind a farm, out at the 
back behind a fold in the ground, then across 
a wide open field and on fo the low railway 
embankment, behind whîch we ducked, and 
ruade out way to the little station of Missy 
and up behind some scattered houses to near 
the church. 
Here, after some trouble, we got the 
commanding oflïcers together, and arranged 
to push on and attack the wooded ridge 
above the town. The force was rather 
mixed. I had met Rolt (commanding the 
14th Brigade) on the way, and we had 
settled that I should collect whatever of 
his men I could get together in Missy and 
join them to my attacking party. The 
diflïculty was that it was already getting 
late--4.30 P.M.--and that there was insuffi- 
cient rime for a thorough reconnaissance, 
though we did what we could in that direc- 
tion. However, my orders from the Divi- 
sional Commander had been fo take the 
ridge, and I tried to do it. I had got to- 
gether three companies of the Norfolks, 
three of the Bedfords, two Cheshires (in 
reserve), two East Surreys (14th Brigade), 
and two Cornwalls (13th Brigade, who had 
arrived vid the broken bridge af Missy and 


some rafts hastily constructed there)--twelve 
companies altogether. 
But when they pushed forward it became 
very difiïcult, for there turned out tobe too 
many men for the space. What I had not 
known was that, though they could advance 
up a broad clearing to more than half-way 
up the hill, this clearing was bounded on 
both flanks, as if gradually drew to a point, 
by high 6-feet wire netting just inside the 
wood, so that the men could not get properly 
into the wood, but were gradually driven in 
towards the point, where the only entrance 
to the wood occurred. 
Luckily the Germans had hot noticed this 
either--or there would bave been many 
more casualties than there were. As it was, 
a company of the East Surrey and another 
one (Allason's) of the Bedfords did ge 
through to the top of the wood and on to 
the edge of the open plateau; but this I 
did not hear of till later. When the greater 
part of the force had got through the open- 
ing into the wood they found a few Germans 
there and drove them back, killing some. 
Then they surged on fo a horse-shoe-shaped 
road further on in the wood, and some men 
lost their direction and began firing in front 


of them af what they thought were Germans. 
But they were others of our own, and these 
began firing back, also without knowing that 
they were their friends. Consequently, al- 
though casualties were few, an unpleasant 
situation arose, and numbers of men turned 
about and retired down the hill into Missy, 
saying th,t our artillery was firing into 
them. This may bave been truc, for some 
shells were bursting over the wood; but 
whether they were English or German I do 
hot know fo this day. 
Anyhow, the stream of men coming back 
increased. They fell back into the village, 
and then came some certainly German 
shells after them. For an unpleasant 
quarter of an hour the little sloping village 
of Missy was heavily shelled by shrapnel; 
but the walls of the houses were thick, and 
though of course there were a certain 
number of casualties, they were hot serious 
as long as the men kept close to the south 
side of the walls. Beilby (our Veterinary 
oicer) for some reason would keep to the 
wrong side of the street and was very nearly 
killed, the fuse of a shell landing with a 
whump on a door not two feet in front of 
him, and a shrapnel bullet going through 


his skirt pocket; but he was hot touched. 
The shrapnel were in bursts of four, and 
luckily Moulton-Barrett noticed if, for he 
cahnly held up the stream of men till the 
fourth shell had burst, and then let as many 
as possible past the open space there till 
the ncxt bunch arrived, when he stopped 
them behind cover,--just like a London 
policcman directing traffic. 
I remember one man falling, as we 
thought dead, close to where the Staff were 
standing. But he groaned, and Weatherby 
ran to pick him up. There was, however, 
no wound of any sort on him, and after a 
minute he got up and went on. I think he 
must have been knocked down by the 
wind of a shell--for he certainly was as 
much astonished as we were af finding no 
damage on himself. 
By this time I had given orders that the 
troops were fo retire to their previous 
positions in and near the village, and if was 
getting dusk. 
Luard (Norfolks) and a party of twenty- 
rive men were well ahead in the wood, and 
received the order fo retire, for Luard was 
heard shouting it to his men. But nothing 
has since been heard of him, and I much 


regret to say that he was either t,ken 
prisoner with most of his men, or, more 
probably, killed. 
A message now came down from the 
plateau saying that some East Surreys and 
Bedfords were still up in the wood, and 
should they retire or hold on? As it was 
nearly dark and I consequently could not 
support them--for if the men could not get 
through the wire-netting in daylight they 
could hardly do so ai night--I told them 
to retire. I gave this order after I had 
consulted Rolt, who was somewhere west 
of the village; but even if Rolt had not 
been there I should have given it, for it 
would have been impossible to reinforce 
them adequately in the circumstances. 
So I issued orders for an early recon- 
naissance and attack next morning, fo be 
led by the Norfolks ; and the troops covered 
their front with sentries and bivouacked 
in and round the village. We were all 
short of food that night, for none of our 
supply carts, and not even a riding-horse, 
had corne with us. But all or most of the 
men had an "iron ration" on them, and 
this they consumed, with the "unexpired" 
portion of their previous day's ration. 


T|Ie Bedfords too] up their position along 
the railway to the west, Cheshires on the 
right, Norfolks right front of village, 
D.C.L.I. left front. 
As for the Staff, we retired fo a farm 
called La Bizaie, three-quarters of a toile 
south of Missy, and close to the river, and 
took up our quarters there. There was 
hOt a whole pane of glass in the house, for 
if had been heavily bombarded--being 
empty, except for a few wounded--during 
the day, and great craters had been formed 
close by the walls by the Black Marlas. But 
except atone corner of the roof of an out- 
house, no damage had been done fo the 
buildings--except the broken glass. 
If was a very old farmhouse, as we round 
out afterwards, part of if dating back fo 
1200 and something. Curiously enough, 
there was a photograph of an English 
Colonel (of the R.A.M.C.) on the sideboard-- 
a friend, so the farm servants told us, of 
the owner, whose naine I have forgotten. 
The buildings were very superior fo the 
ordinary farm type, and more like a com- 
fortable country house than one would ex- 
pect, but there were plenty of barns as well, 
and some pigs and chickens running about. 
We bought, murdered, and are an elderly 

chiekcn, but otherwise there was devilish 
little fo eat except a store of jam, and we 
had only a very few biscuits and no bread. 

Sept. 15th. 
After writlng out ordcrs for thc attack 
next day we went fo bed, dog-tired; and 

81zai Chassem_y 

I was routed out again at 12.45 A.M. by 
Malise Graham, who had corne with a 
message from the Divisional Commander 
that he wanted to see me at once af the 
broken bridge at Missy, a mlle off through 
long wct grass in pitch darkness. If was 


hOt good "going," but we got there eventu- 
ally and crossed the river, sliding down steep 
slippery banks into a punt, ferried across, 
and up the other side. Cuthbert eventually 
turned up from somewhere, and we had 
a pow-wow in the dark, resulting in fresh 
ordcrs being given for the morrow's work. 
This involved new orders being written, 
and it was 4 A.M. by the rime we turned 
in again for an hour's sleep. 
A careful reconnaissance was ruade by 
Done and some other Norfolk officers as 
soon as if was light; but the result was 
hot promising. Fresh German trenches 
had been dug commanding the open space, 
and more wire had been put up during the 
The Norfolks were told off fo lead the 
assault, with the Bedfords in support and 
the Cheshires in reserve. The Dorsets were 
still above Sainte Marguerite, helping the 
12th Brigade, and were hot available. 
We began by shelling that horrible 
Chivres Spur, but if produced little effect, 
as the Germans were in the wood and 
invisible. The Norfolks pushed on, but 
gradually came fo a standstill in the wood, 
and the day wore on with littlc result, 


for the wood was desperately blind, and we 
were being heavily shelled at ail points. 
The Brigade staff sat under a hedge half- 
way between La Bizaie farm and Missy; 
but iL was hot a very happy place, for the 
big shells fell nearer and nearer till we had 
fo make a more forward ata run for the 
shelter of a big manurc-heap. But even 
here the Black Marias round us out, and 
two of them fcll within a few yards, thcir 
explosion covering us with dirt. We were 
also in view of German snipers half-way 
up the hill, and bullets came thick whenevcr 
wc showed a cap or a leg beyond the muck- 
heap, which, besides being distinctly unswcct, 
was covered with disgusting-looking flics in 
large numbers. 
Itowever, there we had to stay most of 
the day. The village of Missy was inter- 
mittently shelled by some huge howitzers, 
and bunches of their shells blew up several 
bouses and nearly demolished the church, 
a fine old 14th century building. A few 
Norfolks were buried or killed by the falling 
houses, but otherwise extraordinarily little 
damage was done, and most of thc shells 
fell in he open, where there was nobody 
worth mentioning. 


Af 3 l'.M. I got a summons fo go fo Rolt 
at his farm just outside Sainte Marguerite; 
«md a most unpleasing journey it was for 
Weatherby and me. We separated, going 
across the open plough and cabbage ficlds, 
but snipers were on us the whole rime, and 
scveral rimes missed us by only a few inches. 
We must bave offered very sporting targets 
fo the Germans on the hill, for we ran ail 
the way, and--I speak for myself--we got 
cxtremely hot. 
I sprinted a good 400 yards under tire for 
the shelter of a thick hedge, and when I got 
there round fo my disgust there was a young 
river fo be got over before I could reach the 
cover. However, I squirmed along a fallen 
bough and struggled through the fence-- 
fo find myself face fo face with Bols and 
his Dorsets, whom he was bringing along 
fo hold the line of the fence. This gave a 
certain "moral relief," and from there if 
was easier going fo Rolt's farm, ai1 except 
one point where the railway cut through 
a hedge and crossed the stream. On this 
point a German machine-gun had been laid, 
and fo cross if with a whole skin one had 
fo hurry a bit. Our Brigade machinc-gun 
oflîcer, young D-- of the Bedfords, was 


subsequcntly hit hero, in the back, bll lier 
vcry seriously. 
I conccrtcd measures with Rolt for hold- 
ing the line Missy-Sainte Marguerite, and we 
began te dig in places. But at 7.40 
came orders for the 15th Brigade te evacuate 
the north bank vid a new bridge near the 
old raft one where we had crossed; se we 
issued fresh orders about the 14th Brigade 
taking over out line, and prepared for 
other night march,--no sleep again. 
I forger te mention that out horses had 
arrived at La Bizaie early that morning, 
having crossed by the raff bridge the day 
before. Silver as usual ruade a desperate 
fuss, and was eventually knocked into thc 
river by a mule who was crossing with him. 
Ite swam up and down the river for twenty- 
rive minutes, refusing te corne out--poor 
Catley in desperation ail the rime. But he 
was eventually hauled out, with my saddle 
and bags, of course, sopping wet. His stable 
shed was also shelled heavily during the day, 
but strange te say none of the horses or 
grooms were touched. 
If poured in buckets that night; and as 
the Bedfords were streaming past the farm 
in the dark about 11 P.M. a terrific tire 


brokc out from the direction of Missy, ac- 
companied by German flarelights and search. 
lights. The word went round that if was a 
German counter-attack, and we tan out and 
halted the Bedfords and put them into some 
tronches covering the farm. But if turned 
out fo be a false alarm; for the Germans, 
hcaring troops moving in the dark, thought 
that they were going fo be attacked, and 
opcncd a heavy tire on Missy, whilst the 
14th Brigade and the remainder of our men 
still there replicd fo if. If eventually died 
dovn, and we resumed our march in pitch 
darkness and mud up to the men's knees 
in the water meadows by the river. 

Sept. 16th. 
The Cheshires came last, and we of the 
Brigade Staff followed them af 4 A.. 
through dripping fields and criss-cross hedges, 
coming across the Scottish Rifles lying 
asleep near the pontoon bridge. They 
belonged to the 19th Brigade, but where 
the rest of the Brigade was I do hot know. 
On the other side of the river we found 
thc Divisional Commander with a few of 
his staff. If was beastly cold and just 
getting light, about 5 A.M., and why Sir 


Charles should be standing there I could 
not at first make out. ttowever, it turned 
out that he had corne down from Serches, 
being somewhat anxious as fo what might 
be happening on the other side of the riv 
--with considerable justification, for if we 
had been driven back on to the one bridge 
which crossed the river we might have 
been in o parlous state. 
Hall an hour later we arrived in Jury, 
a tidy little village in and round which 
most of the Brigade was already billeting, 
and here, in a nice little house, belonging 
to a worthy old couple, we took our rest, 
thankful for a little peace and some sleep 
af last. 
And here we stayed for a week. 
Not that if was all beer and skittles even 
then. The 14th Brigade was still holding 
Missy over the river, and there were some 
serious alarms on one or two nights, neces- 
sitating troops being sent down to the river 
at Rupreux, in case they were wanted. 
Shells fell near Jury for a day or two, 
but they gradually died away, until some 
heavy guns of the 4th Division were brought 
up close by and began banging away again 
at the Chivres heights and beyond. Quite 


unnecessary we thought them, for they not 
only ruade a hideous noise day and night, 
but the enemy began searching for them 
with Black Marias, some of which fcll un- 
pleasantly close fo us. 
If was a pretty little valley with wooded 
hills, running northwards fo the Aisne, and 
on our right was a big plateau with huge 
hay-stacks dotted about the corn-fields, 
which served as excellent observing stations 
for our artillery, of which by this rime we 
had a vast mass. The other (north) bank 
of the Aisne was clearly visible from here-- 
in fact from the top of the biggest hay- 
stack there was a regular panorama fo be 
seen, from the twin towers of Soissons 
Cathedral on the left fo the enemy's 
trenches above Vailly aud bcyond--a 
beautiful landscape typical of La Belle 
France, even fo the rows of poplars in the 
distance, marking the Routes Nationales 
from Soissons fo other places of distinction. 
Our business was to hold the line of the 
river by digging a line of trenches from 
Sermoise fo near Venizel, and fo cover 
them with a line of outposts day and 
night. This took about four companies, 
and the rest were engaged in digging an- 


other series of trenches on the plateau as 
a supporting line fo the first, flanking the 
Jury Valley on one side and the ruins of 
Sermoise and Ciry on the other. This was 
really the first serious digging of trenches 
we had had during the campaign, and I 
remember, in the light of after experiences, 
how futile they must have been af the 
rime, for they were nothing like as deep 
as we subsequently found to be necessary, 
nor had they any wire entanglements or 
obstacles worth mentioning. However, I 
expect that the French improved them 
greatly during the subsequent winter. 
Sermoise had been desperately shelled; 
there were no inhabitants left, and practi- 
cally every house was a heap of ruins; 
but though our outposts in front of it 
could hot have been seen through the 
woods, the Germans continued to shell it 
most viciously. 
On the right of Sermoise was the 13th 
Brigade, extended towards the 3rd Division, 
which had crossed the river ai Vailly and 
was holding the slopes above it. I believe 
the 13th had a poor rime of if, for they 
were scattered over open ground and in 
small woods which vere perpetually being 


shelled, and they had, besides, fo find a 
battalion or so fo help the 14th Brigade in 
On our left we joincd hands with the 4th 
Division, most of whom were on thc othcr 
bank, running from St Marguerite west- 
wards; on their left were, I believe, the 
French, in and round Soissons. 
If was a nice rime for the Artillery; for 
guns were there in la'ge numbers, and they 
had some good targets fo shoot af, over 
Vregny and Chivres way, in the shape of 
the enemy's batteries and lines, when they 
could be seen. 
The weather was mostly fine during that 
week, but there were two horridly cold 
days on which the tain came down in 
torrents, and did hot help us in our en- 
trenching tasks. 
Af. last came the day which I had been 
expecting for some rime; and I was ordered 
fo send the Dorsets across, fo begin reliev- 
ing the 14th Brigade near Missy. 

Sept. 24th. 
They left on the 23rd, and on the 24th 
the Bedfords went over, preceded by the 
Brigade Staff af 2.30 P.M. The Norfolks 


had been sent off three days before to 
strengthen the 3rd Division, so I had only 
three battalions, and of these the Cheshires 
were very weal. However, the K.O.Y.L.I. 
and West Kents (of the 13th Brigade), 
already holding the eastern edge of Missy, 
were put under my orders, besides the 15th 
Brigade R.F.A. under Charles Ballard (a 
cousin of Colin's 1), and a Howitzer Battery 
(61st) of Duffus's 8th Brigade. 
Weatherby and I walled across to Rolt's 
farm, across a series of big fields, with only 
an occasional bullet or shell pitching in the 
distance. Lord, what a poor place if was; 
Rolt and his staff had lived there for the 
last week, all lying together on straw in 
one or two rooms : if must have been most 
uncomfortable. The windows towards the 
north-east had been plugged up with sand- 
bags, so that the rooms were very dark, 
and the floors were deep in caked mud and 
dirt of all sorts. The only attraction in 
the main room was a big open fireplace 
with a huge sort of witches' cauldron 
standing over the hot ashes, and this was 
most useful in providing us with hot baths 
later on. 

 Commanding the Norfolks. 


Sept. 25th. 
Rolt explained his position and the places 
which the different battalions were occupy- 
ing; but beyond an occasional bombard- 
ment of Missy and losses from German 
snipers in trees and elsewhere, he had hOt 
suffered overmuch. However, he and his 
Brigade were hOt sorry to leave, and leave 
they did af 4 A.. next morning. The 
avkward part of if was that one could 
never go out in the daytime, as the road 
in front of the farm leading towards Missy 
was under perpetual rifle-fire directly any 
one showed up, and several holes had been 
ruade in the farmyard gare, windows, and 
walls, not fo mention bits of the roof taken 
off by shrapnel. Why they did hot shell 
the farm more I cannot conceive. Perhaps 
the enemy thought if was deserted, but 
whilst we were there no shells fell xvithin 
a couple of hundred yards of if, though 
some were pitched well over if, and ex- 
ploded 500 yards fo the rear. 
I had gone fo see the Dorsets and 13th 
Brigade in Missy on the evening before, and 
found them fairly wcll ensconced. The 
Dorsets were in Missy itself, with their 
headquarters in a really nice house with 


carpets tnd big shaded lamps, and a cellar 
full of excellent wine, and a nice garden 
all complete, and charming bedrooms--ln- 
finitely superior fo our pig-sty of a farm. 
I seriously thought of turning them out 
and taking the house for the Brigade Staff, 
especially as our farm was hot af ail central 
but quite on the lef of our line; but ail 
our cable-lines converged on fo the farm, 
and, in addition, the Dorset bouse would 
hve been impossible fo get out of for 
further control if Missy were shelled; so 
I settled fo remain af the farm. The 13th 
Brigade--i.e., K.O.Y.L.I. and West Kents, 
were further on, the K.O.Y.L.I. on the 
eastern outskirts, and the West Kents in 
trenches beyond them. The K.O.S.B.'s were 
still further south-eastwards, and reached 
back fo the river, but there were only one 
or two weak companies of them. 
Before dawn, and just after Rolt had 
left, I went to inspect the Bedfords' position, 
which was close fo Rolt's farm, in the wood 
in front of it, and a beastly position it was. 
The wood was very damp, and when one 
tried fo dig trenches one struck water only 
a foot below ground, so most of the line 
had fo be made of breast-works. There 


were German trenches within 20 yards of 
our advanced trench there, and ours was 
remarkably badly situated and liable fo 
be rushed af a moment's notice; yet if was 
impossible from the lie of the ground to dig 
suitable ones unless we retired altogether 
for 200 yards, which of course was out of 
the question. So we chanced it and stuck 
it out, and luckily were never attacked 
there. The men suffered there from damp 
and cold, I'm afraid, for every mornng a 
wet and freezing fog arose in the wood, 
although the weather was clear elsewhere; 
but it could hot be helped. 
We stayed in Rolt's farm and in the 
positions descrbed for just a week. On one 
day, the 27th, we had a false alarm, for 
the enemy was reported as crossing the 
Condé bridge ai 4 _.M. in large numbers, 
and everybody was af once on the qui vive, 
the Cheshires, who were in bivouac behind 
Rolt's farm, being sent back (by Sir C. 
Fergusson's orders) to Rupreux, the other 
side of the river. We rather doubted the 
news from the start, as the Condé bridge 
had, we knew, been blown up, and there 
was only one girder left, by which a few 


men af a rime could conceivably have 
crossed; but the information was so cir- 
cumstantial that if sounded possible. Even- 
tually it turned out all fo be owing fo the 
heated imagination of a Hibernian patrol 
officer of the Vest Kents, and we turned 
in again. 
Missy was shelled particularly heavily 
that day from 10 fo 6, and if was painful 
to watch great bouquets of 8-in. tt.E. shells 
exploding in the village, and whole houses 
coming down with a crash; if seemed as 
though there must be frightfully heavy 
casualties, and I trembled in anticipation 
of the casualty return that nght. 
But the Dorsets and K.O.Y.L.I. had dug 
themselves in so thoroughly in deep funk- 
holes and cellars that they did hOt have 
a single casualty; and literally the only 
men wounded were three K.O.S.B.'s and 
six West Kents outside the village in a 
trench, who were hit by about the last 
shell of the day; whilst a Bedford sniper, 
an excellent shot, one Sergeant Hunt, un- 
fortunately got a bullet through two fingers 
of his right hand. 
During that week it was moderately quiet, 


with nothing like so many casualties as we 
had expected. Our supply waggons rolled 
up after dark right into Missy village and 
never lost a man, whilst the village was so 
thoroughly barricaded and strengthened and 
scientifically defended--mostly Dorset work 
--that we could have held out against any 
number. The sappers too, 17th Co. R.E., 
worked like Trojans under young Pottinger, 
a most plucky and capable youth wearing 
the weirdest of clothes--a short and filthy 
mackintosh, ragged coat and breeches, and 
a huge revolver. 1 
Ve put Rolt's farm and the mill (between 
tlmt and Missy) and La Bizaie farm in a 
thorough state of defence, and dug hundreds 
of yards of trenches. In fact we should 
have welcomed an infantry attack, but if 
never came--only artillery long bowls. 
In this the two howitzer batteries, 
especially Wilson's 61st, were splendid, and 
spotted and knocked out gun after gun of 
the enemy. He had an observing station 
half-way up the bill above Ste. Marguerite, 
to which I went occasionally, with a grand 
view up fo Vregny and Chivres; but even 

' I grieve very much to see that he was fat,lly wounded 
outside Ypres (15th May 1916). 


here, although the O.P. was beautifully 
concealed, one had fo be careful not fo 
show a finger or a cap, for the German 
snipers in the wood below were excellent 
shots, and there were some narrow escapes. 
The worst of it was that we could take 
very little exercise. I used fo go out nearly 
every morning before sunrise fo visit the 
posts, but xvas often surprised by the sun 
before I'd finished my rounds, and had fo 
bolt back under fire; and after sunset I'd 
go round fo Missy, &c., and visit the troops 
there. Otherwise, we could hOt go out af 
all in tlle daytime--it was nluch too "un- 
healtlly,"--and what with numerous meals 
and little movement we grew disgustingly 
fat. I put in a lot of rime drawing careful 
maps of the position. 
The farm itself was cleaned up from roof 
fo cellar by Moulton-Barrett and his myr- 
midons, but if was hOt perfect af first. My 
bed was a mass of stale blood-stains from 
the wounded who had lain there before we 
came, and St André, whose bed was hot of 
the cleanest and exuded an odd and un- 
pleasing smell, routed about below if, and 
extracted the corpse of a hen, which must 
have been there for ten days af least. 


We cleaned up the farmyard too--it was 
perfectly foul when we came--but we could 
hot show much even there, although the 
gare vas always kept closed, for any sign of 
lire was generally greeted with a bullet. A 
man got one through the knee when just 
outside it, and the gare itself had several 
holes through it. The Bedfords used to send 
a company at a rime there for hot tea in the 
mornings and evenings, for they could not 
light rires where they were, and shivered 
Many were the schemes for improving 
their wood-trenches; and at last Orlebar 
(killed later near Wulverghem), who had 
been a civil engineer, drew up an arrange- 
ment for flooding the wood and retiring to a 
more satisfactory line. But before it could 
be put into practice we got orders to retire, 
and for the 12th Brigade on our left to 
relieve us. 
This meant, of course, thinning the line 
terribly, and we were, with the 12th Brigade, 
somewhat nervous about it, for we did not 
know what it portended. But we got away 
during the night in perfect safety; for 
although there was a full moon there was 
also a thlck mist, and the Germans never 


seemed to notice the noveinent, which 
required most careful staff work on the 
part of both Brigades. 
Cuthbert, seedy, was relieved by Hickie in 
command of the 13th Brigade to-day. 

Oct. 2nd. 
By some rime in the early morning of the 
2nd October--l.40 A.i. it was, fo be accurate 
--the whole Brigade had got back to Jury, 
and there we were told, as usual, that we 
were fo rest and recuperate for a week; so 
we were not surprised at getting orders in 
the afternoon fo more out st 6.30 e.i., our 
destination being a place called Droizy. I 
hd caught a bad cold that day, due solely, I 
believe, to taking a "woolly" into wear for 
the first time ; and the cold fog in which we 
marched did nothing to improve if. Above 
us was a bright clear moon, but the fog 
clung heavily to the valleys, and we marched 
in it most of the rime. Desperate secrecy 
and quiet was observed, for we were evi- 
dently doing secret marching af night for 
some great object; though what it was we 
could only conjecture. But orders came 
that for the next few days we were to 
march at night, and during the daytime 


were to lie "doggo" and not show ourselves 
for fear of the cnemy's aeroplanes. 
We reached Droizy af about 11 l.i, and 
there round the Norfolks, who had been 
taken away from us af Jury ten days belote 
and attached fo the 3rd Division on out 
right in the direction of Vailly. Much 
pleased we were fo see them again. They 
had hOt suffered many casualties, though 
they had had a stiff rime at their château 
of Chassemy, filling the gap between the 
3rd and 5th Divisions, and had been attacked 
several rimes. 
The Dorsets in arriving here managed fo 
take a wrong turn in the village and went 
careering off into the fog in the opposite 
direction fo where their billets had been told 
off for them ; but they were shortly retrieved 
and put on the right track. A brigade of 
artillery, by the way--I forger which--was 
attached fo our brigade area that night, and 
distinguished itself next day by taking up a 
position in some open fields; which led fo 
Our headquarters were af a curious old 
castle-farm belonging fo one M. Choron, 
right in the middle of the village, and looked 
after by his father, a vlce-admiral, late a 


director of naval coustruction, a nice old 
fellow, who had been brutally treated by thc 
Germans in their retreat. There was a very 
old tover fo the place, no surroundings 
except a farmyard, and a little old kitchen of 
most antique aspect, in which we had out 

Oct. 3rd. 
For most of the next day we had a good 
rest, and I stayed in bed to doctor my cold; 
but orders soon came fo move on, and the 
Brigade started in the evening for Long 
Pont, a village about t,velve toiles off, 
gettlng there about 11. The Divisional 
Conmmnder had kindly sent a motor-car 
for me ; and Done, of the Norfolks (who was 
also rather seedy), and Tandy, R.A., a person 
of large kno,vledge and always interesting, 
accompanied me; so we arrived af Long 
Pont a long rime ahead of the troops. 
A great big château was gleaming in the 
moonlight as we drove up, and I determined 
that we should spend the night there, in 
spire of the fact that the Divisional staff had 
also that intention. But when I introduced 
myself fo the proprietor, a courteous and 
frail old gentlelnan, the Comte de Montes- 


quiou-Fezensac, he bewailed the fact that 
there was no room available, and this in 
spire of the fact that there were dozens of 
big windows outside, and long corridors in- 
side, with hcaps of rooms opening off them. 
A visit to the village in search of a 
lodging revealed its true state--i.e., that if 
was choke-full and dirty. But even then it 
required a good deal of persuasion before 
the old gentleman af last grasped the fact 
that I was not demanding twenty bedrooms, 
but only one or two empty rooms in which 
twenty men could lie for the night. Then 
he kindly produced mattresses and straw, and 
all was well. As for myself, he was good 
enough to lead me to the chamber of lais late 
mother, a curious little room with a four- 
poster and locks and hasps and cupboards of 
Louis XIII. rimes, and bundles of magnifi- 
cent old embroideries. As for washing ap- 
paratus--that also was almost of that date. 
iext day, being Sunday, we had Divine 
Service in the ruins of a grand old four- 
teenth-century abbey which adjoined the 
chïteau--wrecked in the French Revolution 
and agaln in 1830. The park also was most 
attractive, rather of the Trianon surround- 
ings style; but several brigades of artillery 


which had to be tucked away under the 
trees for fear of aeroplanes rather spoilt 
the turf, I fear. We did, of course, as little 
d,magc as we could, and after a friendly 
farewell fo the old couple I drove off, again 
in a motor, with Henvey (A.P.M. of 5th 
Division), and preceded the Brigade fo a 
place called Pontdron. Here I arrived af 
10 P..; but the Brigade, which had been 
heavily held up by French troops on the 
march, did hot turn up till nearly 4 A.i. 
Meanwhile I amused myself by getting 
the château ready. It had, of course, been 
occupied by Germans, and, equally of course, 
it had been ransacked and partly wrecked 
by them--though a good deal of furniture 
had been left. There were even candles 
and oil-lamps available, and of these we 
ruade full use, as well as of the bedrooms. 
I chose the lady's (Comtesse de Coupigny, 
with husband in the 21st Dragoons) bedroom. 
The counterpane was full of mud and sand, 
through some beastly German having slept 
on it without taking his boots off, but there 
was actually a satin coverlet left, and 
pillows. All the stud- and jewellery-cases 
had been opened and their contents stolen, 
and Madame de C.'s writing-table had also 


been forced open, and papers and the con- 
tents of the drawers scattered on the floor. 
Other unmentionable crimes had also been 
Here we stayed for nearly two days, 
cleaning up the château, picking up a lot of 
stores in the shape of boots and caps and 
clothing of all sorts--not fo mention some 
heavy mails from home,--and actually play- 
ing lawn-tennis. Af least I played with 
Cadell two sers, each winning one, on a 
sand court with an improvised net, and 
racquets and balls somewhat the worse for 
wear, with a lovely big hot bath to follow. 
It was gradually borne in on us that we 
were going tobe moved off by train to take 
part in a different theatre of the fighting 
altogether; but where we should find our- 
selves we had hot the least idea. What 
caused us much joy to hear was that we 
had intercepted a German wireless message, 
two days after four out of the six Divisions 
had left the Aisne, to say that if was "ail 
right, ail six British Divisions were still on 
the Aisne !" 

Oct. 6th. 
On the 6th we moved off at 2.15 l.i, and 


pushed on to Béthisy St Pierre, where the 
Bedfords and Norfolks and ourselves hMted, 
whilst the Dorsets and Cheshires pushed 
on to Verberies, so as fo save rime for the 
entraining on the morrow. We got our 
rime-table that night, and round that we 
were fo entrain af four stationsJi.e., 
Compiègne, Le Meux, Longueil Ste. Marie, 
and Pont Sainte MaxenceJon the following 
day. Very careful arrangements and cal- 
culations had fo be made, so that the whole 
thing should go without a hitch, and we 
sat up for some rime af the Convent, a sort 
of educational establishment where Brigade 
Headquarters was quartered, making out 
the orders. 
A "Brigade Area" command was allotted 
fo me, including, besides my own Brigade, 
the 8th Brigade R.F.A. (howitzers), 59th 
Co. R.E., 15th Field Ambulance, and 4th Co. 
of 5th Div. Train. 

Oct. 7 th. 
Then off af 5 A.M. next morning, ourselves 
for Pont Ste. Maxence. Major Vandeleur 
of the Scottish Rifles had just arrived to 
take command of the Cheshires, who had 
had nothing but a captain fo command them 


since Lt.-Col. Boger vas taken prisoner on 
the 24th August. He seemed fo me a first- 
rate sensible fellow, but we were hOt 
destined fo keep him for long. 
As the Brigade was still rather short of 
socks, I bought as many as I could here for 
the men, but hOt many were available. It 
was a nice little town with a blown-up stone 
bridge, but the French R.E. had already 
constructed another of wood. 
The French entraining orders are that 
all troops have to be af the station four 
blessed hours before the train starts, so as 
fo give rime to load up properly. We thus 
arrived af 8, and did hOt start till 12; but 
the actual entraining of the Cheshires-- 
the only battalion with Brigade Head- 
quarters--took only one hour and a quarter, 
--not bad af all considering that there were 
no ramps or decent accessories, and all the 
vehicles had fo be man-handled into the 
There were two sorts of trains -- one 
mostly for men, the other mostly for horses 
and vehicles; but although they were very 
long--thirty-four to forty cars if I remember 
right--they were not quite long enough 
for us, and several men and vehicles had 


to be left behind and brought on by other 
trains, resulting in slight incompleteness for 
a few days. 
We rapidly reached Creil, vhere we were 
to get our final orders. Vhat on earth 
would our destination be? Rumour had 
it that we should go to Calais, or even to 
Bruges; but we had no such journey after 
all, for we were only intended to go to 
Abbeville as it turned out--rather a dis- 
appointment, as we hoped it would be 
further afield. 
Abbeville--a two hours' journey as a rule 
in peace time--was not reached till 8 1.., 
although we were due there at 6.3 1.. We 
halted by the way, for hall an hour or more, 
at Amiens, where we made the acquaintance 
of a cheery crowd of "Fusiliers Marins," 
sturdy naval reservists from Normandy and 
Brittany, who covered themselves with glory 
later on amid the Belgian dunes. 

Oct. 8th. 
We were not allowed to detrain at Abbe- 
ville till 9.30 l.i., as the platforms were 
already occupied by other troops. If was 
wretchedly cold and pitch-dark by the time 
we had got away from the station, and we 


marched in dead silence through the town 
af 12.30 A.M. Nota soul was in the streets, 
hot even a policeman from whom to ask the 
way, and we nearly lost our direction twice. 
Our orders, which we received from Dunlop 
(Sth Divisional staff), who was ensconced in 
a red-hot waiting-room in the goods yard, 
were fo the effect that we were fo billet 
near Neuilly, a village about six mlles off. 
Done (Norfolks) had been sent ahead on the 
previous day fo prepare the billets, but when 
we got near the village, after a cold march 
with a clear moon, Done was nowhere to be 
seen; and I nearly ordered the battalion to 
"doss dovn" in the road, as ail the houses 
near were full of men of other brigades. 
However, Weatherby rode on, and eventu- 
ally found Done in bed at the Mairie, he 
having been officially told that the Brigade 
would not be in till the following day. He 
had had a trying rime, having been deposited 
by his train af a station about ten mlles off, 
and having fo make his way across country 
(riding) without a map and with very vague 
ideas of where he was fo go. However, he had 
already told off billets for all the Brigade 
Area, and the troops trickled in independ- 
ently by battalions and batteries, arriving 


by different trains and even af different 
stations, up fo 10 A.M. in the morning. 
I thought if showed distinctly good work 
on the part of ail concerned that we con- 
centrated our "Brigade Area" so quickly 
and without being deficient of anything 
except the few vehicles which had perforce 
been left behind for want of trucks; but 
they turned up ail right a day or two after. 
The Brigade staff billeted af the château 
(as usual !), a strangely ruined-looking little 
place belonging fo the Comte de Belleville, 
now af the wars. We turned up there about 
4 A.M., and were guided thither by an old 
gardener, who thumped af the door and 
shouted loudly for "Madame." A woman 
soon appeared, and showed us most civilly 
fo our rooms--very plain and bare but very 
clean. I could hOt quite make her out, for 
though she was dressed in the plainest of 
print clothes she did hOt talk like a servant 
--in fact she talked like a lady; so I put 
her down as some relation perhaps who was 
helping Mme. de Belleville. But later in the 
morning I discovered that she was Madame 
la Comtesse herself, who had kindly risen 
af that unearthly hour fo let us in, and that 
there were no servants in the establish- 


ment af all except the old gardener and a 
Our movements were still by way of being 
kept a dead secret, so we went off in the 
afternoon af 6 P.M., reinforced now by some 
divisional cavalry and divisional cyclists. 
The road, in the dark, was an extremely 
complicated one, as it involved about tventy 
turnings and movement along narrow ]anes 
with high hedges and big trees, making if 
quite impossible fo see for more than a few 
yards. So I took the guding of the column 
into my own hands, and distributed the rest 
of my staff along if fo see that the different 
units did hOt miss the way and kept well 
closed up. The result was good, and after 
5 hours march, vid Agenvilliers and Gue- 
schard, we reached the little village of 
Bouffiers about 11 P.M. Here, af an odd 
little Nouvel Art "Château" -- or rather 
small country house, empty of its owners-- 
belonging fo M. Sagebien, Préfet de Niort, 
we of the Brigade staff put up, the rest of 
the command being billeted in the tiny 
villages lining each bank of the tiny stream 
near--I have forgotten ifs naine. 


Oct. 9th. 
It was a nice sunny day on the morrow, 
and we got our orders by midday that we 
were to more off af 2 P.M. We wrote out 
Brigade orders and prepared to start, when 
suddenly post-haste came some orders can- 
cclling these, and telling us that we were fo 
drop our transport and be moved off at once 
in a series of motor-buses fo a place called 
And then began a lovely jumble, which 
resulted (not our own fault) in getting to 
Diéval rather later than we should have 
done had we trusted fo our own unaided 
powers of locomotion. 
We moved off af 2 P.i., only taking blanket- 
waggons which were fo dump blankets and 
supplies into the buses. These were to have 
turned up on the ttaravesnes-Fillièvres road 
af 7 1-.M. ; in any case it would have been a 
complicated job getting into them in the 
dark, but they did not arrive till midnight, 
owing fo some mechanical breakdowns in 
the column. The first lot of "camions" 
were to have taken six battalions--i.e., the 
14th Brigade, which was just ahead of us, 
and half of the 15th Brigade. But when 
they did arrive, there were only enough for 


three and three-quarter battalions; so we 
bivouacked in more or less peace by the 
roadside until this bunch had moved off and 
returned from Diéval fo fetch us. Horribly 
cold if was too, and we only kept moder- 
ately warm by pulling down several straw 
stacks--which we carefully put together 
again next day--and covering ourselves up 
in the straw. 
I had, by the way, an extremely narrow 
escape from being killed that night. I had 
been lying down just off the road, when it 
struck me that I should find out more of 
what was happening and going to happen 
if I went to the head of the camion column 
and interviewed the officer in charge. It 
was a tramp of a mlle or more through the 
ltth Brigade, and I found out something 
of what I wanted; but when I returned fo 
the bivouac I heard that, not two minutes 
after I had started, a motor-bus had swerved 
off the road and passed exactly over the 
place where my head had been. It very 
nearly went over St André and Moulton- 
Barrett, who were lying a few feet away, 
as it was. Of course the driver could hot 
see any one lying down in the dark. 


Oct. l Oth. 
Next morning we had breakfast ai 7.30 
in the field, and still the buses had not 
returned. We waited in that place till 
11 o'clock before they turned up, and then 
clambered into them as quickly as we 
could--twenty-two men to a bus, sixteen 
buses to 300 metres being the allowance. 
Even then we had to leave about two 
battalion behind for a third trip. 
I got into the first bus--a very fast one, 
--and reached Diéval solne rime belote the 
rest of the Brigade; but there was no room 
in the tovn for another Brigade, as it was 
already full of the 14th. 
I went fo see Rolt, and got into telephone 
communication with Divisional Headquarters 
on the subject, and they gave lne leave fo 
billet at La Thieuloye, one and a half mlles 
back and off the road. So W. and I walked 
back and turned the buses off there just 
as they were arriving. 
A curious sight were the hundreds, or 
even thousands, of French civilians whom 
we met--all men of military age, whom the 
French Army was sending away westwards 
out of Lille; for it was likely that Lille 
would shortly be invested by the Germans, 


and they did not want this large batch of 
recruits and reservists to be interned in 
The rest of the Brigade--transport, horses, 
and all--rolled up by 6 P.M., the horses being 
very tired after their long night march. 
From what I could gather German cavalry 
was trying to get round our north-west flank, 
whilst a big fight was going on at Arras. 
Lille, with a few Territorial battalions in 
if, was still holding out, but was surrounded 
by the enemy. Hence the hurry. But we 
ought fo have plenty of troops now fo keep 
the Germans off. If was very puzzling fo 
make out what was happening, for we had 
hot even the vaguest idea where the rest 
of our own Army was, let alone the French 
or Germans. Nobody seemed fo know any- 
thing, except that we should probably soon 
be fighting again. 
Our quarters that night were a horrid 
little ch£teau--empty, damp, and desolate, 
in a deserted wilderness of a place, with no 
furniture except some straw, a mattress or 
two, and some packing-cases. So here we 
tried fo make ourselves comfortable, and 
succeeded in lighting a tire and settling 
down. But it was beastly cold and damp. 


Oct. 11th. 
We marchcd af 7.20 A.i. in a thick damp 
mist, myself being in charge of the right 
column of the Division, consisting of the 
Brigade, the 15th Brigade R.F.A., 108th 
heavy battery (under Tyrrell, late Military 
Attaché af Constantinople), 17th R.E. Fd. 
Co., and cyclists (who, by the way, did 
not turn up, having been sent ahead). On 
the way to Béthune we were evidently 
coming into touch with the enemy, for I 
received orders fo detach two companies 
(Cheshires) fo our right flank af Fonquières_ 
Verquin fo support the French. But they 
returned in the course of the afternoon, not 
being wanted. 
Outside Béthune we halted for some rime, 
and were regaled vith soup and pears by 
some hospitable ladies af luncheon-time. 
And then we received orders fo push through 
the town and cover if along the bend of 
the canal and across the arc of if (from 
Essars due east) with three battalions, the 
Norfolks being sent away fo the east fo 
help the French about Annequin. 
If was perfectly fiat country and difficult 
fo defend, as if was so cut up by high hedges 
and suburbs; but I went round if in the 


afternoon, inspected it carefully, and posted 
the battalions. Tovards evening, however, 
we had orders fo fall back into the town 
--the French taking over the outposts--and 
billet there, our Headquarters being in the 
Grande Placc--a large square with a curious 
old belfry in the middle--at a vine-shop, 
No. 34. Here we were vell looked after, 
and had each of us a lovely hot bath, pro- 
vided by a marvellous system of gas-jets 
which heated the water in about rive minutes. 

Oct. 12th. 
Off eastwards next morning at 8.30 A.M. 
through a freezing thick fog--so thick that 
one could not see twenty yards in front of 
one. The big open space in the town 
through which we passed was occupied 
with masses of Spahis, Moorish troops, and 
Algerians of all sorts, looking miserably cold 
in their scarlet jackets and white burnouses. 
The idea was that we were to push forward 
fo Festubert and act as a pivot, with our 
right near the canal at Rue de 1 Eplnette, 
to the 3rd Division and the remainder of 
the Corps, which were swinging slowly 
round fo their right so as eventually to 
face south-east and take La Bassée. 


At first my orders directed me te leave 
a gap between myself and the canal, the 
gap being filled by French troops; but 
shortly afterwards I was told that the 
Brigade was te hold frein Festubert te the 
canal, relieving the French cavalry here, 
who were te hold on till we got there; 
and I paid a visit te the French cavalry 
General af Gorre te make sure that this 
would be done. The line was a horribly 
extended one--about two mlles; and the pros- 
pect was net entrancing, ttowever, I de- 
tached the Dorsets te more along the canal 
bank frein Gorre and get touch with the 
French. Very glad I was that I had done 
se, for they had severe fighting there that 
day against a strong force of the enemy, 
who tried te get in between us and the 
The Bedfords I ordered te hold Givenchy. 
The first rumeur was that the French had 
evacuated Givenchy before we could corne 
up, and that the Germans had occupied if; 
but this turned out net te be true after 
all. The Cheshires held Festubert, and the 
Norfolks were in Divisional reserve some- 
where in rear. 
Meanwhile the Germans were attacking 


along the canal; but the Dorsets checked 
them nost gallantly, losing poor R0per, 
killed in leading a charge, and a number 
of men. Lilly was wounded af the saine 
The Headquarters passed most of that day 
--and an extremely busy Staff day if was 
--in a little pot-house in Festubert, and we 
slept in  tiny house put at our disposal 
by one Masse, gendarme, a gallant old 
soldier, who was the only representative 
of civilian authority in the place, the 
Maire hving bolted, and his second in 
command being sick unto death in his own 

Oct. 13th. 
The night went off fairly peaccably, but 
early next morning we had a nasty jar, 
for if was reported af 8 A.. that Majors 
Vandeleur (commanding) and Young (2nd 
in command) of the Cheshires, together 
with a company and a hall, had all been 
ruade prisoners or killed by the Germans 
about Rue d'Ouvert. The circumstantial 
story was that the early morning patrols 
had reported that Rue d'Ouvert (about a 
toile in front of Festubert) was free of 


Germans; that Vandeleur and Young had 
gone out with two platoons fo make sure 
of if, had got into Rue d'Ouvert and found 
if empty af first, but had becn subsequently 
fired af from the houses, surrounded by 
superior numbers, and had been taken 
prisoners after losing hall their men. As 
for Shore's company, who were supporting 
them, they had disappeared completely and 
had apparently suffered the saine fate. 
I immediately sent out scouts fo find out 
the truth; but a very heavy tire was by 
this rime opened on the remainder of the 
Cheshires, and the scouts could not get 
through. No further news even came in 
of Shore's company, but ve could not 
believe that it had really been scuppered, 
or else there would have bcen much more 
firng, and we must have had some news of 
the disaster, if if had occurred. 
And so if was. Towards 3 o'clock we had 
news that the company was safely tucked 
away in some ditchcs, holding ifs front, and 
had had practically no losses, although it 
could not move out without attracting a 
heavy artillery tire. 
Not till long afterwards did I hear what 
had reaIly happened fo Vandcleur, and then 


if was from his own lips in January 1915, 
he having escaped from Crefeld just before 
Christmas. It appeared that he and Young 
had gone up with about half a company in 
support of some scouts who had reported Rue 
d'Ouvert clear. The half company did not, 
however, go into Rue d'Ouvert, for they 
were violently attacked by superior forces 
before they got there. They lost heavily, 
but succeeded in getting into a farmhouse, 
which they held all day against the enemy, 
hoping that we should more out and rescue 
them. But we, of course, had been told 
circumstantially that they were already 
prisoners af 8 A.M., so knew nothlng of if 
and took no action. 
The enemy set the house on tire, and the 
gallant little garrison put if out with wine 
from the cellars, for they were cut off 
from the water-supply. Their numbers 
were reduced fo about thirty, when they 
were again attacked in overwhelming force 
at 9 P.M., and many of the remainder 
(including Vandeleur) wounded. Then there 
was no choice, and they surrendered, being 
complimented on their gallantry by the 
German General in command af La Bassée. 
Thcy were thon sent off to Germany vid 


Douai, and were rnost abominably treated 
on the journey, wounded and all being 
pigged together in a filthy cattle-truck three 
inches deep in in,hure for thirty hours with- 
out food or water, insultcd and kickcd by 
the German escort and a brute of a lieuten- 
ant af Douai, and finally sent fo Crefeld, 
where they were again ill-treated, starvcd, 
and left in tents with no covering--their 
greatcoats, and even their tunics, having 
been taken away,--nothing tolie on except 
dainp and verminous straw, on muddy wet 
ground. Many men died oi this treatment. 
Thc oiïicers were treated soInewhat better, 
but very harshly, and were never given 
enough to eat. Vandeleur's "an- 
other story." 
That day was a terrible day: Givenchy 
was bombarded heavily by the Germans 
for hours, and rendcrcd absolutely unten- 
able. The Bedfords held out there gallantly, 
and stuck to one end of the village whilst 
the enemy was in possession of the other; 
but the heavy artillery was too much for 
them, and after losing about sixty casual- 
ries, many oi them killcd by falling houses, 
thcy gradually fcll back fo tronches in rear 
of the village. Griffith (commanding) and 


Macrcady (Adjurant) came to see me about 
3 P.M., their clothes and faces a mass of 
white dust and plaster, and explained the 
situation; but there was nothing to be 
done, as we had no reserves, and had fo 
stick if out as best we could. 
But by far the worst was what happened 
to the Dorscts. The account of what 
]mpl)enc«l was rather confused, but if ap- 
pcars that, depending on thcir lcft being 
sul»portcd by the Bcdfords at Givenchy, 
and their right by the K.O.S.B.'s (13th 
Bt'igade) on the south side of the Canal, 
they pushed forward for some distance and 
dug themselves roughly in, after driving 
the Germans back. Thon suddcnly thcir 
front trench was attacked from the left 
rear, and a heavy tire pourcd upon their 
men as they retired on their supports. They 
were also shot down from the embankment 
on the south of the Canalfrom just where 
they had expccted the K.O.S.B.'s fo be. 
At one place about twenty Germans ad- 
vanced and held up their hands. The 
Dorsets then advanced fo take their sur- 
render, when suddenly the twcnty fell 
down fiat, and about 100 more who had corne 
ch»se up undcr cover of thc ittcident opened 


a heavy tire on our nen and killcd  lot. 
The battalion retired slowly, in admirable 
order, fo Pont Fixe and the trenches cover- 
ing if, and put a big factory there in a 
state of defence. But they had lost very 
heavily : thireen officers killed (including 
Pitt and Davidson), wounded (including 
Bois and Rathbone), and missing; and 112 
men killed and wounded, and 284 missing-- 
most of these, I fear, being killed, for 
numbers of bodies were discovered later 
on between the lines. Bois was af first 
reported killed, but he only had a bullct 
through his back, narrowly missing the 
spine, and another through his arm. He 
fell unseen and had fo be left behind when 
the battalion retired, and was found and 
stripped of all his kit by the Germans; but 
he recovered in the darkness, and managed 
fo scramble and crawl back fo thc English 
lines. (From here he was sent fo London, 
arriving there only two days later.) 
We also lost two guns there, which had 
been brought up from the 15th R.F.A. 
Brigade and could not be got away in rime. 
A gallant attempt was ruade by volunteers 
fo rccover them next day, but if was use- 
less and only cost more lires. 


The Dorsets as well as the Bedfords also 
lost one of their machine-guns. Altogether 
if was a damnable day, and we on the 
staff wcre also pretty well cxhausted by 
the amount of staff work and telegrams 
and messages going through all day. The 
2nd Devons (or rather two companies of 
them) were sent fo the assistance of the 
Dorsets in the evening; but if was a diffi- 
cult thing fo carry out, as the banks of the 
Canal, along which they had fo go, were 
sort a,:d boggy, and they had much diflï- 
culty in getting their S.A.A. carts along. 
Thc Brigade Headquarters withdrew in 
the evening from Festubert fo a foul big 
farm about hall a toile back. This, from 
a particularly offensive big cesspool in the 
middlc of the yard, wc labellcd Stink Farm 
(if had 1897 in big rcd files on the roof). 
If ,vas a beastly place, and W. and I had 
to slcep in a tiny room on a couple of beds 
which had not seen clean mattresses or 
coverings for certainly ten years or more. 
There were, however, plcnty of barris and 
clcan straw for the men. 

Oct. 14th. 
The gencral idea vas to continue to push 


3rd Oivn. 

Rough Sketch (about I = I mlle) 

Qu,nque Rue - 
. - " .Rue d" "--,, Rue de Marais 
i-" • Ouvert. ' Violaine 
Stlnk Farm e/Chapelle ........... :ç æ 
0 . - - " Festubert , St, Oh 
(Norfolks) /  
H l 0 l Givenchy ' 
5wa  «Canteleux 
-  / RylTrianol¢ 

: Annequin 

Q Verrnell(S 


forxvard, with our right on thc Ctmal, fo 
let the 3rd Division swing round. But 
though we did our best, we could hot get 
forward as long as the 13th Brigade on 
out right, on the othcr side of the Canal, 
wcre hcld up--for if we advanccd that 
would mcrely mcan getting our right flank 
exposcd and cnfiladed by thc enemy. 
Two more companies of the Devons 
arrived, fo support the remains of the 
Dorsets, from the 14th Brigade, the bat- 
talion being under Lieutenant - Colonel 
Gloster. But we could hot do any good, 
and except for an immense number of 
messages we did little all day. The enemy 
was in some strength in our front, but 
did not attack. 
There was very heavy firing ai 6.30 1.. 
and again ab 9 1).i. all along our linc of 
outposts, and we thought af first if was a 
night attack; but if was only a case of 
false alarm on the part of the Dorsets on 
the right and the 14th Brigade on our left. 
I forgot fo mention that we were told fo 
advance with the 13th Brigade ai 3 P.1., 
but the latter were held up, and relieved in 
the evening by the 58th Frcnch Brigade. 
What immediately happened fo the 13th I 


de net remember; but thcy vcro cvenually 
sent round on te the lcft of thc l lth 
Brigade, I believe. 

Oct. 15th. 
The French were mcauwhile hcavily 
tacking Vcrmelles, and we werc te be rcady 
te advance alongsidc thcm if they succccdcd. 
I sent Moulton-Barrett t0 the Canal te re- 
ceive the message frein the French through 
Chapman (our Divisional Intelligence otilcer) 
when if came. But if never came, for thc 
French ruade no progress; se we did 
nothing except dig proper trenches and 
strengthcn our positions. 
In the evening came in reports that the 
Germans were withdrawing and evacuating 
posts in our front. The rcnmins of thc 
Dorsets were withdrawn into rescrvc, and 
the Devons came under my orders in thcir 

Oct. 16th. 
There vas a dripping thick mist ncarly 
ail day, and we pushed on undcr ifs cover-- 
the Bedfords into Givenchy (losing poor 
Rendall, killcd by the retiring Germans), 
and the Norfolks into Rue d'Ouvert and St 


Roch, whilst thc Devons, ordëred to nmkc 
the footbridge to Canteleux rond "good," 
pushed on in the afternoon. But if got so 
absolutely pitch-dark that if was impossible 
to make a cohesive advance ; so after gctting 
close to the footbridge and coming under a 
heavy tire thence, the Devons fell back again, 
ail thc more justified since Cantcleux was 
reported stll occuped by the encmy on 
their loft flank. A vast amount of staff 
work ail day. Wc returned fo the Festubert 
l)othouse in the evening. 

Oct. 17 th. 
The first question was, Was Cantelcux 
occupied by the enemy ? Preparations werc 
nmde fo shell it ai 6 A.M., but figures were 
secn strolling about therc which did hOt 
look very German. Shortly afterwards the 
Norfolks reported that thcy had about sixty 
mon in if who had penetrated thither during 
the night. The Bedfords af first were still 
convinced that the men in Canteleux were 
German, but we disabused them as soon 
as we heard the truth for certain, and for 
a change shclled sonm farms fo our front 
whence hostile machinc-gun tire was pro- 
cceding, setting one on tire. 


In the afternoon we were ordered to 
advance fo the line: bridge--Canteleux-- 
Violaines ; and again the Devons pushed on, 
slowly, in connection with the Frcnch, but 
were again obliged fo retire from the vicinity 
of the bridge by heavy tire, and took up 
their position in the advanced position that 
the Dorsets had occupied on the 13th. 
The Cheshires, under the thrce gllnt 
captains, Shore, Mahony, and Rich, mean- 
while worked well forward and rcportcd 
thcir arrival at Violaines af 4 I.M., having 
rcached if vid Rue du Marais. 
A desperate amount of work again, 5 A.M. 
fo 11 P.M. I only got out of thc pothouse 
for twenty minutes all day, and that was 
af 5 P.M. 
Thus wc hd pushcd forward some way on 
out lin by thc vcning, and thc 14th Brigade 
ws in touch with thc Clmshircs and mov]ng 
slowly forward--but very slowly. 

Oct. 18th. 
Next day the usual "general advance" 
was ordcred for 6 A.M., and thc artillcry 
loosed off a lot of shells on fo where we 
thought the enclny wcre. But if was really 
quite useless our advancing on the right 


unlcss thc French did also, for the Germans 
held thc south bank of the Canal in front of 
the latter, and any advance by us merely 
exposed our right tank fo a terrible enfilade 
Major-General Morland, who had succeeded 
Sir C. Fergusson in command of the Division, 
now turned up, and fo him I explained these 
things. The Railway Triangle was thc 
worst place, for if was heavily held by 
Gcrmans, who had dug themselves in behind 
stockades of rails and trucks and defied even 
our howitzers; but if was difficult, very 
difficult, for the latter fo make good practice 
af them here, as the country was so fiat, yet 
so cut up with high trees and fences that 
was almost impossible to get an observing 
station or fo see what one was firing 
I shifted Brigade Headquarters about 
l'.M. fo a nice little house with garden, close 
bchind the cross-roads half a mlle west of 
Givenchy, and here we stayed for four un- 
pleasant days. We had fo be very careful, 
after dark, not fo show a light of any sort 
towards the enemy, and had fo plaster up 
thc windows with blankcts and things which 
every now and then came down with a run, 
causing rapid transition fo total darkness 


and discomfort. But if vas a go<}d little 
1)lace on the whole, and quite decently 
In the afternoon I went fo observe what 
I could from Givenchy. The village was 
already in ruins, with most of the church 
blown down, whilst the only place fo observe 
from was from betwecn the raftcrs of a 
barn on the eastern outskirts--most of the 
ro«)f having 1)een carricd away by shrapnel. 
There vas not much fo see; f«)r although 
Givenchy stood on the only little rise in the 
country, a tree in one direction and a chapel 
in the other blocked most of the view 
towards La Bassée. In front of (as lay the 
Bedford trenches, with the Devons on thcir 
right and the French on their right again. 
One could just see the farm buildings of 
Canteleux, and the spires of part of La 
Bassée, but St Roch was invisible, and so 
were the Norfolk trenches. 
Later on I went fo interview Gloster, 
commanding the Devons; l>ut I did hot find 
him. With a French orderly and a Devon 
officer I rode through Pont Fixe and turned 
fo the left along the Canal. Thon wc had fo 
dismount af a bend of the Canal, which 
brought us into view of the cncmy, and we 


bolted across bullct-swept ground into the 
righ of the Devon trenches. Here I waited 
about an hour; but Gloster did hOt turn up, 
and meanwhile a heavy hostile fusilade 
went on which effectually prevènted ny 
putting my nose above ground. I don't 
know whether they had spotted me going 
into that trench, but I do know the parapet 
rcceived an unfair share of bullets. 
When it was nearly dark I cleared out and 
went fo the Canal and whistled for my mare 
(I had been riding Squeaky). The French 
orderly turned up leading her, but his own 
horse had gone,--as he ruefully explained, 
"à cause d'un obus qui a éclaté tout près 
dans l'eau." He was a good youth: he had 
stuck fo my mare and let his own go, as he 
could not manage both. tIowever, virtue 
was rewarded, and he found his horse 
peacefully grazing in the outskirts of Pont 
When I reached Headquarters I found 
Gloster there, for he had come to look for 
me; so I had the required interview with 
him and settled about a rearrangement of 
his trenches. 


Oct. 19th. 
We actually had a quiet night--six and a 
half hours' sleep without being disturbed 
at ail. 
An attack was ordered for 7 ..M. in con- 
junction with the French. But the French 
were hot ready ai that hour. I was told 
tl,at the 6th battalion of thc 295th Rcgimcnt, 


which had now been brought over to thc 
north of the Canal, was fo be under my 
orders; but hardly had I hcard this when I 
receîved a message at 9.25 A.t. that the 
French were going fo attack at 9.30. At 
noon they did so, and very pluckily. It was, 
however, impossible to assist them, for they 
(the 6/295) ran forward and attacked the 
Canal and footbridge obliqucly, completely 


maslçing any action possible by the Devons. 
They lost heavily, I fear, but it really was 
hOt our fault, though ai one rime they 
scemed fo think if was. 
I went fo talk fo Lieut.-Col. Perron, who 
commanded the detachment (6/295 and a 
fexv Chasseurs h Cheval), in the afternoon; 
1)ut the interview did not enlighten me very 
lllllch. The commander of the 6/295, how- 
over, one Baron d'Oullenbourg, was most 
intelligent, and a gallant fellow with plcnty 
of noirs. He was badly wounded two days 
,fterwards in another attempt. 
I was so much struck with the plucky 
xvay in which the 6/295 pushed on under 
hcavy tire that I sent a complimentary note 
1)oth fo the battalion and fo General Joubert, 
commanding the 58th Brigade on the other 
side of the Canal--for the battalion belonged 
(fo start with) fo his brigade. They pub- 
lished both my notes in the Odre du Jour 
of the Division, and d'Oullenbourg received 
a Légion d'Honneur in consequence (so St 
André told me). Anyway, he thoroughly 
deserved iL. 
Meanwhile we heard that the Cheshires, 
Manchesters, and K.O.S.B.'s were all held 
up near Violailms by a l)eastly sugar factory 


vhich the Germans occupied on the road 
north of La Bassée, and they could not get 
on af all. 
Generals Morbtnd and Franklin turned 
up in the afternoon. We were perpetually 
being urged fo advance and attack, but 
how could we? There was nothing to 
attack in front of us except La Bassée, a 
couple of mlles off, and we could not advance 
a yard in that direction xvithout exposing 
our right flank to a deadly enfilade tire from 
across the Canal, for the Germans were 
still strongly holding that infernal railway 
triangle, and nothing availed fo get them 
out of if. 1 General Morland wisely, there- 
fore, ordered me not to advance in force. 
Later on we heard that the Cheshires had 
ruade a gain of 800 yards, but had got 
so extended that they asked for a Bed- 
lord company to support them, and this 
I sent. 
In the evening I went fo examine a 
French 75 mm. battery, and had the whole 
thing explailmd to me. The gun is simply 
marvellous, slides horizontally on its own 
axle, never budges however much if rires, 

 Thcy xrc till thcrc (August 1917) 


and hœes œell sorts of patent dodges bcsides: 
but it is no use painting the lily! 
Wilson, of the 61st Howitzers, was, by 
the wœey, a little aggrieved by this French 
battery coming and tœeking up ifs position 
close œelongside him and invœeding his observ- 
ing stations. The captain also got on his 
nerves, for he was somewhat excitable, and 
his shells were numerous that burst pre- 
maturely, whilst a bouse only 100 yœerds 
off, which should bave been well under the 
trajectory of his shells, was several rimes 
hit by them. YIowever, he doubtless caused 
much damœege to the enemy. 
On the 20th and 21st the Germans kept 
us fairly busy with threatened attacks, espe- 
cially on the Cheshires af Violaines ; but no- 
thing definite hœeppened, although we were 
kept on the perpetual qui vive, and could 
not relieve our feelings by attacking, for we 
had orders fo "consolidate our position." 
By this rime we occupied a line as 
follows :- 
Canal from crossed swords (v. map) to 
300 yards North (French). 
Thence to Canteleux (excl.) (Devons). 
Canteleux to Pt. 21 1 (Norfolks). 
 Nerly half-way to Violaiues. 


Pi. 21 fo Violaines (Do. patrols). 
Violaines (Cheshires and onc company 
Givenchy, in reserve (three companies 
On thc evening of the 2lst there was 
serious news on our lcft. Although the 
Cheshires were still in occupation of 
Violaines, if looked as if thcy might havc 
fo retire from if very soon, as the right of 
thc 14th Brigade, on thc Cheshires' left, was 
being driven back. Vio]aines, however, was 
very important, and fo let the Germans get 
a footing here was most dangerous. So, 
with General Morland's sanction, and after 
communicating with thc Cheshires, who 
cheerily said they could hold out all right, 
I told the Cheshires t stick fo Violaines, 
throwing their left flank back in case thc 
line fo their left was penetrated. 

Oct. 22nd. 
A very anxious day ensued. Af 6 A.. 
the Cheshires were invaded in front and 
flank by a surprise attack of the enemy in 
great force, and had fo fall back towards 
Rue du Marais, losing heavily. Some 
Dorsets (who had been for the last three 


days af Stink Farm and were sent as a 
support fo the 13th Brigade) were support- 
ing thcm, but thcy could hOt do much, and 
they also lost a number of men. From what I 
could gather, the Cheshires had been diggng 
in the dark round the southern and eastern 
flank of the village, and had their sentries 
out, but apparently hot quite far enough 
out for such thick weather, and when the 
Gcrmans appeared rushing through the fog 
they were taken at a disadvantage, for they 
had cast their equipment in order to dig, and 
the covering party was quiclly cut dovn. 
This, at ail events, was what I ruade out 
from the surviving officers, of whom one, 
2nd Lieut. Pogson, was the senior. Mahony 
and Rich, fighting gallantly, had been killed, 
and Shore wounded and taken prisoner. 
About 200 men were also killed and wounded 
out of about 600, and a good many of the 
Bedfords with them, including poor Coventry 
(late Transport officer) killed. 
Af 8.30 A.M. I was ordered fo send my 
three companies of Bedfords from Givenchy 
fo St Roch, fo support the 13th Brigade, who 
were hanging on about Rue du Marais. But, 
besidcs thus depriving me of my only reserve, 
these companies had great difficulty in get- 


ring fo thcir places, as thc country over 
which tlley had to pass was heavily shellcd 
by the enemy, and they toolç a long rime 
getting there. 
I heard that the combined 13th and 14th 
Brigades were fo male a counter-attack on 
Rue du Marais in the aftcrnoon, and this 
was certainly attempted. But owing fo thc 
mix-up of their battalions in the enclosed 
country if was impossible fo arrange a 
combined movement under the heavy tire, 
and if was eventually given up--merely 
confused fighting taking place during the 
a£ternoon. If was, however, sufficient fo 
stop the Germans for the rime being. One 
reason for the difficulty--as I afterwards 
heard--was that the officer temporarily 
commanding the 13th Brigade had, by somc 
mischance, got stuck right in the firing line 
with his staff and signal section, and could 
hot be got af, nor could he move himself 
or issue orders,--a useful though unhappy 
warning fo Brigadiers. 
I moved with the Brigade Staff from my 
house af Givenchy fo another house about 
600 yards west of Festubert, so as fo be 
more behind the centre of my Brigade. 
During the night, in pursuance of orders 


from thc Division, we fell back on to a 
somcwhat undefined line of defence covering 
the front of Festubert-Givenchy, and pro- 
cecded to dig ourselves in along a line 
entirely in the open fields, and very visible, 
I fcar, to the enemy. Some battalions could 
hot gct sufficient tools, and were hot hall 
dug in by daylight. However, the Germans 
must have suffered considerably themselves, 
for they did hot attack us in the morning, 
although their Field Artillery kept up a 
hcavy shrapnel tire. The West Ridings 
(13th Brigade) were put under my orders. 

Oct. 23rd. 
We were shelled all the morning, but had 
no serious casualties. 
My Brigade now consisted of the Devons 
(14th Brigade), West Ridings (13th Brigade), 
and the Norfolks (15th Brigade). The 
remains of the Cheshires and Dorsets were 
withdrawn and put into the Rue de Bthune 
hamlet in rear oï Festubert, undcr orders 
ot the 13th Brigade as their reserve, whilst 
the Bedtords were attached to, I think, the 
14th Brigade, somcwhere Quinque Rue way. 
It was a glorious jumble, and what happened 
to the rest ot the 13th Brigade I do hot 


know. I belicve thcy eombined in somc 
way with the 14th, but I know that two 
days afterwards the Brigadier was left with 
only one fighting battalion, the West Kents, 
I think. 
However, my command was shortly 
încreased considerably by the arrival of 
Commandant Blanchard with the 2nd 
Battalion of the 70th Infanterie de Ligne 
(Regulars). Blanchard was a good solid 
man, and I put him to hold Givenchy in 
conjunction with the Devons, who were 
now occupying the Bedford trenches there. 
The French on the right of the 70th gave 
us acute reason for anxiety by retiring 
calmly from their trenches when they were 
shelled; but it vas only their way, for half 
an hour afterwards they trotted back into 
them quite happily, much to the relief of 
thc Devons and their exposed flank. 
I rode down to Givenchy in the afternoon 
fo sec Blancha.rd and make arrangements 
for holding the village, md hcre I met 
Villiams (now commanding the Devons 
since his C.O., Gloster, had been hit tvo 
days before, hot very scriously) and talked 
nmtters over with him. 
We expected a night attack, and wcrc 


certainly not in a strong position fo resist 
it. ttad we been driven in we should have 
been jammed into the swamp in rear, 
between the Canal and the Gorre-Festubert 
road, which would have been extrcmcly 
unpleasant. So I issued orders fo hold tight 
af all costs, bcsides secret orders fo certain 
C.O.'s as fo what they wcre fo do if we 
were badly nauled and had fo fall back. 
Luckily no attack took place, and we had 
a fairly quiet night. 

Oct. 24th. 
Af 7 A.m. I received the cncouraging ncws 
(from the 2nd corps) that we were going 
fo be heavily attacked to-day, and what 
certainly gave colour fo it was the arrival 
of a large number of Black ]VIarias during 
breakfast, which exploded within an un- 
pleasantly narrow radius of out house. 
is quite conceivable that the position of 
our tteadquarters had been given away 
by some spy. Anyhow, if looked like if, 
and we decamped af 9.30 fo a cottage hall 
a mlle back. Perhaps if is as well that we 
did so, for af 9.40 a big shell arrived through 
the roof and exploded in my late bedroom, 
tearing out the corner of the house wall 


and wrecking thc stable; whilst nearly af 
the same monent anothcr shcll complctcly 
wrecked tlle house just opposite, where 
Ballard (comnlanding 15th Brigade R.F.A.) 
had been spending the night. He also had 
cleared out about an hour before. 
Before I went I sent my senior officcl', 
Ballard (Norfolks), down fo Givenchy fo 
take local command over the Frcnch and 
English troops there, and ara glad I did so, 
for it introduced unity of comnland and 
satisfaction. The Devons down there werc 
meanwhile getting exhausted after their 
long spell in the trenches; but I had no 
troops fo relieve them with, nor any reserve. 
The "attaclç" did hot materialize, and 
we had a fairly quiet afternoon, the Germans 
lilniting their activities fo digging thcm- 
selves in and sniping perpetually. 
If was an extraordinarily warm day, and 
we sat in the cottage with windows and 
doors wide open till long after dark. An 
attack was ruade about 10 r.. on the 
French the other side of the Canal, but if 
was too far off to interest us much. 

Oct. 25th. 
Another lovely warm day of Indian 


summer. Also of many shells, some fMling 
pretty close fo out cottage. The Germans 
wcre seen making splendid use of the folds 
in the ground for driving saps and eonneet- 
ing up their heads into trenehes getting 
ncarer and nearer fo out lines. And we 
eould do nothing but shell them and snipc 
theln as best we eould, but with little 
result, for artillery observation-posts were 
almost impossible, and snap-shooting af an 
oeeasional head or shovel appearing above 
ground produeed but small results. 
Three Freneh batteries arrived during the 
morning and were put under Blanehard's 
orders in the swampy wood behind Givenehy. 
Some spasmodie attaeks oeeurred on the 
tronches east of the village, and the French 
lost rather heavily; for the Germans got 
into some of their evacuated trenches and 
killed the vounded there. A speedy counter- 
attack, however, drove them out again. 
The Devons lost two officers (Beslcy and 
Quick) and ten 11117n killed and thirty-eight 
At 4.50 P.. I got a message saying large 
eolmnns of the enemy had bCell seen by 
the French issuing fÆ'om La Basséc and 
Violaines, and I was ordered peremptorily 


fo be ready fo counter-attack af once, with 
my whole force if requircd. 
Sir ttorace Smith-Dorrien arrivcd alonc 
an hour or so afterwards, and I pointed 
out our situation fo him; he entirely con- 
curred in my view, and heartencd me up 
considerably by quitc recognisng the statc 
of affairs and congratulating us, and cspeci- 
ally the Devons, on sticking if out so wcll. 
Maynard (Major in the Devons) arrivcd 
about midnight and took over command of 
the battalion, he having been on the staff 
of the 2nd Corps. 

Oct.. 26th. 
Next morning I rode out again fo Givcnchy 
fo see Ballard and my frcsh French troops; 
for the 6/285th (Captain Gigot), the 5/296th 
(Commandant Ferracci--a typical little Cor- 
sican and a good soldier), and a squadron 
of Chasseurs h Cheval had arrived to 
strengthen us, besides the thrce batteries 
aforesaid (undcr Commandant Menuan). 
The 2/70th (now undcr Captain de Ferron) 
and the 6/295th (lately under Baron d'Oullcn- 
bourg, now wounded; I have, I fcar, for- 
gotten his successor's naine)were, of course, 
also under me; so I had a nice little com- 


nmnd now of thrcc English and four Frcnch 
battalions, four English and three French 
batteries, and a French squadron. St André 
as liaison officer was of the greatest possible 
use to me, being both tactful and suggestive 
as fo dealing with my new command, and 
kceping up splendid communication. 
I thon rclicved the Devons by the 6/295th 
--and vell they deserved it after their bad 
riant for the last week,--and put the 296th 
in reserve af various points during thc 
night, sending the Devons as reserve to 
thc Norfolks and West Ridings af Les 
Plantins, between Givenchy and Festubert. 
There was practically no shelling at ail 
during the whole day--I wonder why; nor 
did the enemy make any movement. But 
wc heard of their bringing big guns on fo 
the rising ground af Billy and Haisnes, fo 
the south of La Bassde, and tried fo " find" 
them with our howitzers and heavy artil- 
lcry battery. 

Oct. 27th. 
The reliefs were not finished till 2.30 A.i. 
--largcly owing fo some idiots, French or 
English, loosing off their rifles as they left 
the trench, which brought a heavy tire on us 


from the enemy and dclayed matters for a 
long rime. It was also hOt easy--although 
we had nlade elabo'ate and (letailed arrange- 
mcnts--to relievc British by French troops 
in pitch darkness, for, interpreters being 
scarce, they could hot understand each other 
whcn they met. 
We hcard that there was an attack on 
the 14th Brigade on our lcft about 1 A.M., 
and that 200 Germans had got in behind 
thc K.O.Y.L.I. and were still therc; vhat 
happened to them I do not know. The 7th 
Brigade, on the left of the 14th, had also 
been driven in, and the 14th Brigade re- 
ceived orders to make a counter-attack in 
the evening, with the Devons held ready 
to help thcm if required. 
During the day one Captain Pigeonne 
and his batch of gendarmerie arrived, with 
orders to clear Festubcrt of its civilian in- 
habitants. This was necessary, as the 
Germans were pretty close up to if and 
there were undoubtedly spies, and even 
snipers were reported in and about the 
village. Buç hardly any peoplc were foùnd 
except the lunatic inhabitants of a small 
asylum, together with their staff, who had 
stayed there, both men and women, most 


devotedly for the last week, with practi- 
cally nothing fo eat in the vhole place. 
The inhabitants were ordered fo clear out, 
and some of them did. But others hid, 
and yet others crept back again by night, 
so the result was practically nil. One poor 
old woman was hunted out three rimes, but 
she returned yet once more, piteously say- 
ing that she had nowhere to go to, and 
wanted fo die in her own house. 
During the evening General Joubert, 
commanding the 58th Brigade, arrived 
with orders fo take over command of all 
French troops north of the Canal. So my 
international command had hot lasted long. 
But they sent me a liaison N.C.O. of their 
artillery--a most intelligent man with a 
yellow beard--and I xvas still allowed fo 
call on the French batteries for assistance 
whenever I needed them. 

Oct. 28th. 
Joubert was a typical French General, 
white-moustached, short, courteous, gallant, 
and altogether charming and practical, and 
I went again to sec and consult him next 
morning af Givenchy, cantering through 
the swampy woods af the back, where most 


of our seven batteries were posted undcr 
excellent cover. I also, before going to bid 
him adieu, had written him what I thought 
was a charming let, ter, congratulating him 
on the "galanterie de ses troupes." Alas, 
St André was out when I wrote the lctter, 
or probably I should havc cxpresscd it 
differently; I hear it was subsequently 
pul)lished in orders, but I trust it was 
cdited first ! 
The night had been extraordinarily quiet, 
and after my visit to Joubert the situation 
was so peacetul that I walked bacl a bît 
to inspcct a third line of trenches that 
were being dug by civilians and spare 
troops under R.E. supervision. I was hOt 
much edified at the portion that the 15th 
Brigade had been told off to, for it was 
within 150 yards of a bunch of houses in 
front, under cover of which the Germans 
could bave corne up quite close; and if 
they had put a selection of their snipers 
into them, we should have had a poor rime. 
But I quite allow that I was at a loss, 
owing to the awkward ground, to suggest 
anything better. We had also a mlle of 
front fo cover, with three weak battalions 
and a difficult line, whilst the four French 


battalions had been allotted altogether only 
hall a toile of excellent natural trenches 
behind the Canal, or rather behind a broad 
water-ditch which tan into the Canal. 
The 2ad Manchesters, under Strickland, 1 
late of the Norfolks, a first-rate battalion 
just arrived from Iudia, had now been 
attacbed fo tbe 14th Brigade--where their 
own 1st 1)attalion were also--and had had 
very heavy fighting during the last few 
days just north of Festubert. The Devons 
xvere therefore sent fo relieve them,--rather 
rough on them aftcr barely forty-eight 
hours out of the trenches. 

Oct. 29th. 
We had an extraordinarily quiet night-- 
a full eight hours' sleep xvithout any dis- 
turbance,--and xve xvere consequently feel- 
ing much titrer. But the ball began full 
early by a violent attack on the Devons 
af dawn, and another af 7 on the 2nd 
Manchesters, both hard pressed, but both 
repulsed--the Manchesters, xvho xvere short 
of ammunition, getting well in with the 
1 Who had bccn with me as a Major in Ielfast--a most 
capable oflïccr, now (1917) commanding a Division. 


I sent one company of the Norfoks to 
support the Devons, but I could barely 
afford even that. The enemy ,vas cn- 
trenching within 200 fo 400 yards of ail 
my battalions, pushing out saps frora their, 
trenchcs along the ditches and folds of the 
ground, and connecting up their heads in a 
most ingenious and hidden manner. Thc 
French were hot attacked, so they sent 
a couple of companies af my request to 
Les Plantins, behind the Norfolks. ttowever, 
after another attack between 9 and 10 A.M. 
the Germans dried up for the present. 
We knew that the Indian Divisions from 
Lahore and Meerut were shortly coming 
fo strengthen this part of the line, and I 
was therefore hot surprised fo hear that 
Macbean, commanding one of their Brigades, 
wanted fo see Martyn  and me about thc 
relief of our respective Brigades. This was 
distinctly satisfactory from our point of 
viev; but I was hot entirely happy, for I 
was very doubtful how far these untried 
Indian troops would stand up fo what was 
evidently going fo be a very difficult situa- 
tion if the Germans went on attacking as 

 Temporarily commanding 13th trigade. 


they had been doing. Fresh troops, if is 
true. But they had had no expcrience of 
this sort of fighting, nor of trenches, nor of 
cold wet weathcr: and thcy were going fo 
have all three. 
Thc relief of the Wcst Ridings by tlle 
Black Watch battalion of the Indian Divi- 
sion was carried out on the saine evening. 
Thc relief of the Bcdfords, Chcshires, and 
Dorscts was also arranged for, but the Nor- 
folks could not be relicvcd till the morrow. 
The 2nd Manchesters wcre relieved, how- 
ever, by the 2/Sth Gurkhas, who looked 
very much out of place with thcir big hats 
and tiny, sturdy Mongolian physique. 

Oct. 30th. 
After a very quiet night--cxccpt for 
French guns which started shelling hcavily 
about 4 A.., and kcpt us awake till day- 
light--we had another unpleasant day. 
Thcre were repeated attacks on the 
Devons and Gurkhas ail day, and at 3 1.. 
Maynard reported that the Gurkhas had 
lost ail their Baitish officers and wcre being 
driven out of their trenches, and that 
support was badly wanted. 
The first story about the Gurkhas was 


thrt thcy had corne fo l cltd of ttlcir 
ammunition and wcrc fighting with the 
bayonct, but were driven back by superior 
numbcrs. But if turncd out latcr tllat thcy 
lost very hcavily from shell tire, and, the 
trenches 1)eing too dcep for tlle little men, 
they could producc no cffcct with thcir ritlcs, 
and could sce nothing. So. having lost ail 
their English o[Iicers, and being bcwildcrcd 
by thc heavy tire and totally new conditions, 
and having no chance of getting in with 
the bayonet, thcy cleared out oue by one, 
so as fo gel togcther into formation. Thc 
Dcvons' last man was in the firing line by 
tllis tilne, and so two Bedford companies and 
the Wcst Ridings, no longcr uudcr my com- 
nltrnd, were ordercd to rctake somc Gurkh«r 
trcncllcs, into which the Gcrmans had already 
penetrated, alongside ours. 
IL was frightfully difticult fo make out 
vhat was happening, as hot only were out 
troops in process of being relieved by the 
Indians, but there was very heavy tire as 
wcll on all out supports and on the roads 
leading up fo the trenches, so that communi- 
cation vas ail but impossible, most tclcphone 
wires having bcen broken long ago and 
round impossible fo repair under such fire. 


Thc 58th (Wilde's) Rifles had arrivcd, and 
wcre by wry of relieving the Norfolks; but 
owing fo this attack they were dcflected in 
rear of the Devons. Then we were callcd 
on fo send two companics fo support the 
Devons. But, considcring that thcy now 
had already two Bcdford companies, four 
of West Ridings, tmd four of the 58th Riflcs, 
fo support them in enclosed country whcre 
thcy could hardly move, and that fo weaken 
my already very rhin line of Norfolks and 
Black Watch meant leaving me no supports 
ai all, I respectfully protested, and gained 
my point. 
Elaborate arrangements were made by the 
«mthorities for retaking the lost trenches by 
the Bedfords, &c., at nightfall; then the" 
movement was deferred till 1.30 .&.M., and 
then till dawn; but nothing happened at 
all during the night except occasional tire- 
bursts, which sounded like general attacks. 
I might mention that during these "quiet" 
nights there were nunlerOUS fire-bursts af 
intervals, which used fo 'bring me out of, or 
rather off, my bed three or four rimes a 
night, for the sentry on out cottage had 
strict orders to call me in case anything 
alarnling occurred in out front. But they 


always slacked off after 5 or 10 minutes 
of my waiting in the cold, wet, muddy road, 
and I crept to bed again till the next one 
woke me. 
It was a tiny cottage that we lived in 
during those days, belonging to a poor 
woman who, with ber child, had been turned 
out by some one else and sent to another 
bouse hall a mlle off. She was pcrpetually 
coming back and weeping to be readmitted, 
but there really was hot room, and we had 
to soothe ber with promises, and evcntually 
with cash in order fo get rid of ber. After 
all, she was living with her friends, though 

doubtless they were a 
she returned to hcr 
left it. 
Everything in that 

bit crowded, and 
cottage when we 

country was mud, 

thick clay mud, black and greasy, and the 
country fiat and hideous. And it rained 
perpetually and was getting beastly cold. 
Altogether if was a nightmare of a place, 
cven without the fighting thrown in, and we 
prayed to be delivered from it, and go and 
fight somewhere else. 
Our prayers were destined to be answered, 
for on this morning we were ordered, in 
spire of thc desultory fighting going on, fo 


hand over fo Macbean's Brigade and go 
north. This only meant the Brigade Staff, 
two companies Bedfords, and about 300 
Cheshires and 300 Dorsets who had been in 
reserve fo the 14th Brigade; but they were 
not in a very happy condition, for they 
had hardly any officers left and had been 
cxtremely uncomfortable for the last week, 
being haulcd out of their barns on most 
nights and ruade fo sleep in the wet open as 
supports in case of attack. 
Our orders were, together with the 15th 
R.F.A. Brigade, fo move north and concen- 
trate near Strazeele and Pradelles, where we 
were fo go into rest for rive or six days. 
I knew those rests. 
So after handing over fo Macbean af 
10.30 _.M., and talling fo General Anderson 
(commanding the Indian Division) and the 
Maharajah of Bikanir, 1 we made devoutly 
thankful tracks in the direction of Locon 
and Merville. 
We were but a small part of the 15th 
B-igade after all vho lcft the environs of 
Festubert on, that morning- only Head- 
quarters, a very weak battalion of Cheshires 
l I WaS struck with his wondarfifl conmmnd of English-- 
hot thc tl':tcc (d" «tny tc(.cnt. 


--not more than 300 ail told--and two com- 
panies of Bedfords. The remains of the 
Dorsets had bccn ordered to join us about 
Strazeele, and the whole of the Norfolks and 
hall the Bedfords were left in the trenches 
to give a bit of moral and pllysical support 
to the Indians. I did hot at all like being 
partcd from them, but tllere was no help for 
it. The West Ridings (Duke of Wellington's) 
were attached fo me from the 13th Brigade, 
but that did hot make up for the absence of 
one and a hall of my own beloved battalions. 
Nevertheless it was with a feeling of ex- 
treme thankfulness that we left the horrible 
mud-pl,in of Festubert and Givenchy, with 
ifs cold wet climate and its swampy sur- 
roundings and its dismal memories, for 
both Dorsets and Cheshires had suffered 
terribly in the fighting here. And the 
pleasantest feeling was to hear the noise 
of the bursting shells grow less and ever 
less as we worked north-westwards, and to 
rcalise that for the present, at all events, 
we need not worry about Jack Johnsons 
or Black Marias and all their numerous 
sm,llcr brcthren, nor to keep our ttention 
on the tense strnin for bnd nows from the 
firing tronches, but that wc could, for 


several days fo come, sleep quietly, not 
fully dressed and on our bcds or straw 
with one eye on the wake ail night, but in 
our blessed beds and in our still more be- 
loved pyjamas. 
We trotted on ahead over the cold, wet, 
muddy, level roads of those parts, with a 
welcome break for luncheon af a real live 
estaminet, till we got fo Merville, and then 
we slowed down. 
Merville is a nice prosperous little town, 
with canais and parks and a distinctly good 
modern statue of a French soldier in the 
middle--by whom, and of whom, I have 
forgotten. If was, oddly enough, almost 
like an extra-European bit of civilisation, 
for the streets were swarming with Indians 
and Africans of both armiesmtall, solemn, 
handsome Sikhs and Rajputs in khaki; 
Spahis, Algerians, and Moors in every 
variety of kit--red jackets, cummerbunds, 
and baggy breeches, bright blue jackets, 
white breeches, blue breeches, khaki breeches, 
dark blue vareuses, white burnouses, Arab 
corded turbans, baggy crimson trousers, &c., 
&c., even fo Senegalese as black as night, and 
Berbers from Mauritania and the Atlas. I 
tried fo talk fo some of the latter, but if 


was nota success, for they did not undcr- 
stand my Arabic, and I did not understand 
their Shlukh. 
And so on vid Strazeele--where Saunders 
and his Dorsets had already arrived--con- 
tentedly to Pradelle, in which neighbour- 
hood we billeted, and were met by a staff 
oflïcer, Cameron of the 5th Divisional Staff, 
who gave us the welcome news that we 
wcre to rest and rccuperatc for at lcast a 
weck--really and truly this time. 
We put up ata nice, bright, ugly littlc 
château belonging to an eldcrly lady who 
was most civil and told us stories of what 
the Germans had done when they passed 
through a week or two ago on their retreat 
eastwards. Amongst other abominations, 
they had, on arrival, demanded of the old 
curé the key of the church tower, on which 
they wished to put a Maxim. The old man, 
hOt having the key, had hobbled off to get 
it from the garde champêtre, who happened 
tobe in possession of it for the time being. 
He could hot, however, find him, and the 
officer in command, being in a diabolical 
retaper, put the poor old priest up against 
a wall and shot him dead on the spot. 
This was recountcd by the curé's sister, and 

there was hot a shadow of doubt on the 
marrer, for it was confirmed by ail. 

Oct. 31st. 
Next day was a clear bright Sunday, and 
bcforc we had corne down fo breakfast, 
looking forward to a nicc lazy day, we 
were ordered fo send the Dorsets away 
in motor-buses to Wulverghem (opposite 
Messines), where heavy fighting was going 
on. So much for our promised week's rest! 
And before 11 o'clock we had rcceived an- 
other urgent telegram telling us fo fall in 
af once and match eastwards through 
I was deputed to command the whole of 
the remaining troops of the Division on 
this march, and by a complicated series of 
movcs from their billets we got them strung 
out on the road, and pushed on by 12.30. 
The troops were mostly artillery, engineers, 
and train, and the only oher infantry that 
joined me were the West Kent, now under 
their own C.O., Martyn. 
Other troops were also on the more 
through Bailleul, and we had a weary rime 
of it get, ting through. It was dark l)efore 
xve iad filed throug] the hig market-sqnare 


with ifs old brick church towcr and Town 
Hall; and even then, though billets had 
becn arranged for in the country beyond 
for the test of the troops, we had the 
devil's own job before our own headquarters 
could find a rcsting-place. We wanted fo 
put up af Dranoutre village, but the village 
was full of the 3rd Cavalry Brigade, and 
we should bave been in front of our own 
lot; so after a dcpressing wait in a tiny 
pothouse near Dranoutre, whilst St Andrd 
and Weathcrby and Moulton-Barrett scoured 
the country, we cventually settled down in 
a little farmhouse at Hille, a few hundred 
yards inside the Belgian border. Not so 
bad, but tiny, and crowded with not only 
the proprietor and his numerous family, but 
with a number of rcfugees from further cast. 
My own bedroom was about 6 fcct square 
and full of stinking old clothes, but I was 
lucky fo get one af ail. 
If seemed curious being amongst inhabit- 
ants many of whom understood no French, 
but only talkcd Wallon or Flemish. I round 
my reminiscences of the South African Taal 
came in quite usefully; but the best com- 
nmnic«tors were the Lowland Scout, s, vho, 
tlmnks to their ovn strange dial(,ct, m:,,naged 


to make themselves quite decently under- 
stood by the natives. 
Here we stayed for a few days--to be 
accurate, until the morning of the 5th 
November. My own " outfit" consisted of 
the West Kent, Cheshires, and two com- 
panies Bcdfords, and the Wcst Ridings 
were subsequently added. Atone period I 
was given the K.O.S.B.'s as wcll, who werc 
in Neuve Eglise; but they were taken avy 
from me on the same day, and so were the 
West Kent. There was, in fact, a glorious 
jumble, battalions and batteries being added 
nd taken away as the circumstances de- 
manded. Even the two companies Bedfords 
were spirited away for forty-eight hours, 
leaving me with the decimated Cheshires 
as the only representatives of the 15th 
Brigade, but with two battalions of the 
13th and one of the 14th superadded, as 
wcll as ,n R.E. company (17th). Meanwhilc 
the 5th Divisional Staff was stranded and 
almost troopless, for all the other batt,lions 
of the Division were scattered among other 
divisions -- some even under thc command 
of the Cavalry Division; and guns were 
pushed up, almost piecemeal, as they werc 
wanted, fo help in the attempt fo retake 


Mcssines, out of which our cavalry had 
bcen drivcn somc days beforc. Frcnch 
troops were :dso there, in lumps. One 
moruing the country would bc brilliant 
with the white horses, sky-blue tunics and 
rcd trousers, of the Chasseurs d'Afrique, 
and the roads impassablc with Frcnch 
infantry and transport moving toxvards 
Ypres; and by the next evcning nothing but 
kh«ki-clad British were seen, besides patches 
of Belgian infantry, largely stragglers and 
mostly unarmed. 
Mcanwhile rumours Qf desperate fighting 
up north came through--the critical tinm 
when the 7th Division stuck heroically to 
their cripplcd tronches and withstood thc 
ponderous attacks of the German masses; 
but if was difficult to makc out what was 
occurring, for one only gathered bits of 
news here and there and could hot piece 
thcm together as a whole, for file links 
wcre missing. 
On the 4th 'qovember we received ordcrs 
that Sir ttorace would inspect us on the 
following rnorning, and we ruade prepara- 
tions fo +,urn out as clean as we could in 
the ever-prevailing mud. But in the even- 
ing lliore important work was at hand, for 


we xvcrc notificd tobe rcady to mLrch on 
thc following morning fo Ypres. So the 
inspection fcll through. 
Thc idea was thàt we--that is, two com- 
panies Bedfords (450 men), Cheshires (550), 
and Wcst Ridings (700)--were fo combine 
as flic 15th Brigade with M'Cracken's 7th 
Brigade (Wiltshires, Gordons, Irish Riflcs, 
and «tnothcr battalion), and go fo rclicve 
thc 7th Division, which had, we heard, been 
getting somc tcrrific knocks. With us wcre 
to go the two R.E. companies, the 17th and 
59th, belonging to thc 5th Division. 

Nov. 5th. 
Wc marched af 7.20 A.. vid Locres aid 
Dickebusch, on thc main Baillcul-Ypres 
road, passing through many French troops 
on the way. Not far on the other side of 
Dickebusch we hcard that the road was 
being shelled by the enemy; so M'Cracken 
ordcred the whole force fo park in the fields 
some distmce clown a road fo the west. 
whilst he went on fo Ypres for instructions. 
Ve had our midday meal whilst we 
w«,ited there, but it vas hOt pleasant for 
the mcn, for the ficlds were dripping wet 
and vcry muddy; they had, therefore, fo 


sit on thcir kits, whilst thc transport Imd fo 
remain on thc road, the ficlds being so deep. 
M'Cracken came bacl ai 3.30 P.M. with 
instructions, and we moved on, nyself bcing 
in charge of the movcment. We managcd 
fo get fo Ypres ail right along tlle main 
road, as the shclls wcre rather diluinishing 
and hOt reaching so far, and wc pushcd 
through the town, entcring if by a bridge 
over the nearly dry canal. Why the 
Germans had not shot this bridge fo I)icccs 
before I cannot imagine, as if was well 
within their range. Thcrc werc numerous 
big shell-holes in the oi)en space near the 
railway station; one or t;wo houses wel'e 
smouldcring; there were heaps of bricks 
and stones from damaged houses in thc 
strccts, and the cxtreme roof corner of the 
Cloth Hall had bcen knockcd off, but othcr- 
wise the town was fairly normal- looking, 
except, of course, that hardly any civilians 
were visible. 
Ai the other end of the town I came 
across Gencral Haig, and rode ahcad w]th 
him down the Menin road as far as the 
village of Hoogc, where thc Headquarters 
of the 1st Division were, undcr General 
Landon. (He had succcedcd General Lomax, 


vho h:td been badly voundcd by a shell 
cxploding at his hcadquarters, and subse- 
qucntly died, 15th April.) Hcrc we had a 
cup of tea in a dirty little estaminet crowded 
with Stafl! officers whilst awaiting the arrival 
of the Brigade. 
No part of this Menin road was, in fact, 
"healthy," and at night it was generally 
subject fo a searching tire by German shells. 
The wonder, indeed, was that more casual- 
ries did not occur here, for after dark the 
road was packed with transport and ration 
and ambulance parties moving slowly and 
silently back and forth. But the hostile 
shelling was hOt accurate, and for Olle 
"crumper" that burst in or over the road 
twcnty exploded in the fields alongside. 
Only a day or two before, a couple of 
heavy shells had burst just outside General 
Haig's Headquarters ai the entI'ance fo 
Ypres. Luckily the General himself had 
just lcft, but poor "Conky" Marker of thc 
Coldstream had been fatally wounded, and 
several other oflîcers, signallers, and clerks 
had been killed. 
My Brigade arrived in the dark by the rime 
that I had received further instructions in 
dctail, and was parked off the road (south 


side) hall a mile further on, vhilst Veathcrby 
went on fo make arrangements for thcir 
taking up the line, taking representativcs 
of the battalions with hirn. I rnet General 
Capper (cornrnanding 7th Division) at his 
dug-out in the wood close by, and he told 
me that his Division had been reduced to 
barely 3000 rnen and a very few oflàcers, aftcr 
an appalling arnount of severe fighting. 
Veatherby came back after a rime, and 
the battalions and ourselves moved off along 
the road and branched off into the grounds 
of Herenthage Château--deep rnud, broken 
trees, and hardly rideablc. Here we bade 
adieu to out horses, who were, with thc 
transport, to stay in the sarne place vhere 
we had had our dinners, right the other 
side of Ypres and out of shell-range, whilst 
we kept a few arnmunition-carts and horses 
hidden near Hooge village. All the test of 
our supplies and stuff had to be brought up 
every night under cover of darkness fo near 
Herenthage, and there be unloaded and 
carried by hand into the trenches. 
In the château itself who should we corne 
across but Drysdale, 1 Brigade-Major now 
1 My ltc Brigade-Major at Bclfast, now, alas ! killed (on 
th Somme, 1916). 


of the 22nd Brigade, the one which, by the 
law of chances, wc wcrc now relicving ; and, 
still more oddly, the other battalion (2nd) 
of the Bedfords was in his Brigade. It was 
zr cheerless place, this château--every singlc 
pane of glass in it shivered, and lying, 
crunched af our every step, on the floor. 
We pushed on over the grass of tte park, 
tllrough the scattered trees, and into the 
wood, and so into the trenches. Even then, 
as far as one could judge in the darkness, 
flic ground was a regular rabbit-warren. 
By the rime we had finished with the dis- 
trict the ground was even more so; there 
seemcd fo bc more trenches and fallcn 
trees and wire entanglements tllan therc 
was level ground fo walk on. 
Our own Headquartcrs werc in a poky 
little dug-out  in a wood, hOt 200 yards from 
our firing trenches. There was just room 
for two--Weatherby and St André (Moulton- 
Barrett having gone fo sertie about trans- 
port and supplies, Cadcll being away sick, 
and Beilby being left witll the transport 
the other side of Ypres)--to lie down in 
it, and there was a little tunnel out of if, 
 Really only a half roofcd-in little trench, markcd H on 
thc map. 


6 feet long and 2 broad and :3 high, into 
whieh I Cl'ept and where I slept; but I 
was hot very happy in it, as the roof-logs 
had sagged with the weight of the earth 


5oOyds. o 
I I I I I I 
ABCDE I: position 
ABCFC, 2ï 
ABHJG 3 - 
K Herenthage Château. 
L Beukenhorst. 


on them, and threatened every moment to 
fall in whilst I was inside. 
The Bedfords were put into the trenchcs 
on the eastern edge of the wood, the 
Cheshires continued the line to the south 
and for a couple of hundred yards outside 
thc wood, akd the West Ridings were in 


reserve af the back of the wood, in rcar 
of our dug-out. 
I did hOt like our place af all, for if 
seemed fo me that, being so close fo thc 
firing line, I should hOt be able fo get out 
or control the little force if there wcre 
heavy operations on; and this was exactly 
what did happen. 
We had been told that the 6th Cavalry 
Brigade was in trenches on our lcft, and 
thc 7th Infantry Brigade in ditto on out 
right, and that was about all we knew of 
thc situation. 

Nov. 6th. 
Next morning tllere was a thick mist till 
10 a.M., and I took advantage of if fo visit 
flic trenches in detail. Thc left of the 
Cheshires was within 40 yards of the 
enemy, who were hidden in the wood in 
front of them, so, there being no communi- 
cation trenches, we had fo be fairly care- 
fui' hereabouts. But if was desperately 
difficult fo make one's way about,, what 
with the fallen trees and telephone wires, 
and little patchcs of open ground on flic 
slopcs, and long, wct, yellow grass and 
tanglcd heathcr in parts, hot to mention 


the criss-cross of trenches, occupied and 
unoccupied, in all directions. Difficult 
cnough to find one's way in daylight, it 
was infinitcly worse in pitch darkness. No 
wondcr tha$ our reliefs had hot been accom- 
plishcd till nearly 3 o'clock that morning ! 
Wc were shelled pretty heavily all the 
morning, and two of the shclls i»urst so 
closethat they covercd us with dirt. Two 
officers--Langdalc and O'Kclly, of thc Wcst 
Ridings--had their legs broken by thcir 
dug-out being blown in tapon thcm, and 
thrce Cheshires werc buricd by an explod- 
ing shell and dug out dcad. Anothcr dozen 
wcrc killcd or woundcd in their trcnches, 
which were nothing like dcep enough, 
and could hot be further deepened because 
of the water which lay-there only just 
bclow tbe ground. About twenty Chcshires 
were moved back to escape the shell tire, and 
taken to a rather less-exposcd place. At 
4.30 the Bedfords reported a heavy attack 
on their front; but it was confined fo rite 
tire, and nothing serious happened therc. 
The remainder of thc Bedfords, under 
Griffith, consisting of two strong companies, 
turned up at 6 P.., and thc Wcst Ridings 
vere taken away from me, so tlmt my 


command was now reduced to two bat- 
talions, one rather strong (ll00--just rein- 
forced by a big fresh draft), and the other, 
Cheshres, only about half that number. 
On further consideration of the situation, 
I settled fo make Brigade IIeadquarters 
at the Bcukenhorst Château, 1 hall a mi|e 
fartbcr back, and started the R.E. and a 
strange fatigue party fo dg a funk-hole 
for us in front of it in case it were badly 
shcllcd; but I remember as a particular 
grievance that when the foreign fatigue 
party heard they were fo go somewhere 
else, they went off, leaving their work half 
undone, and with our Brigade tools, though 
I had given them distinct orders to do 
neither of these things. But they were 
now out of my jurisdiction, so nothing 
could be done except fo send them a 
message to rcturn our tools--which they 
never did. 
Moulton-Barrett turned up in the after- 
noon with a basket of cold food for us, 
and took St André away; if was not the 
least necessary for him to stay, as thc dug- 
out was really only big enough for two, so 
Weatherby and I settled down for the night. 
 "Stirling Castle" on our prcsent maps. 


We had wanted fo move into the château 
at 7 I'.M., but we could hot. For it was 
not advisable as long as an attack was 
imminent; also, M. B. had hot got out 
message of that morning saying we wanted 
him fo clean up the chîteau for us; and 
thirdly, the Bedford relief was taking 
place. So we settled to move next day 
But it was not very attractive living in 
the tiny dug-out. We had no servants, we 
had to prepare out own food and wash up 
afterwards; it was frightfully cramped, 
and we were always getting half-empty 
sardine-tins oozing over official documents, 
and knives and forks lost. in the mud and 
straw at the bottom, and bread-crumbs and 
fragments of bully beef and jam mixed up 
with out orders and papers; and it was 
not at ai1 healthy going for a stroll as 
long as the sun was up because of the 
bullets and shells fizzing about. Alto- 
gether, although it was no worse, except 
as regards size, than other dug-outs, it ,vas 
hot luxurious; and as for washing, a little 
water in the bottom of a biscuit-tiu was 
about all we could nmnage, whilst a shave 
,vas a marrer of pain and difficulty. 


Nov. 7 th. 
We had now corne under the 3rd Divi- 
sion (under General Wing temporarily--a 
vcry good and charming fellow, a gunner, 
who had taken over General Hubert Ham- 
ilton's command, the latter having bcen 
killed, I forgot fo mention, some rime pre- 
viously), whilst the 9th Brigade had rc- 
lieved thc 6th Cavalry on the previous day. 
The Division, therefore, now consisted of 
thc 7th, 15th, and 9th Brigades (the latter 
comprising the Northumberland Fusiliers, 
Royal Fusiliers, Lincolns, and Scots Fusiliers) 
--in that order from right fo left. If lookcd, 
therefore, as if we ought fo be soon relieved 
by the 8th Brigade and return fo our own 
Division. Vain hope ! We were not destined 
fo be relieved for another fortnight. 
There was a good deal of shelling of the 
9th Brigade during the morning, but we 
personally had not many shel]s into us, 
and were fairly quiet till past 2 o'clock. 
Suddenly, about 3, a hellish hostile tire 
broke out in the wood--not in out front, 
but close on our left. A hail of bullets 
whizzed over our heads, responded fo by 
out tire tronches; and then, fo our horror, 
we saw our Bedford supports, fo our ]eft 


front, retiring slowly, but in somc confu- 
sion, on top of us--nlany of the mon only 
half-dressed, and buckling on their kits as 
thcy moved. We jumpcd out of out dug- 
«»ut, and with the assistance of their ofliccrs 
stoppcd and rallied them. Thcy were ccr- 
tainly hOt running, and were in no sort of 
pmic; |)ut they ail said that the word had 
I)een passed from tbe right front that the 
P, edfords were fo retire, so they had done 
so--half of them being asleep or feeding at 
the rime the tire began. 
We ruade them advance again, which they 
were more than willing to do, and then 
therc was a cheer from the Bedfords in 
front. Upon which the supports prieked 
up their ears, rallied fo the sound, and 
charged forward like hounds rallying to 
the horn. 
Violent firing and confused fighting and 
yelling in the wood for a space, and some 
wounded began fo corne back. Then some 
Germans, both wounded and prisoners, in 
small batches, and ai last the news that 
the Bedfords had completely repulsed the 
attack and taken about 25 prisoners, driving 
the enemy back with the b«tyonet at the run. 
Who it was that started thc ordcr to 


'cti,'e we could never find out. If certainly 
xvas net Milling, who was commanding 
in the front trench, ner was if any officer. 
Quite conceivably if may have been started 
by the enemy themselves. 
What happened, as far as I could make 
out, was that the right centre of the North- 
umbel'land Fusiliers on our left had been 
prcssed back and the Germans had pured 
througb the opening. The right flank of 
the Northumberlands had sat tight, se the 
[ledfords in our front line had known 
nothing of the German success till they 
were fired af by the enemy in the wood 
on their left rear. I de net fancy, however, 
frein what the prisoners told me, that the 
attack was a very strong one--not more, 
I expect, than three or four companies. 
These belonged te the Frankfurt-am-Main 
Corps (VII.). I examined one prisoner, a 
rcgular "Schwabe" from Heilbronn, a jolly 
man with a red beard, who told me that 
his company was commanded by a OEvalry 
captain, who considered if beneath his 
dignity te charge with infantry, and re- 
mainedsnugly ensconced behind a wall 
whilst he shouted encouragement te his 


Thc Bedfords rctool thrcc of thc North- 
umberlauds' tronches xvith them, hut ftiled 
to retake one of their own--togcther with 
two machinc-guns in it--that they had lost, 
although they tried hard, A Company 
(Milling's) making three hayonet charges. 
They behaved devilish well, in spire of 
heavy losses both in officers and men. 
Macre,dy, thcir Adjut,nt, was shot through 
the liver (but rccovcred evcntually) ; All:tson 
(Major) was hit twice -- once through the 
shouldcr, and again, on roturning ,'ftcl" 
gctting his wound dresscd, through the 
thigh; Davenport was shot through the 
left elbow (wc looked after him in our 
dug-out); and two subalterns were killed, 
besides twenty-four nen killcd and fifty- 
three wounded. Of the Cheshires, Pollok, 
Hodson, and Anderson (the latter a fine 
runner and very plucky chap)were killcd, 
besides rive men killed, nineteen wounded, 
and eight missing. Altogether the losses 
were rather heavy. The men were partic- 
ularly good fo the wounded Germans; 
I remember especially one man, a black- 
bearded evil-looking scoundrcl, who had 
been shot through thc lungs, and rolled 
,bout in the mud af my feet, and him they 


looked after carefully. The last glimpse 
I caught of hiln was being helped to a 
stretchcr by two of our own men, also 
There ws again no chance of out getting 
to the château to-night, so anothcr basket 
of food arrived, and we fcd with what com- 
fort we could. 
We worked all night af strengthening 
our lines, but the Germans had got up so 
close to our xveakest salient that I was a 
bit anxious on the subject of a renewed 
attack by night. 

Nov. 8th. 
A small reinforcement irrived at 7 A.., 
in the shape of the Divisional Mounted 
Troops of the 3rd and 5th Dîvisions--about 
250 men altogether, consisting of 70 of the 
15th Hussars and 60 cyclists from the 3rd, 
and 50 of the 19th Hussars and 70 cyclists 
from the 5th Divisions, under Courage 
and Parsons respectively. 
These were distributed in rear of our 
We had a fairly quiet day as far as wc 
ourselves were conccrned, but both Brigades 
on out flanks were heavily shelled. The 


Frcnch on our right were attacking in 
force, but although they were being sup- 
ported by their 16th Corps, I do not think 
there was much result about Klein Zillebekc. 
Af last, af 5.30 I.M., we started for out 
château, and hardly had we gone 150 yards 
when a terrific tire broke out. We got 
bchind a little ruined hut to escape thc 
bullets, and I ruade ready fo return in case 
if was a serious attack. But it dicd down 
in ten minutes, and we pursued out way 
in more or less peace, for it was only a case 
of firing af reliefs, and I think the Gcrmans 
wcre rather jumpy. 
The Château of Bcukenhorst was a squarc 
white block of a place, and merits pcrhaps 
somc description, as we were thcre for a 
most unconfortable fortnight--uncomfort- 
able as far as events and fighting went, 
though not so as regards living. 
If belonged fo some people whosc naine 
I have forgotten--Baron something (Belgian) 
and his German wife, and if was due fo 
this lady's nationality--so the story went-- 
that the place had suffered so little. Per- 
sonally I think that if was due fo the house 
only being indicated on the map, whilst the 
stables, 200 yards off, which werc perpctu- 


«rlly bcing shelled, were marked in heavy 
black, and were a cockshy for the Germau 
guns, which were cvidently laid by map 
and hOt by sight; yet the house was on a 
fait elcvation, and must have been visible 
from certain points on the German side. 
By thc saine token, General Capper had 
had his Headquarters there for a few days, 
but had cleared out, I believe, because of 
shells. Half a dozen shrapnel had certainly 
hit if, but they had only chipped off somc 
bits of stone and broken ail the windows 
af the eastern end. , 
We lived in a room hall below ground 
af thc western end, which must evidently 
have been the housekeeper's room or 
servants', hall, next fo the kitchen. About 
hall the Signal Section lived in some sort 
of cellars close by, the other hall being 
away with the transport. Two of these 
cellars were also used as a dressing station 
for the 7th Brigade, and wounded used fo 
be brought in here frequently and tended 
by a sanitary Highlander, a corporal whose 
exact functions I could never discover, but 
who worked like a Trojan. The wounded 
were visited by a medical ooEcer in the 
evening, and rcmoved on stretchers every 


night fo the aml)ulanccs who came fo fctch 
thcm. Out own wounded did hot corne 
here, but were looked aftcr jus behind thc 
tronches near the Hcrcnthage Château, and 
taken away from there aL night by our 
own 15th Field Ambulance, who workcd all 
night in circumstances of much danger, but 
were luckily hardly ever hit. 
The owners had evidently had plcnty of 
notice before clearing out, for they had 
removed all the smaller articles and most 
of the furniture, and had rolled up the 
carpets and curtains and blinds, lcaving 
only big cupboards and bare beds'teads and 
largcr bits of furniture. These were, oddly 
enough, in very good faste--Louis XV. 
styleand only sand-papercd and hot 
polished or paintcd. Thcrc was a good 
bathroom too, and a lavatory with big 
basins, but Inuch of iL had been smashcd 
by shrapncl, as i was ai the east end. Our 
bedrooms were on the first floor, and most 
of them had good beds and washhand-stands, 
but no linen or blankets. I need hardly 
say that we carefully selected those aL the 
western end of the house, whither few 
bullets had penetrated. But the windows 
there were mostly unouched, and consisted 


of good plate glass. Altogcther thc wholc 
place gave one the idea of comfort, money, 
and good faste, and was an emincntly 
satisfactory abode--bar the shells. 
I know that, as far as looking after the 
Brigade was concerned, we got through 
three rimes as much satisfactory work in 
the morning after we arrived as we did 
during all the three days we were in the 
little dug-out. For we could now communi- 
cate hot only by wire but by messcngcr 
and by personal contact with the authori- 
ries and commanders in our rear and on 
our flanks, and could discuss matters re 
artillery and defences and plans in a way 
which had been quite impossible in our 
advanced position. 
General Wing 1 used to corne and see us 
most evenings, and I used to communicate 
personally with Shaw (gth Brigade), and 
Fanshawe (Artillery), and M'Cracken (7th 
Brigade), about combined movements, &c. 
Every morning before daylight, and af a 
good many other rimes besides, I, or 
Weatherby, or Moulton-Barrett, used to go 
down to the trenches and confabulate with 

' To cvcrybody's grcat regret, ho was killcd in October 


Griffith--always cool and resourceful, vho 
was in immediate command -- or Frost 
and Burfeild, who were running the Chesh- 
ires excellently bcçween them. If was hot 
always a very easy business getting down fo 
the trenches, for there were nearly always 
shells bursting in the woods and on the open 
field which lay bctween us and the trench 
wood; and we had generally fo hurry in 
order fo leave the château precincts unper- 
ceived by the beastly Taubes who hovered 
overhead, always on the lookout for head- 
quarters fo shell; so we cut down orderlies 
and staff fo a minimum, and absolutely 
forbade any hanging about outside. 
It is no use going into or describing out 
proceedings day by day : "Plus ça changeait, 
plus c'était la mëme chose." I have the de- 
rail of if day by day in my diary, but it 
was always, in the main, the saine thing-- 
minds and bodies af high tension through- 
out the day and most of the night; per- 
petual artillery tire--if hOt by the enemy 
then by ourselves; shells bursting round 
the château and hardly ever into if, mostly 
shrapnel near the house and Black Marias 
a bit further off--chiefly into a walled 
gardcn 200 yards off which, for some un- 


known reason, the Germans were convinced 
held some of our guns, though, as a marrer 
of fact, our batteries were in our right rear, 
in well-covered positions just inside (or even 
outside, in some cases) the woods. But we 
got shells on the other side of the house 
as well, over the bare half-grown lawn 
and flower-beds between the château and 
the Hooge-Menin road. 
It was rarely "healthy" to take a stroll 
in the grounds, however much we might 
be in want of fresh air. Even on days 
which were exceptionally quiet--and there 
were hot many of them,--when one would 
move out to look af the grounds with a 
view to future defences in case we were 
driven back, or with a desire fo ease a 
torpid liver, suddenly there would be a 
loudening swish in the air and a crash 
which would send one of the tall pine-trees 
into smithereens, with a shower of broken 
branches in all directions, followed by 
another, or hall a dozen more; and we 
would retire gracefully--sometimes even 
rapidly--behind the shelter of our house. 
There were some late roses in the garden, 
or rather in the scattered flower-beds near 
the house, which lasted out even when the 


snow was on them; but about the only live 
beings who took any interest in them were 
three or four goats, who haunted the pre- 
cincts of the chhteau, and were everlastingly 
trying to get inside. Indeed, when Moulton- 
Brrett first came fo t,ke possession, there 
were two goats in the best bedrooms up- 
stairs, who peered out of the windows af 
the undesired visitors, and had to be evictcd 
after a display of considerable force. 
Also pigs; for half a dozen great raw- 
boned pink and dirty swine rootled about 
in the woods near by for sustenance. They 
were, however, shy, and did not seek the 
shelter of the château. Stray cattle there 
were too; but neither these nor the pigs 
paid any attention fo the shells which fell 
near them with impartial regularity, but 
did them, as far as I could see, no damage 
Thcre was a stable a couple of hundred 
yards in rear of the house, and here at first 
we put what horses there were in the 
neighbourhood. Having Squeaky and Silver 
there one night--I forger why, but I know 
they were there--I put them into a couple 
of loose-boxes. Silver went in all right, 
but Squeaky, gcner,lly a most sensible 


mare, shivered and sweated with terror, 
had almost fo be forced in, and refused to 
feed when there. So I let her out again, 
and picketed her outside. Two nights after, 
a doctor's horse which was in there was all 
but killed, for a shrapnel burst through the 
window and drove fourteen bullets into his 
head and neck. They wanted leave fo kill 
the poor beast, but I refused permission, as 
he was hot hit in any vital spot, and he 
recovered, more or less, in a few days. 
As mentioned above, this stabIe was 
marked in black on the map, whilst the 
chAteau--a far bigger building, of course-- 
was hardly indicated. I take it that this 
accounted for out comparative immunity, 
for the stable was shelled (and hit) with 
great regularity, whilst the château was 
hardly ever touched. We had, however, a 
couple of small H.E. shell through the east- 
ern end whilst we were in the western; one 
of these bored clean through the wall of a 
room where there was a big cupboard against 
if on the far side and exploded forthwith. 
But the cupboard was hot even scratched; 
if was blown into the middle of the room 
and a table or two upset, but, strange fo 
relate, nothing serious in the way of damage 


was donc. 1 On anothcr occasion, howcver, 
a few shrapncl explodcd just outsidc the 
kitchen window. Af the sound of the first 
we all bolted te the other side of the house, 
and called te the servants te de the saine. 
They came out; but Brown, our excellent 
cook, who had corne out in his shirt-sleeves, 
must needs go back, without orders, te fetch 
his coat: for which he promptly received 
a jagged piece of shcll in his left arm, which 
put a stop, alas, te his cooking for good and 
ail, as far as we were concerned, for he was 
sent away, and, although he recovered, noyer 
came back te us. 
During the chier hours of the day, when 
net (or whilst) being shclled, we were pretty 
busy with telegrams and reports and queries 
and excursions and alarums. We vere com- 
fortable enough in the housekeeper's room, 
and got our meals " reg'lar," and we evcn 
had two or three arm-chairs, and newspapers 
and mails fairly well, and news frein outside, 
which used te arrive with our rations af 9 
P.M. or thereabouts. But a miner trial was 
the fact that two out of our rive panes of 
glass had been blown in by shell, and let in 
an icy draught on most days. Se we got 
 This is a fact, though I cannot explain it. 


some partially-oilcd paper, and made some 
pastc, and stuck up the panes. 
The first shell explosion ruade the paper 
sag, the second ruade if shiver, and the third 
blew it out. The paste would hot stick--it 
was thc wrong sort of flour or something. 
Then we used jam--that glutinous sac- 
charine mess known as " best plum jam "- 
and blue sugar paper, and if stuck quite 
fairly well. But if wouldn't dry; and tears 
of jm used fo trickle down the paper panes 
and mingle vitll thc tin-tacks and the bread- 
crumbs on the sill. 
The room was cven thon fairly dark, but 
the shell-bursts again shivered the jam 
paper and burst if, and we had fo take fo 
cardboard and drawing-boards. This ruade 
it still darker, and was not even then 
successful, for thc explosions still shook the 
boards down and eventually broke another 
pane: it was most trying. On the last day 
but one four panes had been broken, and on 
the last day, as will be recounted, all were 
broken and the whole window blown in. 
Then we left. 
But what was of much vaster intcrest, of 
course, than these trifles, was the desperate 
fighting which was bcing waged along out 


front, hOt 1000 yards from the château. Our 
two battalions, being entrenched in thc 
wood, did hOt receive such a severe hammcr- 
ing as the brigades on either side--the 7th 
and 9th respectively on our right and left,-- 
who were more in the open. And the shell- 
ing and attacks on them were incessant, as 
wcll as on troops still further off on the 
other side of them. 
The llth Novembcr was a typically un- 
pleasant day. If started with a touch of 
comedy, Weatherby arriving stark naked in 
my room af 6.30 ,.M., just whcn I was shav- 
ing, saying, "I say, sir, may I finish my 
dressing in here ? They're shelling the bath- 
room!" He had a towel and a few clothes 
on his arm, et proeterea nihil. (He, M.-B., and 
St André, though sleeping in different rooms, 
uscd fo dress in the bathroom, where thcre 
were excellent taps and basins, though no 
water was running.) 
The shelling continued till 10. If was on 
this morning that Brown was damaged and 
lots of windows blown in. 
About that rime I saw, to my consterna- 
tion, a number of British soldiers retiring to- 
wards the walled garden. I sent out af once 
fo stop filera and turn them back, thinking 


thcy werc Chcshires or Bedfords. To my 
relief they were neither, but belonged fo 
a brigade on out right. They had been 
hcavily shelled, and, though in no sort of 
panic, were falling back deliberately, though 
without orders. There werc no oflïcers with 
them--all killed or wounded, I believe. My 
efforts werc successful, though I grievc fo 
say that a nice boy, Kershaw of the 
Signallers, who voluntecred fo carry a 
message fo them, was hit by shrapncl in the 
thigh and brought in by our clerk, Sergeant 
Hutchison, and another, bleeding profusely. 
Burnett, commanding the Cyclist Corps, had 
been knocked down by a falling tree and 
his back damaged--also infernal damage, I 
believe (for he was hot really fit a year 
afterwards); he also was brought in, as 
well as Cooper of the Royal Fusiliers. A 
number of Zouaves and some more troops 
also trickled slowly back from the left wit 
stories of appalling losses (mostly untrue) 
and disaster fo the trenches (ditto). They 
were also stopped--the Zouaves by St André 
--and senç back. Certainly tlle French- 
men's nerve was not damaged, for I re- 
member that sevcral had playing-cards in 
their hands, and when they got fo what 


thcy considercd  fairly quiet spot they 
stopped, st down, and went on with their 
g,me. Norman M'Mahon, commanding 
Royal Fusiliers, hd, however, been killed, 
just as he had been appointed Brigadier fo 
anothcr Brigade, besides a lot more good 
mon of the 9th Brigade. Shaw, command- 
ing thc Brigade, had also becn woundcd, 
and Douglas Smith succeeded him. Both 
the 1st and 9th Brigades had lost scveral 
trenches, and intended fo try and retake 
them af night, but both had bcen pushed 
back some distance. 
A company of Wiltshires was sent fo 
reinforce us in case we were seriously 
attacked. But they were not uscd by us 
for fighting--only for digging extra trenches 
near the château in case the front battalions 
had fo fall back. But the front battalions 
had no intention of falling back, and the 
Cheshires got in a very heavy tire on the 
flank of some Germuns who were attack- 
ing thc 7th Brigade, and, together with thc 
Gordons on our right, killed a great number. 
The Cheshires reported afterwards that the 
Germans walked slowly forward fo the 
attack without enthusiasm and in a sort 
of dazcd way, with thcir rifles undcr their 


arms, as if they were drugged. I wondcr 
whether they were: we several rimes re- 
ceived reports fo bhe saine effect. 
A particularly cheery ibem of intelligence, 
on good authority, was that fifteen German 
Guards babbalions were being specially 
brought up in order fo break through our 
line here af all cosbs. I thought ab the rime 
that this was false news, and that nobhing 
like so many would be available, but lb was 
not far out. As part confirmation, some 
papers taken off a dead German officer were 
brought in ; thcy belonged fo A. von Obernibz, 
2nd Garde Grenadier Regiment, 2nd Division 
Guard Corps, bub there was nothing of in- 
terest in them. 
Aboub that date Weatherby, who had becn 
seedy for several days, became seriously ill 
with a sort of lighb typhoid fever, and had 
to be evacuated. Moulton-Barrett thercfore 
added the duties of Brigade-Major to his 
already heavy ones as Staff Capbain, and did 
excellenbly well in the double capacity. 
To finish up with, the weather, which had 
been calm and fine up ho date, broke bhat 
evening, and there were violent rain-storms 
from the south-west all nighb. 
We went fo bed in no very happy state of 


mind, expccting a serious night attack by 
ovcrwhelming forces. But no attack came, 
for probably the encmy was as exhausted as 
ourselves. Ail the samc we had fo fall back 
by order, on the following night, for many 
trenches on out right and left had been 
driven in, and we did hot want fo bc 
cut off. 
So we fcll back about 200 yards through 
the wood, and straightcncd up our 
a much worse defensive position as regards 
our own bit, but if could hOt be helped. My 
suggestions as fo the line were overrulcd, 
and we took up our second line of tronches 
and constructed a littlc réduit in the wood, 
ringed around with barbed wire and holding 
about twenty-five men, who would--we were 
sanguine enough fo expect--hold off any 
serious rush that came. 
I forgot fo mention that Singer, command- 
ing the 17th Fd. Co. R.E., had arrived, and 
dld an extraordinary amount of good work 
with his company in circumstances of the 
greatest difficulty and danger. He told me 
that the first night he went out, in order to 
put up some wire entanglement in a danger- 
ous place, if was as black as pitch. He ruade 
his sections hold on fo each other's coats, but 


within ten minutes they had not only lost 
cach other in the dense black woods--chicfly 
through tumbling into trenches and falling 
over telephone wires,--but Singer had lost 
thc whole company, and after wandering 
hclplcssly in what he thought the right 
direction for some rime, hc discovered that 
he had lost himself as well. He said he felt 
inclined fo sit down and have a good cry, 
so utterly miserable did he feel! 
In falling back fo the second line we had 
a fairly easy job, but for the 9th Brigade 
was a regular Chinese puzzle, for by this 
rime some of their trenches were in German 
hands af one end and English af the other, 
whilst Northumberland Fusilicrs, Lincolns, 
Sussex, West Ridings, Cavalry, and even 
part of the 2nd Grenadiers, 1 who had turned 
up from goodness knows where, were in- 
cxtricably tangled up; not fo mention that 
a party of Northumberlands, numbering 
about 120, under one gallant subaltern 
called Brown, had been holding out for 
three days in front of our line, with no 
food or drink, and Germans in trenches 
only 30 yards off them. I believe this lot 
eventually got away in safety, but thc 
a My old battalion. 


retirement of all was about as difficult as 
it could be. This was on the 13th. 
On the 14th the Bcdfords were heavily 
attacked, and the Germans pushed a machine- 
gun right forward through the wood and 
enfiladed the Cheshire left. These stood if 
for some rime and then retired further down 
their trench, being unable fo let the Bedfords 
know. Consequently this beastly gun got in 
a heavy tire on the Bedfords right as well 
and forced them fo retire. The réduit was 
no good--thc wood was too thick--and 
some of the garrison were captured. So 
the Bedfords had fo fall back, fighting, on 
fo their third line 50 yards back, where 
they held the enemy. 
Edwards, who commanded the advanced 
Bedford company, came up fo the château 
fo report, and gave a most cheery and 
amusing account of the whole thing, but 
the result was hot af all amusing, as we 
had lost ground and a lot of men. 
Meanwhile the big attack by the German 
Guards was being made on the brigades on 
our flanks, but, as ail the world knows, if 
was completely repulsed, though the 15th 
Brigade was not very heavily engagcd as a 
whole. The fighting was terribly confused 


in the woods, and nothing but the individual 
grit of our men held the line, for if was 
practically impossible to give directions or 
exercise control in this horrible terrain. 
During ths period we got much "mixcd" 
as regards out machine-guns. We took over 
some from the 7th Division and lost some 
of those. Then we borrowed some more 
from other units in rear and recovered some 
of the lost ones. Sergeant Mart of the 
Bedfords dd a splendid thing, and recovered 
two of the lost Bedford guns practically by 
himself, stalking the Germans with only one 
other man and rushing their trench, killing 
the few men in it. I wanted fo recommend 
hm for the V.C., but had such dfficulty in 
getting sucient evidence about if that an 
official recommendation would hot have 
held water. Meanwhile poor Mart was shot 
through the neck. I got him a D.C.M., but 
do hOt know whether he lived fo receive it. 
Then three out of our rive guns got 
damaged by shells and bullets and mud and 
stopped work. So we borrowed some more, 
and had some difficulty in working them, 
as they were a new pattern. By the tme 
we understood them two other guns were 
ho's de combat,--it was a real nightmarc, 


and it needed strenuous efforts to keep evcn 
one or two gunsl going; yet they were of 
enormous importance, and accounted for 
a lot of the enemy, especially on the right 
flank of the Cheshires. 
Meanwhile the weather had turned beastly 
cold--snowstorms and slcet during the day 
and a hard frost af night. The men suffercd 
terribly in the trenches- especially thc 
Cheshires, whose trenches were very wet. 
Although we kept the wet ones occupied 
as lightly as possible, we could hOt abandon 
them altogether and dig others further 
forward or back, as there was water every- 
where only a foot below the ground. Breast- 
works were attempted, but they were very 
visible and attracted large numbers of 
shells: altogether the Cheshires had a very 
poor rime, I fear. The Bedfords were rather 
better off, their trenches in the wood bcing 
on rather higher and sandy ground, but 
they were hOt dry by any means. 
It was very awkward getting to the 
trenches, even in broad daylight, by this time, 

 It does indeed seern extraordinary now that in those 
strcnuous days of 1914 we only had about threc machine- 
gms to two battalions. Nowadays we should havc at 
let twenty ! 


for such numbers of trees had been blown 
down by the shells, there were so many shell- 
holes and so much wire about, and the mud 
and pools of water so unversal, that it was 
really quite a physical effort to get through 
af all. 
About this time--the 17th--the Germans 
in our immediate front appeared fo have 
retircd a bit, but they certanly had hot 
gone far, for our scouts on pushng on for 
50 yards or so were greeted with a heavy 
tire, so we were unable fo get on as much 
as we wanted. But though the rifle-bullets 
were rarer for a day or two, shells certainly 
were hot, and continued with the utmost 
On the evening of the 17th, by the way, 
the enemy, annoyed perhaps at our scouts 
pushing on, ruade what was probably meant 
fo be a counter-attack. It was not ruade 
in much strength, and we repelled it with 
ease. But it appeared to us at the château 
to be more serious than it was, for a 
messenger from the trenches arrived with 
the information that the Bedfords were 
being very severely pressed, and the 
Cheshires had had very heavy losses, and 
could not hold their trenches for more than 


ten minutes unless they were supported at 
once. I had no supports te send them. A 
message te Griffith by telephone for con- 
firmation of this alarm produced no result, 
for the wires were, of course, broken at that 
critical moment. Se I wired te General 
Wing asking him te send me seine supports 
if he could, and got 200 Royal Fusiliers 
shortly afterwards. But I did net use thcm, 
for the news of the messenger--who pro- 
tested that he had been sent with a verbal 
message (net likely) by an officer whose naine 
he did net know--turned out te be grossly 
exaggerated, and by the rime the Fusiliers 
arrived the fighting was over. I never could 
trace whether any officer was responsible for 
the original message: I believe net. Any- 
how, there was trouble for the messenger. 
On the 18th and 19th we had compara- 
tively quiet days--except for nervousness 
about out left flank, where certain troops 
wbo had joined the 9th Brigade were very 
beavily shelled and lest one or two of their 
trenches. They managed, indeed, te get 
most of the lest ground back, but I was 
net ent.irely happy about it, for the ground 
between us and thcm was extremely difficult 
and could net be properly covered by either 


of us. There was a pond hereabouts, with 
a little island on it with a summer-house; 
and we round, on extending out left fo 
take if over, that there must have been a 
German sniper there for several nights, for 
many empty Mauser cartridge-cases were 
found in the summer-house, and a very dicky 
punt was discovered in the rushes. This 
latter we sank, and were no more troubled; 
but it shows the cool pluck of the enemy's 
snipers in getting right into our lines by 
themselves (and also--I regret fo add-- 
certain other things as well). 
Rumours now came of an approaching 
relief, and certainly troops had rarely been 
more in want of if, for our two battalions 
had been in the trenches for fourteen days, 
with pretty stiff fighting- and nervous, 
jumpy fighting in the dark at that--all the 
rime, and no chance of being comfortable 
or quiet during the whole of this period. 
Each battalion had had to find ifs own 
supports or reserves; but even the latter 
had fo be pretty close up to the firing line, 
for in such cramped country one could not 
afford the risk of a sudden rush which might 
have succeedod before the reserves could 
get up. Our line, if is true, was not a par- 


ticularly long one; but if was awkward, 
and the troops were much cramped and 
confined by nearly all bcing obliged to take 
cover in the wood, which gradually grew 
too small fo hold them. 

Nov. 19th. 
On the 19th General Wing arrived and 
told us that, after settling to relieve us 
to-day, the French had been unable to find 
the men and could hot doit. This was a 
disappointmcnt; but a later message arrived 
fo say that the Worcesters, coming from 
the 5th Brigade, would arrive that after- 
noon and relieve both of our battalions, 
who by that rime werc reduced to 540 
Bedfords and 220 Cheshires altogcther (thc 
Bedfords having started with Il00 and the 
Cheshires with 600 odd). 
In the evening a battalion of Worcesters 
--from goodness knows whcre--turned up 
and announced that they were to relieve 
us. We had already, as above mentioned, 
heard that they were coming, and were 
ready for them; but if was funny that 
they should arrive for only twenty-four 
hours, for the French were going to occupy 
out trenches on the morrow. 


Anyhow, by nlidnight or so the Bedfords 
and Cheshires had cleared out, thankful to 
leave the horrible rabbit-warren where they 
had been stuck for nearly three wet, cold, 
and beastly weeks; and they retired fo the 
wood and dug-outs close behind our château, 
so as tobe in reserve in case of necessity. 

Nov. 20th. 
But they were hOt wanted as such, and 
the following day was fairly quiet as far 
as trench fighting was concerned. 
But hOt so for the staff. We were sitting 
in the housekeeper's room after breakfast 
working out our orders for the withdrawal 
that night, when there was a terrific bang 
just outside the ch'£teau--nearer than ever 
before. We looked at each other, and 
would, I verily believe, have settled down 
again to our work, so accustomed were we 
fo shells of ail sorts, had hot Naylor, who 
had joined us two days before as temporary 
signal officer (vice Cadell, gone sick with 
light typhoid af Hille eighteen days before), 
jumped up and run outside in order fo 
see where if had gone. Being Divisional 
signal oflîcer, he had hOt, perhaps, had 
quite so much experience of shells as we 


had, and he wanted fo get into closer touch. 
The example was infectious, and we also 
strolled out fo see where the shell had 
fallcn. Hardly had we got outside into the 
passage, and half-way up the basement stcps 
into the fresh air, when there was a roar 
and an appalling crash which shook the 
building. The concussion ruade me stagger, 
and blcw my cap off. St André's hat fizzcd 
away into the bushes, and, surrounded by 
a cloud of red dust and stones and chips 
of balustrades and hunks of wood and 
branches, we held on fo anything we could. 
No damage fo ourselves ; but a glance down 
the passage showed us that the shell, or 
most of it, had exploded in or just outside 
the kitchen, and blown that chamber, as 
well as the housekeeper's room, which we 
had just left, into absolute smithereens. 
No rime fo look into further details; a 
hurried issue of orders, and we legged if 
for all we were worth across the open and 
into our funk- hole in the shrubbery 300 
yards off, whilst the signal section and ser- 
vants and orderlies ruade a bolt for the 
stables in the opposite direction. 
But the Germans seem fo have been satis- 
fied with this little exhibition of "hate," 


and bombarded us no more--except casu- 
ally, with shrapnel, as usual. We crept 
back to the château af intervals during the 
morning, and removed various possessions 
and chairs and tables to out dug-out, which 
was nota very luxurious abode, though dry 
and fairly deep. Poor Conway, Weatherby's 
servant, whom he had left behind, was the 
only casualty; his dead body was round, 
with both legs broken and an arm off, blown 
down a cellar passage at the back. The 
next most serious casualty was Moulton- 
Barrett's new pair of breeches, arrived that 
morning from England, and driven full of 
holes like a sugar-sifter. Out late room 
was a mass of wreckage--half the outcr 
wall and most of the inner one blown down, 
tables and chairs and things overturned and 
broken, and the floor knee-deep in plaster 
and rubbish. Of the kitchen there was still 
lcss; and nothing was tobe rescued from 
the débris except one tin plate and one tin 
nustard-pot. It would have taken days to 
clear it, for a good deal of the roon above 
seemed fo have fallen into it as well, and 
one could hardly get in af the door, so full 
was the place of plaster, wreckage, and 
stones, and hot-water pipes and bits of iron 


and twistcd rails, and dust and carth and 
broken laths and rafters. Luckily the con- 
cussion put the tire out, or there might 
bave been still more damage. 
We spent out day somewhat uncomfort- 
ably in the dug-out, for there was a hard 
frost and very little room to turn round 
in, and though we had a brazier, its char- 
coal fumes in the confined space nearly 
poisoned us. In the middle of the day 
three French officers turned up, and we 
ruade mutual arrangements for the taking 
over by them of this portion of the line, 
Milling (of the Bedfords) guiding one party 
and St André the other. 
Food was rather a difficulty, for the mess 
servants had disappeared, and had last been 
seen hastcning in the direction of Ypres-- 
for which we cursed them loud and long. 
We did out best with small hunks of bully 
and odd bits of chocolate and a modicum 
of tea and biscuits in our haversacksmfor 
all the test of out food had been buried by 
that infernal shell,--but it was neither com- 
fortable nor fi|ling; and, in truth, as the 
dark winter evening came on with only one 
or two candle-stumps between us, we were hot 
as happy as we should othcrwisc havc bccn. 


Hclp was, however, at hand; for our ser- 
vants, Inskip and Stairs, who we thought 
had ignominiously run away, suddenly 
turncd up with heaps of food. They had 
gone ail the way te our cook's waggon three 
toiles the other side of Ypres for comestibles, 
and whilst we were d--ing their eyes for 
bolting, were trudging, heavily laden, along 
the road back te us--good youths. 
It was a lengthy business getting the 
relief through. The French troops, due at 
7.30 P.m., did net arrive till 9.15 P.m., and 
cven then it was difficult te pilot a lot of 
troops, fresh te the ground, in pitch dark- 
ness, over shell-holes and wires and broken 
trees and stumps, and through mud and 
undergrowth and dead horses, &c., &c., into 
the trenches destined for them. The details 
had te be very carefully arranged indeed, 
and if was net till nearly 2 A.. that we 
hŒEd got the French into the trenches, the 
Worcesters into reserve, and the Bed- 
fords and Cheshires on their way back te 
Then, with a sigh of seine thankfulness 
apiece, we stumbled back in the darkness te 
the château, where we waited te collect the 
remains of the Signal Section and staff, and 


then lnoved off, mounted this tiret, down 
the Mcnin-Ypres road. 
It was freezing very hard--as I think I 
remarked before--and the road vas fright- 
fully slippery. Trotting was almost out of 
the question, but I tried it on Squeaky for 
a fcw yards, on a dry broken blt. Shc 
pulled back on to the slippery part, slid up, 
and sat down heavily, whilst I fell gracefully 
off on to my shoulder. And she ,'epeatcd 
the performance the other side of the town. 
Ypres, in the bright starlight, was still quite 
impressive, and the Cloth Htll was still 
almost intact. But there were many shell- 
holes about, and some of the houses were 
still smouldering. The town happened to bc 
respited from shells for the actual moment, 
but I believe that the very next day a heavy 
bombardment began again, and the Cloth 
Hall was destroyed till hardly thc skcleton 
thereof was left. 

Nov. 21st. 
We were due to billet in Locre, and there 
we arrived at about 7 A.. It was fright- 
fully cold, but, after we had seen the two 
battalions billeted, the military policeman 
who had been told to turn up and show us 


to our billets was nowhere fo be found, so 
we wandered on as far as the Convent, 
staggering and slipping on the snowy ice 
and blowing on our fingers as we went. 
The thermometer must have shown ten 
degrees of frost or more, but I only know 
that I was very glad fo reach our little 
house af last (having passed it already once 
half a mlle before) and get in between the 
sheets of an ancient but respectably clean 
bed, covered by all the mackintoshes, 
blankets, and rugs I could get hold of. 
The Cheshires were billeted on the Mont 
Rouge close by, and the Bedfords near us, 
at the corner of the Westoutre road. They 
had all struggled over the fourteen mlles or 
so that divided them from their trenches, 
but having arrived and their feet having 
swollen terribly during the long march, any 
number of them could hot get their boots 
on again, and they went fo hospital by 
twenties and thirties, hobbling along the 
road with their feet tied up in rags or socks, 
for they were deformed with rheumatism 
and swollen joints, 1 and would hot fit any 
boot. The Cheshires, as I expected, were 
much thc worse of the two battalions, for 
1 What would now bc known a "trech feet." 


their trenches had been very wet, and most 
of the men had sat with cold feet in water 
for many days; yet there was hot a single 
case of pulmonary complaint amongst them, 
and hardly even a cough or a cold. 
Here we stayed, at Locre, till the 25th, the 
men enjoying a most well-earned rest, and fill- 
ing up with hot baths, warm clothes, socks, 
parcels from home, and comforts of ail sorts. 
The Divisional Headquarters were in the 
Convent, a clean huge building which did 
very well for the purpose, and here we went 
ahnost daily, either on business or on a meal 
intent. The Cheshires--only 230 of them 
left--were of no practical value, alas, with 
their bad feet; so they were sent in to 2nd 
Corps Headquarters (Sir H. S.-D.) at ]3ailleul, 
nominally to "find" the Headquarters Guard, 
but in reality to convalesce. 
On the 25th we--that is, Headquarters and 
the Bedfords, for that was all there was left 
of the 15th for the moment--moved fo St 
Jan's Cappel, a nice little village only a fcw 
toiles behind Locre. We lived in the Curé's 
(M. de Vos) house, clean and pleasant; and 
the Curé, who liked the good things of this 
world, brought his stout pcrson to coffee 
every evcning, and did hot disdain to make 


the acqu(uintance of an occasional rot of 
British rum or whisky, except on Fridays. 
Two days afterwards we were inspected 
both by Sir Horace and, half an hour later, 
by Sir John French, who were both pleased 
fo say complimentary things of the Brigade. 
It did us good. The Bedfords again put me 
fo confusion by calling out "'Ear! 'ear !" af 
telling points of the speeches--curious folk,-- 
the only battalion 1 ever heard do so. 587 
nmn and 8 ofilcers on parade, hot one of the 
latter of whom, except the Quartermaster, 
had corne out with the battalion. GrifIïth 
was on leave, his place being taken by Major 
Mackenzie, V.C., who had just joined. Ail 
the other ofilcers who had left Ireland with 
me in August were either killed, wounded, 
or sick. 
We were under orders fo go into the 
trenches again shortly, taking over from 
Maude,  now commanding the 14th Brigade; 
he also had the Dorsets and Norfolks, 
scraped up from various places, attached fo 
him. His line was in front of Dranoutre. 
On the 29th November we took over thcre, 
a most complicated arrangement which only 
evolved itself clearly during the next week. 
 The victor of Baghdad. 


I had the East Surreys and Manchcsters 
under me for a rime, and then the K.O.S.B.'s, 
all interchanging and intershuffling with my 
battalions, the main reason being that I had 
hot got the Cheshires, so had fo shift as best 
I could without them, picking up a battalion 
of the 13th or 14th Brigade when one was 
The line was not exactly nice. We had, 
if is true, got rid of the worst bit, Hill 73, on 
fo the 3rd Division, which was next door on 
the left; but if extended ail the saine for an 
unpleasant length on our right, which was 
south of the Wulverghem-Messines road, 
thc right of the Brigade on our right being 
on the Douve. Ai the longest--the length 
that the Brigade had fo defend varied 
according fo circumstances--the line was 
just over 2500 yards; at its shortest it was 
about 2200. Considering that the normal 
frontage (defensive) of the Brigade af full 
strength was 900 fo 1300 yards, this was a 
bit "rhin" in more senses than one. 
As wc were here for three months, off and 
on--from the beginning of December fo the 
end of February,--it may be worth while 
trying fo describe if, if I can. 
Imagine a bit of rolling country--rather 


like parts of Leicestershire,wfair-sized ficlds, 
scparated mostly by straggling fences inter- 
spersed with wire (largely barbed), and 
punctuated by tall trees. Patches of wood 
in places, spinney size for the most part. 
Low hills here and there--Kemmel, Scher- 
penberg, Ploegsteert Wood,---but ail outside 
our area. For villages, Dranoutre, Neuve 
Eglise, Wulverghem, and Lindenhoek, of 
xvhich the two last were already more than 
hall shot fo pieces and almost deserted. 
Opposite our right was Messineswa toile and 
a half in front of our line,--its big, square, 
old church tower still standing; if may have 
had a spire on the top, but if so if had dis- 
appeared before we came. Nearly opposite 
our extreme left, but out of our jurisdiction 
and in the sphere of the Division o out left, 
was Wytschaete (pronounce Wich Khâte), 
one and a half mlles off. The cavalry had 
held both Messines 1 and Wytschaete af the 
end of October, but had been overwhelmingly 
attacked here and driven out of them, so 
that the two villages formed a hostile bulge 
into our line. We had been in hopes of 
driving attacks into the base of the bulge 
and thus forcing a retirement. But the 
 Locally pronounccd Mersd. 



Germans reinforced the bulge and en- 
trenched if heavily, and instead of our cut- 
ring off the bulge, if became flatter and 
flatter, without giving way at the point, so 
that we had fo retire slightly, on either side, 
and not they. 
Farms, nearly all of them roofless and 
hall-ruined, were dotted about over the 
country. Small ones for the most part they 
were, and of the usual type--a liquid and 
stinking manure-heap surrounded on three 
sides by a living-house and barns. Of the 
ro,ds, those from Dranoutre fo Lindenhoek, 
Dranoutre fo Neuve Eglise, and Neuve 
Eglise viâ Wulverghem to Messines, were 
pavé--Le., cobble-stones down the centre 
and mud on both sides. Those joining Lin- 
denhoek fo Neuve Egllse and Wulverghem 
were also mostly pavé. The remainder were 
mere field tr,cks for the most part, rarely 
metalled, and in wet weather almost im- 
passable for mud. 
0 that mud! We have heard lots about 
Flanders mud, but the reaHty transcends 
imagination, especially in winter. Greasy, 
slippery, holding clay, over your toes in 
most places and over your ankles in all the 
rest--where if is not over your knees,--it is 


the most horrible "going" I know anywhere. 
Whether you are moving across plough or 
grass fields, or along lanes, you are perpetu- 
ally skating about and slipping up on the 
firmer bits and held fast by the ankles in 
the softer ones. There is no stone in the 
district, nothing but rich loamy clay, alias 
mud. However much you dig, you never 
corne across stone, nothing but sticky mud 
which clings to your shovel and refuses fo be 
parted from it--mud that has to be scraped 
off at almost every stroke, mud that absorbs 
water like a sponge yet refuses fo give if up 
again. Every little puddle and rut, every 
hoof-depression full of rain, remains like that 
for weeks; even when the weather is fine 
the water does not seem fo evaporate, but 
remains on the surface. 
And when it rains, as it did all that 
winter (except when it snowed), the state of 
the trenches is indescribable. Some were, 
frankly, so full of water that they had 
to be abandoned, and a breastwork erected 
behind. But a breastwork is slow work, 
especially if you are less than 100 yards 
from the enemy. For weeks, indeed, the 
garrison of one particular trench had to lie 
out on the mud, or on what waterproofs 


they could get, behind a shelter two to 
three feet high--always growing a little, 
yet never to be made fo a real six feet 
height for reason of conspicuousness and 
consequent clusters of Black Marias. 
Other trenches varied from rive inches to 
rive feet deep in mud; in one a Dorset man 
was literally almost drowned and drawn 
forth with great difficulty. Many cases 
occurred of semi-submersion, and as for 
moving up the communication trenches 
during the winter, it was generally an im- 
possibility, for they were either knee-deep 
in water or in mud, and simply refused to 
be drained. So men preferred the risk of 
a stray bullet to the certainty of liquid mud 
to the knees and consequent icy discomfort 
for twenty-four hours and more. And as 
for the unfortunate ration-parties and men 
bringing up heavy trench stores, their task 
was really one of frightful labour, for, for 
two men to cross a large and slippery muddy 
series of fields carrying a 100 lb. box between 
them was no joke. First one would slide up 
and skate off in one direction whilst the 
other did his best to hold on, generally 
resulting in dropping his end of the box or 
finding himself on the fiat of his back. Then 


the parts would be reversed, but they always 
slid up in opposite directions--the mud 
saw fo that,--and they would arrive in the 
trenches, after their stroll of i mlle or 
less, absolutely exhausted and dripping with 
sweat. If was difficult enough, over much 
of the ground, to avoid slipping up even 
when burdened by nothing more than a 
walking-stick; that I know from personal 
experience. Yet for many weeks the men 
had to do this and surfer, for fascines and 
bricks, besides sandbags, were only just be- 
ginning to make their appearance in Dec- 
ember; and floor-boards and gratings and 
gravel and trench stores and wire-netting, 
and revetments and planks and iron sheeting 
and trestles and hurdles of ail sorts, did hOt 
really materialize in anything like sufficient 
numbers till March. 
The draining of the trenches was heart- 
bieiking. After a heavy day or two of 
tain the parapets would fall down in hunks 
into the foot of water or so in the trenches, 
and would churn up into liquid mud, only 
fo be removed by large spoons, of which 
we had none, or buckets, of which we had 
but very few. It was too thick fo drain 
off down the very, very gradual slopes which 


were the best we could do, and too liquid 
fo be shovelled away; so there it would 
remain, and our strenuous efforts in re- 
building the parapets (for at this period 
we had no revetting material) would only 
result, a night or two later, in still further 
The R.E. companies, both 17th and 59th, 
worked like heroes, and so particularly did 
the Norfolks and Bedfords; but if was 
most disheartening work. No sooner was 
one parapet fairly complete than another 
fell in; and when this was mended the 
first one would collapse again under the 
incessa,nt downpour. And ail this rime wire 
entanglements had fo be put up in front 
under hostile tire, trenches connected up 
and drained, support trenches dug, com- 
munication trenches improved, loopholes 
ruade, defences thickened and strengthened, 
saps pushed out, all under the tire of an 
enemy anything from 60 fo 200 yards off, 
and always on rather higher ground than 
ourselves, worse luck, so that he had the 
Soon came the period of hand grenades, 
în which he had six fo one the best of us 
in numbers; and then in rite grenades 


ditto ditto; and then in trench mortars, 
flare-lights, searchlights, and rockets-- 
wherein we followed him feebly and af a 
great distance; for where he sent up 100 
(say) light balls af night, we could only 
afford rive or six; and other things in pro- 
portion. Later on came the Minenwerfer, 
an expanded type of trench mortar, and its 
bomb, but up to the end of February his 
efforts in this direction were not very seri- 
ous, though I allow that he did us more 
harm thereby than we him. For our trench 
mortars were in an experimental stage, 
ruade locally by the R.E., and constructed 
of thin gas-pipe iron and home-ruade jam-pot 
bombs, whose behaviour was always erratic, 
and sometimes, I regret to say, fatal to the 
mortarist. (Poor Rogers, R.E., a capital 
subaltern, was killed thus, besides others, 
I fear.) 
Our reliefs varied. Normally the Brigade 
was supposed to be, at first, eight days in 
and four days out. Then this was rapidly 
changed to twelve days in and six days out; 
then, as the 14th Brigade suggested that it 
should hold Neuve Eglise, a quite short 
front, in perpetuity, whilst the 13th and 
15th Brigades relieved each other alternate 


eight days along the long front, it was 
changed nominally fo eight in and eight 
out. But it was hOt always possible, and 
our last tour lasted twenty days in and 
only three out. 
The reliefs ruade one's head whirl. If 
was all right fo start with, two battalions 
in the trenches (i.e., fire-trenches, support- 
trenches, and reserve-trenches), and two 
battalions in reserve at Dranoutre or there- 
abouts -- four days about, each battalion, 
in eight-day reliefs, or three days about in 
twelve-day reliefs. This was simple. But 
when our line was lengthened to a three- 
battalion length if became much more diffi- 
cult, especially when one battalion was much 
weaker than the other three. And when, 
eventually, the brigade was presented with 
a Territorial battalion of great strength but 
no experience, making rive battalions of vary- 
ing strengths fo occupy a three-battalion 
length, whilst one could only put the Terri- 
torial one (at first) into a comparatively sale 
place in the line which did hOt fit if, then 
the problem of the wolf, the goat, and the 
cabbage faded into complete insignificance. 
If was very ditïicult fo fit everything in so 
that each battalion had ifs fair share of duty 


and of rest. Even with the best intentions 
matters did not always pan out straight, for 
considerations of strength, of comparative 
excellence, of dangerous and of safe localities, 
of moral, of comfortable or uncomfortable 
trenches, of spade-work and of a dozen other 
things, had fo be fitted together like a 
Chinese puzzle. 
There was a particularly dangerous and 
uncomfortable length which was given to 
the best battalion to hold. On its relief, 
who should hold if ? the next best, who was 
badly wanted somewhere else, or another 
one weak in numbers and consequently 
unfit? And when the relief came again, 
was the best battalion always to be doomed 
to the worst and most dangerous trenches, 
merely because if was the best ? Hardly an 
incitement fo good work. And when the 
battalions did not fit their length, were you 
to add or subtract a company from some- 
body else, or would you put some in reserve 
out of their turn, thereby inflicting unfair 
hardship on another battalion ? And would 
you like to reinforce one battalion, in case of 
attack, by another battalion ? or would you 
like fo make if rhin in front and deep 
behind, and support itself? If the other 


thing was necessary, how could you do it 
when the two battalions were accustomed 
fo relieve their companies, internally, in 
different ways, when perhaps the transport 
of one was deficient, or one battalion pre- 
ferred sandbags, whilst the other cherished 
hurdles, as revetting material ?--for I always 
round that gving the commanding officer 
his head in such small infernal matters 
produced the best work. If was a marrer 
for deep study and wet towels, and there let 
it rest. 
We had much difficulty about quarters 
outside the trenches, for ail the farmhouses 
anywhere within two toiles of the enemy 
were shelled pretty regularly as regards 
quantity of explosive material devoted fo 
them--though, as regards dates, they varied 
considerably. Battalion headquarters had 
fo be dumped down in farms hall shot fo 
pieces, with ail windows broken and howling 
icy draughts tearing through the shell-holed 
walls. If you did not like this, you could 
go and dig a big hole in the side of a 
road or a turnip-field and lire in that. The 
reserves were always the difficulty, and so, 
for a long rime, were even the supports. 
For whatever and wherever the trenches 


that we dug for them, the rain came steadily 
down and broke away the sides of the dug- 
ours and provided wet legs for those that 
sat therein. Later on, more tituber being 
available, as well as iron sheeting, hurdles 
and other things, they became a good deal 
more weather-proof; but at first the men 
as well as the officers were, I fear, very 
In those days one could not dream of 
going up fo or into a trench except in the 
dark, or, indeed, of moving about anywhere 
near there except af night. Nowadays one 
can visit all one's trenches in broad day- 
light, and never care a rap for the occasional 
bullets which whistle over the comfortable 
deep communication trenches; but up fo 
the spring of 1915 if was very different 
almost throughout. 
I used fo visit the trenches every third 
night or so; af least I tried to, but if was 
hOt by any means always possible. If meant 
a three-mile ride there, putting up the 
horses in Wulverghem or Lindenhoek, and 
a walk of a mlle or so to the trenches, then 
a toile or less along the trenches. If was 
lucky for you if there was any light of moon 
or stars fo see by, and lucky if you did hot 


go over your knees in mud in the dark. 
On one occasion it came down a pitchy dead 
blackness just as I was arriving af the 
trenches, so that you literally could hot 
see your hand in front, or the road, or any- 
thing else; so I gave it up and went back. 
Other nights were impossible for the same 
reason; and occasionally the brilliance of 
the moon was in fault, though hot often. 
So we had to select our nights carefully. 
Johnston, V.C., 1 R.E., was in R.E. charge 
of our trenches. (Poor fellow, he was killed 
by a sniper near St Eoi on April 15.) He 
must bave worked something like eighteen 
hours out of the twenty-four. For by 9 A.. 
he was collecting material near Dranoutre 
and receiving reports, and settling his 
company administrative work. At 11.30 he 
came fo see me, and we discussed and 
settled the ensuing night's task. Then back 
to his farm to give out instructions to his 
sappers, and fifty other things to do before 
he rode out about 6 P.. to the trenches, 
remaining there till 3 A.. or even 6 A.. 
--to superintend the work and struggle 
about in the mud ail night. He never 
1 He had received the V.C. for a particularly plucky 
piece of raft work under heavy tire at Missy. 


spared himself an ounce. He was occa- 
sionally so nearly dead with want of sleep 
that I once or twice ordered him fo take 
a night's sleep; but he always got out of 
if on some pretext or other. 
And with it ai1 he was as plucky as the 
devil--he seemed fo like getting shot af. 
One night he got a ricochet bullet over his 
heart, but this only put him in a furious 
rage (if you can use the word about such 
a seeming mild person), and spent the next 
twenty-four hours in collecting ammunition 
and bombs and extra trench-mortars and 
firing them himself; this seemed fo soothe 
him. He was a wonderful fellow all round, 
always full of expedients and never dis- 
heartened by the cruel collapse of ail his 
plans caused by the wet weather; and if 
there was a dangerous piece of work on 
hand, he was always first in giving the lead. 
One very nasty place on the left there was 
which was commanded by the enemy af 
short range, yet we could not dig in if, as 
the water was only a foot below the ground, 
and breastworks there were practically im- 
possible; yet if the enemy had seized this 
bit they would have enfiladed the rest of 
the line; why they did hot do so I do not 


know. He was always pressing me to 
attack the Germans af this point and seize 
a bit of false crest that they held; but rny 
better judgment was against if, as, if we 
had taken the bit, we should bave been 
commanded there from three sides instead 
of one, and could hot bave held if for half 
an hour. I know Johnston's private opinion 
of me in this marrer was that I was a funk, 
but he was too polite fo say so. After I 
left, the following Brigade hot only did hot 
attack the point, but fell back some distance 
here, "on ifs own"; and I am sure they 
were right. 
Poor Johnston--he became Brigade-Major 
after Weatherby left for the 5th Divisional 
Staff (some time in April 1915, I think), and, 
as I remarked, was killed shortly afterwards. 
His death was a very heavy loss fo the 
Af Dranoutre we--that is, the Brigade 
staff--lived in a perpetual atmosphere of 
mud and draughts. The Curé's house was 
very small and very dirty, and was hot 
improved by the pounds of mud which 
every one brought in on his boots af ail 
hours of the day and left on our best 
drugget--a cheap, rhin thing which I 


bought in Bailleul (they had hot such a 
thing as a carpet in the whole town) where- 
with to cover the nakedness of the brick 
floor of the one tiny room in which we 
ail worked and are. 
Weatherby and I slept in the house, and 
the others were billeted outside, but the 
quarters were none of them more than 
passable-- poor villagers' rooms, with a 
frowzy though comfortable bed, a rickety 
washhand-stand, if you were lucky (I did 
hot even have that), no carpet on the dirty 
wooden floor, and one small hard-backed 
chair, generally minus a portion of a leg; 
never any chest of drawers or anywhere fo 
put your things, as if there by any chance 
was such a thing in the room, if was sure 
fo be full of the inhabitants' rusty old black 
clothes and dirty blue flannel shirts, and 
petticoats, thick and musty, by the ton,--I 
never saw so many petticoats per inhabitant. 
Our mess had only had one change since 
the beginning of the war, and that was in 
the signal officer. Cadell had gone sick in 
November, and Miles had replaced him in 
December. For about a month, including 
ail the period af Ypres, we had had no 
signal oIïlcer (except Naylor for two days), 


nor any Brigade-Major from about the 
12th November (at Ypres) till the beginning 
of December; so Sergeant King, a first-rate 
signaller, though hot the senior, had carried 
on for Cadell, and Moulton-Barrett had 
added the duties of Brigade-Major to his 
own. But by the middle of December we 
were complete again. Weatherby had re- 
turned from his sick leave, and Mlles, of 
the K.O.S.B.'s, was now signalling oflîcer. 
A quite excellent one he was, too--very 
silent, always an hour or two late for 
dinner (owing to strenuous night work), 
never asking questions, but always doing 
things before they were even suggested, 
and very thoroughly af that; he was a 
;reat acquisition. Moulton-Barrett was 
still Staff Captain--very hard-working and 
conscientious, and very thorough; Weath- 
erby was still Brigade-Major--keen and re- 
sourceful; Beilby was still veterinary oflîcer 
--capable and helpful; and St André was 
still interpreter and billeting oilicer--cheer- 
ful and most willing. His duties were 
mostly to investigate the numerous cases 
of natives who wanted fo go somewhere 
or do something--generally to fetch their 
cows off a shell-swept field, or to rescue 


their furniture from a burnt village, or fo 
fetch or buy something from BMlleul--and 
recommend them (or otherwise) to me for 
passes--a most trying duty, wearing fo the 
retaper; but he was angelic in patience, 
and, as a light recreation, used fo accom- 
pany me to the trenches fairly often. 
One case there was where, for three 
nights running, great fids of wire were 
cut out of some artillery cables connecting 
them with their observers--a most repre- 
henslble deed. So I had patrols out fo spy 
along the lines,--no result, except that next 
morning another 100 yards had gone. So 
I made St André publish a blood-and- 
thunder proclamation threatening death fo 
any one found tampering with our wires. 
Spies were plentiful, and a gap in our 
wires mlght be fatal. 
And then the culprit owned up. It was 
an old woman near whose cottage the 
wires passed, and her fences required 
Neuve Eglise, which we inhabited for a 
fortnight or more, and where we spent 
Xmas Day, was a good cnt above Dran- 
outre. Except for the first three days, 
when we lived with a doctor,--and hls stove 

smoked frightfully till we discovered a dead 
starling in the pipe,--we dwelt in exceeding 
comfort, comparatively speaking. It was a 
brewer's house, about the biggest in the 
village--which was three rimes the size of 
Dranoutre,--with real furniture in it, a 
rel dining-room (horribly cold, as the stove 
refused to work), and a most comfortable 
series of highly civilized bedrooms. (Last 
rime I was in the neighbourhood--August 
1915 -- there was long grass in the streets, 
not a soul in the place, half the houses in 
absolute ruins, and our late quarters with 
one side missing and three parts of the 
house as well.) The trenches were much 
less pestered with shells and bullets than 
the Dranoutre lot, and it was easier work 
altogether for the men. We quite enjoyed 
it, and on Xmas Day so did the Germans. 
For they came out of their trenches and 
walked across unarmed, with boxes of cigars 
and seasonable remarks. What were our 
men to do? Shoot? ¥ou could not shoot 
unarmed men. Let them come? ¥ou 
could not let them come into your trenches ; 
so the only thing feasible at the moment 
was doneand some of our men met them 
half-way and began talking to them. 


We got into trouble for doing it. But, 
after all, itis difficult to see what we could 
otherwise have done, unless we shot the 
very first unarmed man who showed him- 
self--pour encourager les autres; but we 
did not know what he was going to do. 
Meanwhile our officers got excellent close 
views of the German trenches, and we pro- 
fited accordingly; the Bocbe did not, for he 
was not allowed close enough fo ours. 
Which reminds me that on one occasion, 
when going round the trenches, I asked a 
man whether he had had any shots af the 
Germans. He responded that there was an 
elderly gentleman with a bald head and a 
long beard who often showed himself over 
the parapet. 
"Well, why didn't you shoot him ?" 
"Shoot him ?" said the man; "why, Lor' 
bless you, sir, 'e's never done me no 'arm!" A 
case of "lire and let lire," which is certainly 
hot to be encouraged. But cold-blooded 
murder is never popular with our men. 
Talking of anecdotes, and the trend of 
our men's minds, I heard that on another 
occasion a groom, an otherwise excellent 
creature, wrote home fo his "girl" thus: 
"Me and the toaster rode out to the 



trenches last night. We was attacked by 
a strong German patrol. I nips off me 
horse, pulls out my rifle and shoots two 
of them, and the rest bolted." Nota single 
atom of truth in the story, except that 
he was nestling in a warm stable af an 
advanced vilbtge, whilst his toaster was 
shivering in the mud of the trenches that 
Another gem was a statement by a Trans- 
port officer's servant that he had shot 1200 
Germans himself with a machine-gun. This 
was a man who, I verily believe, had never 
even been within earshot of a gun, much 
less seen a German, his duties being ex- 
clusively several mlles in rear of the firing 
line. And, being a civilian up till quite 
recently, I ara sure he did not know the 
muzzle of a maxim from its breech. 
During our tours in "Divisional reserve" 
we generally spent the rime in St Jan's 
Cappel (already described) or Bailleul. The 
latter town, with its rather quaint old brick 
fourteenth-century church, porched à la 
Louis Quinze, was tolerable rather than 
admirable. Nothing of civil interest, and 
hardly anything fo buy except magnificent 
grapes from the "Grapperies," even in 


November. We housed a battalion or more 
in the man's series of greenhouses, and he 
responded--after several more battalions 
had been quartered there--with a claire for 
2,000,000 francs. Ite could not prove that 
a single pane of glass or any of his vines 
had been broken, nor any grapes stolen, 
for indeed they had not been, but he based 
his claim on the damage done to them by 
tobacco smoke (which I always thought was 
particularly good for them), and by the 
report of the big guns, which shattered the 
vines' nerves so that he was sure they would 
not produce again (also a fallacy, for I had 
some more excellent grapes there nearly a 
year afterwards--September '15). I did not 
hear what compensation he got, but he 
would have been lucky to get 20 francs. 
I once went into a poorly furnished watch- 
maker's shop, but the lady there could do 
nothing for my watch. She told me that, 
being an optician in a small way as well, 
she had had a whole stock of spectacles and 
glasses. When the Germans came through 
the town in October, they demanded field- 
glasses. The few ones she had they stole, 
and then because she had no more they 
stole her watchmaker's tools, and swept all 


the spectacles and glasses and watches on 
fo the floor and stamped them fo powder. 
There is really little more fo relate about 
out rime at Dranoutre and neighbourhood. 
It was a rime of a certain amount of nerve- 
strain, for we all knew that out trenches 
were by no means perfect, and that if the 
enemy did attack us we should bave great 
difficulty in bringing up reserves in rime fo 
beat them off; for we could hOt keep them 
under cover within decent rangemthere were 
no billets or houses,--and if we dug trenches 
for them they were hOt only exposed to 
the enemy's shell tire but were certain fo 
be hall full of water in two days; whilst 
we could hOt get anything like enough 
trench stores and tituber, and what we did 
get we had enormous diiiculty in bringing 
up fo the trenches. 
During all this rime the artillery helped 
us all they knew, and were extremely well 
run, first by Ballard, then Saunders, and 
then Sandys, as Brigade Commanders. 
But they were badly handicapped by want 
of shells, especially howitzer high explosives, 
and we had fo surfer a great deal of shell 
tire without returning it. 
We used fo average about four casualties 


a day in each battalion, say fifteen fo twenty 
a dy in the Brigade, which nmde a big 
hole in the strengths. Offieers were always 
getting killed--often, Mas, thelr own fault, 
through exeess of zeal; and men used per- 
petually to lose their lives through getting 
out of the trenehes in order fo streteh their 
half-frozen limbs. Sickness was, strange fo 
say, Mmost negligible. There were far more 
cases of arthritis and other things due fo 
eold wet feet than anything else; and the 
men were extraordinarily heMthy, eom- 
paratively speaking, eonsidering the des- 
perately uneomfortable hard life. 
General Morland was, of course, eom- 
manding the Division during this rime, and 
used o corne nearly every morning in his 
car fo see us; also Sir C. Fergusson, now 
Corps Cmmander, often came. 
But during the whole of that winter there 
was very little for the higher eommands fo 
do, except o eolleet and send up material 
for the trenehes, and fo try and keep paee 
with the German developments--for we 
eould do little or nothing in the way of 
offensive action. 
I tried fo get the thing neatly organised, 
as fo stores and rimes and amounts and 


transport for taking the things up fo the 
trenches; but if was very difficult, as some- 
rimes there were no engineer stores fo be 
had, or the wires got broken by shell tire 
and took a long rime fo repair, or if was 
more urgent fo bring up rations or water 
or amnunition, and the requisite transport 
for all was not available. But all the saine, 
the trenches gradually improved. 
Af last, on the 18th February, we got 
news that there was fo be a move from 
our present line. The fact was that the 
28th Division (also the 27th), composed of 
white troops from India and other tropical 
places, had had an exceedingly nasty rime. 
Many of the men were rotten with fever, 
and the cold wet weather had sent scores 
and scores into hospital. They had been 
put into the trenches round St Eloi to re- 
lieve the French, who had held ail the 
line round here chiefly with their field 
artillery and a very few men; and the 
trenches were, consequently, most sketchy, 
according to British ideas, and the ap- 
proaches under heavy tire. The French 
did hot mind, for, if they were shelled out 
of their trenches, as often happened, they 
just skipped out of them and turned their 


guns on till the Germans were cleared 
out; and then they went back again. But 
this sort of thing did hot suit us; and 
when the Germans did attack our trenches 
here they took a good many and we lost 
a lot of men, especially when we tried to 
counter-attack and retake them. So the 
28th Division was hors de comb«t for the 
moment, and was sent dovn fo recuperate 
in a quieter area--which was that of the 
5th Division. 
Our orders were for the 13th and 15th 
Brigades fo more north to St Eloi and be 
replaced by the 83rd and 84th Brigades. 
This was done,--a most complicated move, 
for the 84th Brigade, which fell to our lot, 
was composed of four very weak bat- 
talions, and we had rive battalions, mostly 
rather strong; and by the 24th February 
we had six battalions, including the 9th 
Londons (an excellent battalion) and 6th 
Cheshires (a strong and hard-working one). 
We ought fo have been relieved, in the 
normal state of affairs, on the 17th Feb- 
ruary, but we were kept on, as a marrer 
of fact, till the 27th, because of this new 
On that morning I received word that 


an extraordinary lamp message had been 
read during the night in the enemy's lines 
by a signaller of the 6th Cheshires. 
was a long, confused message in English, 
repeating that "the hill" was going fo be 
attacked af noon on that day, with mes- 
sages about "B.C. codes"--whatever that 
nlay be,--trumpery wire entanglements, the 
unready English, good leading essential, &c., 
and a lot of other undecipherable nonsense. 
The whole message had lasted nearly two 
hours, with interruptions and repetitions. 
I did not know what to make of if. It 
was probably a "leg - pull," or somebody 
practising his English; but as there was 
a 1000 fo 1 chance of ifs being sent by 
some sympathiser in our front, and of 
the projected "attack" being a real one, 
I sent two companies down as a reserve 
fo the Bus Farm in our reserve line, and 
held a batterY ready before its rime. But 
nothing happened, and we were relieved 
without incident. 
Bols, by the way, had, from commanding 
the Dorsets, been appointed to command 
the 84th Brigade, and he took over before 
leaving, on the day before we left. I was 
very sorry indeed fo lose him, but knew 


that, once his foot was well on the ladder, 
he would go right ahead--as he has. 1 The 
saine applied to Ballard, who also had been 
given a Brigade--the 7th. 
The 15th Brigade thereupon retired into 
billets at Bailleul, with orders to stay 
there for three days only, and then to go 
straight to St Eloi and take over these 
trenches of the 28th Division. Not much 
rest--tventy days in the trenches, three 
out, and then trenches again. 
As regards myself, however, my days of 
connection with the Brigade were num- 
bered. I had heard, with mixed but 
pleasant feelings, that I had been pro- 
moted Major-General "for distinguished 
service" on the 18th February (Weatherby 
got a brevet majority in the same 'Gaz- 
ette'), and I was now ordered to go home 
and report myself in London. My suc- 
cessor was fo be Northey, of the 60th 
Rifles, from Givenchy way, and he turned 
up on the 2nd March at our Headquarters, 
which were then af 28 Rue de Lille. I af 
once recognised that he would carry on 
excellently well, and had no compunction 
in leaving the command in his hands. All 
1 IIe is llOW (1917) Major-General. 


that was left for me to do was to take 
a tender farewell of the officers of the 
Brigade and of my staff, and to publish a 
final farewell order to the old Brigade. I 
was ve T sad at leaving, and had I known 
what an awful rime they were going to 
have at St Eloi and Hill 60, I should have 
been sadder still.  Of all the regimental 
officers and men who had left Ireland with 
me on the 14th August 1914, six and a hall 
months previously, I could count on my 
ten fingers the number of officers left :-- 
Norfolks--Done 2 and Bruce (both ill in 
hospital from strenuous overwork), 
Megaw (killed later), laterson. 
Dorsets--Ransome, lartridge. 
Bedfords--Griffith  (trustiest of C.O.'s, 
who had been under heavier tire than 
almost any one in the Brigade, yet never 
touched), Allason (thrice wounded), Gled- 
stanes (killed later). 
CheshiresFrost (killed later). 
I do hot think there was another officer 
except the quartermasters -- Smith (Nor- 

1 They lost .400 men out of hot quite 4000 in a fortnight 
in April. 
" bow (1917) commanding a Brigade. 


folks), Sproule (Cheshires), and Pearce (Bed- 
fords)  ; and as for the men, there may have 
been ten or so per battalion, but I really 
do not think there were more. 
I took the evening train af Bailleul and 
spent an agreeable evening with Ker 
Seymer, the train officer. I got to Boulogne 
and on board the boat at midnight, and 
next day, the 3rd Match, saw me arrive 
af 8.30 A.M. in London. 
1 The Dorset one had been promoted.